Ocean's Breath Plateau but i always thought that i'd see you again
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
Limit Two 
for @Seelie if you have time/energy! <3

he'd known for a while that hari smiled upon him. the fact that he had made it this far in age was testament to that, and recovering from the latest brush with death had only proven it further. 

ten days after the incident, he felt well enough to shift closer to dutch and family—which is where he'd wanted to be all along. aditya tried his best to keep his daughter-in-law (whose nerves were clearly shot) company, and marveled at how quickly the children were growing.

and now, seelie had been returned to them. . .and in so little time!

seelie,  chhoti si chaiyya