Porcupine Ridge Dread in my heart
Shadow Ridge
Nothing else could make me feel this good
108 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Hi I'm finally alive again sorry for the wait everybody

She had dragged @Dreven through forest and field, now, she made him scale the mountains. She bundled the herbs she'd worked hard to gather, prepared them for the trip; It wasn't a terribly far journey, though she'd certainly taken her time- their time.

My paws hurt- a break.

Ugh- I'm starving- another break.

Slow downnn- and another.

She'd done the journey alone before; but now she had a set of ears to talk off. It made things feel less... dire. They could afford to take their time, at least somewhat. Food was a bigger issue, and now that the weather was turning cooler, there would be no more little snacks tucked away in the underbrush.

Her circumstance as a traveler was different, this time around, though she still sought out the same thing.

Envy was not for the loner's life, as her numerous complaints made obvious. Her dainty paws were better suited to a life of stitching and mending than one of endless walking and providing for herself. (That's a man's job!) She was just a girl who needed a comfortable place to rest her head at night, a lab rat to dissect, and a warm meal.

The two were further into the peaks by now, the sun coming and going in another cycle. The air here tasted strange. Smelled... populated. She wondered if she'd found the home of the she-wolf she'd met; Viskani..? Her memory never served her very well. Envy's scrawny figure slithered around the ridges, sniffing and listening, a little ways ahead of her self appointed bodyguard.

She'd heard many howls from these peaks before. Now there was an eerie stillness to the air.

Shadow Ridge
-Peace in your Violence-
401 Posts
Ooc — Danni
no worries

Dreven followed her. Or more he followed her voice. Or carried her around or pushed her onward. B3cause if she had her way they'd stop so much they'd never get anywhere.

Each break he rolled his eyes, but stopped to let her breathe. He had patience in spades. He had learned it the hard way. Though this was an easier time than he was used too honestly.

There was new scents here and Dreven couldn't quite get over the unease. But outwardly he seemed nonplussed
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
Shadow Ridge
216 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a giant man hewn from black rock and old scars moved leonine in the ridge.

a small woman made smaller by his great frame seemed to lead them.

claws bit into the earth; muskrat slid down into a small hollow overhead and tracked the pair with gleaming yellow eyes, noiseless for now as she waited to see if they would speak again.

these two did not belong to viskani.

swamp panther descended further on night feet.
Shadow Ridge
109 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The two bore similar crimson eyes, but that was where the resemblance ended.

Still moving slower than usual, he lagged behind Muskrat and took the opportunity to examine the pair as he approached: a sylph-like female, who made up in attitude what she lacked for size, alongside a menacing mountain of a man, battered and scarred.

Both of them made him uneasy, especially given their presence here with no summons.

You stand on claimed land, Hex told them from behind Muskrat, slipping forward to stand at her side. His voice was still slightly hoarse from disuse owing to his misadventures underground. What's your business here?
Shadow Ridge
Nothing else could make me feel this good
108 Posts
Ooc — Bone
First came a sinuous woman, crept from the crags of rock, who was shortly joined by a man of pitch colouring. She would match their gaze confidently, noting the apprehension that stiffened their limbs and readied their jaws. Not necessary, this time round.

Claimed land, well then, their trip was over! And what a relief too, she was desperate for a soft bed and a looong nap. Much like she had done in the meadows with Arktos, she had no qualms about putting herself on a platter. Oh mysterious mountain wolves, don't you want me?

Envy took the front, undaunted, for better or for worse. We're from a pack down in the valley, all disbanded n' such. We were seekin' another place to live.

Woeful confidence moved these paws, not common sense; she came right up to them. She'd meant to seek out the pack led by the woman she'd met, after their brief encounter. It was hard, being so directionally challenged. Ah well. Viskani's or not, she was inclined to take the opportunity.

We pull our weight, of course. She lumped Dreven in, hoping that he wouldn't leave her here.
Shadow Ridge
-Peace in your Violence-
401 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven didn't say anything, but he imm3diately was on guard when they were essentially surrounded. These two he could probably win a fight if they pushed, but also looks could be deceiving.

He inwarlldly rolled his good eye as Envy just went nose to paw to these ones. Were they trading something bad for something worse. Tattered ears swiveled.

I can hold my own in a fight or a hunt. and that was all he offered.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
Shadow Ridge
216 Posts
Ooc — ebony
distance ended quickly, muskrat was silent as the woman advanced on them. she offered — herself.

as hex arrived, the man followed suit.

a pack disbanded. teeth and strong-arms to be carried into the service of the ridge.

she approved, eyes flashing. but the final edict was to be made by the shadowknife.

still, to have one cunning and one powerful — it could mean more for the black land.
Shadow Ridge
109 Posts
Ooc — mercury
There was no debate here. Hex knew that the four of them alone couldn't hold this land for long—and gods forbid an accident happen to further deplete the pack's numbers. 

A large warrior and a sharp woman. They'd complement the Ridge well.

Welcome, then, he said, giving a nod to Muskrat before facing the pair again. I can show you around, or straight to the rendezvous if tired—your choice.

Truthfully, he wasn't sure if his body was yet ready for an extended tour through the crags and trees. Perhaps Muskrat, or even Makono, could assist in that regard. 

What a problem to have! he scoffed inwardly. Wolves coming from out of the blue to live here, and you complain. . .