Dragoncrest Cliffs Just One Hit.
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
All Welcome 
Intended for @Pepper requesting border access, will transition to a private thread afterwards!

Leto wished she hadn't left the way she did. She wished she had said goodbye.

For months she felt as though her shame would never allow her to visit her dear friend again. Now she had a purpose. A belief that she carried a cure.

With permission from Soto she had embarked on a journey back to Sapphique carrying the green he spoke of, the green that had cured her. Such a thing was sacred, a prescribed medication she could not live without.

Reaching the familiar border she tilted her head up, letting out a long howl. A call for her friend to return to her.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He was better, but certainly not his best. The limp he'd had prior was much worse now, and moving after sitting still for any period resulted in a chorus of cracking bones. His face carried a new scar, though it did little to stand out among the others. 

His ears flicked back from the fish carcass in front of him when a familiar call rung out. He pushed himself up and headed her way. He held nothing against her for leaving like she did, but would've preferred a proper good bye. 

The walk was short, but exhausting. Being stuck in the den for the amount of time he had been, he'd grown dull. And also grown rounder. Sapphique had been good to him in keeping him well-fed, and after his tongue healed, eating had become a pass-time more than a necessity. 

His tail flagged weakly when he saw her. He approached, now standing a few feet in front. She looked different in some way. Older, maybe. He said nothing, but raised an eyebrow expectantly.
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She smiled as she saw the older wolf, resisted getting too close. She placed down the packet she had brought along, tail waving high. "Pepper." A gentle greeting, she looked up at him.

"I've missed you. How have things been?" She found that he brought on a familiar excitement - she wished to tell him everything she had experienced, the ups and downs, her new loves - everything.

But gossip could wait, her delivery was much more important. A necessity. It would help Pepper, and it had potential to help Soto.

If something could help the cartel, it could help her.
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142 Posts
Ooc — mercury
"Pleeeaaase, Papa Val. We miss de sea. Can we go home?"

They would not be denied. By hook or by crook, @Lucette and Lafayette made the journey back to Sapphique a little early. It was easy enough to follow the shore back north, and upon seeing the familiar forest ahead, his heart lightened and leapt with joy.

A few days later, he was meandering through the forest when the howl rang out. It was for that older man, Pepper; he hadn't gotten to know him much.

Curious, the boy left the rendezvous and trotted down the well-worn path toward the source of the noise, his fiery pelt blending well against the red-gold leaves littered on the ground. Ahead was a pale-furred woman speaking to Pepper, and there was something at her paws—

Who are you? Lafayette asked her, then nodded at her bundle. An' what is dat?

tag for ref
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
A young boy approached, speaking to her. Leto was quick to turn her attention to him, ear flicking. "Pepper and I used to travel together - I've brought him a gift, that's all." A gentle paw was placed on the packet. It was not for the eyes of children.

She glanced back to Pepper, frowning. Pack wolves were nosy - she only hoped they would be able to catch up in peace.

She hoped to make her delivery in peace, too.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He meant to reply to her, not expecting the call to be answered by another. Instead, he offered a gentle smile to Lafayette. Or Lucette. No, this one was definitely Lafayette. The voice made that clear. 

He confirmed what Leto was saying. "Before I settled in here." 

He eyed the small package under Leto's paw wondering what it was and why she seemed to want to hide it. 

He saw no reason to shoe Lafayette off as he was sure the young boy would enjoy feeling included.
142 Posts
Ooc — mercury
ah, replied the boy. his brows shot up at leto's protectiveness of her bundle—what was she hiding?—but he said nothing of it. 

well, at least not there and then. papa val would hear about this, he decided. 

for now, though, he gave the pair a brusque nod and slipped back into the trees. . .only to remain nearby, dark auds trained intently toward their conversation. his curiosity would simply not allow him to leave earshot entirely.

laffy out!
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She waited a moment longer after the boy was out of sight before returning her attention to Pepper. "I brought medicine from the lowlands - for those aches you used to complain about." Though, looking over the older man it looked as though he would need it for more than just aches now.

"I've taken it myself - never felt better." Gently, she pushed the packet towards Pepper. Her intentions were good, though her actions were flawed.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He guessed the boy had somewhere else to be. The few conversations Pepper had had with him ended similarly. 

He also followed him off with his gaze before looking back at Leto and taking a seat. 

"What is it?" he asked. Probably to get an answer he wouldn't be familiar with, but he had managed to learn a few things from Phobos.
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
That was a good question. What exactly was it? Leto had never thought to ask. "I'm not sure of the ingredients, but I live with the men who make it. They call it green." The name was simple and gave little explanation - but Leto trusted it.

"They're good men. They took me in and they treat me well." She said in an attempt to reassure Pepper; it was safe. They were not cruel to her, so why would the product they produced have cruel intentions?

"You can take it back with you - take it in doses when your pains bother you." She instructed. "But don't share - it's a bit strong."
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He eyes the packet, then her. He didn’t exactly trust her herbalism. Good thing was, he had a mate who might be able to tell him more. He hoped it would fix him, though. Any relief would be worth it now. 

He got hung on her mention of men. Not that it was any of his business at all, but he couldn’t help feeling somewhat responsible for her. 

”Where are y’all holdin’ up?”
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"The Lowlands." She was quick to respond, tail waving. "It's a lot different than what I'm used to but it has it's benefits."

For a moment she thought to ask Pepper to return to the pass with her, but pushed the idea away. He clearly was not in the best shape - it would be cruel to ask him to make such a long trip.

She could not help but wonder of the life he had made here, in Sapphique.

"I do worry that the weather will thin my coat, though."
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
The lowlands sounded hot. Not as scenic as the beach. But probably much easier to traverse. 

”Probably won’t thin it too much. I’m sure winter’ll be just as cold,” he assured her. 

”Ain’t none of my business, but you got a mate down there?”
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
A smile rose nearly ear to ear as Pepper questioned her. Well.. not yet. She responded, her tail gently waving. Maybe soon.

Have you found someone? She asked. Or have you been too much of a grump here, too?

She followed it with a laugh - she was well intentioned.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He raised a brow in her direction. 

"Y'know, some people find my grump-ness quite charming.." Phobos was evidence of that. "Remember that healer that helped us with the leech situation?"
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She took a moment to recall. Right - I think I remember you mentioning him. She nodded.

Her head tilted slightly. What was Pepper bringing him up for? She found herself growing curious. You saw him again?
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"Could say that. I went back to see him after ya went off. For more berries." Among other things. 

"He didn't seem like he was gonna make it through winter, so I invited him back with me."
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Ah, that was too bad. But hey, now she had proof that Pepper has a heart. And is he doing better now? She asked, her tail going still. 

It was good to know that Pepper had a friend in Sapphique - she could only hope that he still did. So far this seemed like a happy story, though.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"He don't eat like I do, but yeah. Doin' good otherwise. Had a run-in with a pair of wolves a while back that attacked us. We were both cut up pretty good after that."

That seemed like forever ago now.
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Her brow was quick to furrow at the mention of an attack. Really? Did they have a reason?

For a moment she felt frustrated. Upset that she had not been there for him, but it was a thought she was quick to push away. Pepper could handle himself, she had a history of messing things up and he knew it.

But truly, she did wonder how such a confrontation had come about.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He still wasn't sure. Not any more than Phobos told him, which wasn't much. 

"Old pack mates of Phobos. Still ain't sure why they attacked, but Phobos didn't seem willin' to talk about it. I didn't press him."

He would've liked more information, but he also wasn't one to prod. Even if he had every right to.
248 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She was not satisfied with that answer, but it could not be helped. Leto had to begin her journey home either way.

Well then stay safe, hm? She said, bumping her head into the shoulder of the other. I'll come visit again sometime, but it's a long trip back.

She took a step back, beginning to turn away. Feel better, Pepper. And with her well wishes given, she was off.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper's ears fell. He was a little disheartened that she intended to leave so early. Or, late, rather. He'd much prefer to accompany her back, but knew that was unrealistic for him. 

He reciprocated her nudge with a gentle lick between her ears and considered offering to let her stay. He didn't need to baby her. He only offered a half-smile to her request, as if he was in any control of his body's decision to give out.  

"That pack ain't treatin' ya right, you come tell me." he said after backing away. Not that he would be able to do much of anything about it. He chose to watch her leave, and didn't head back to his den with the gift until she was well away from the territory.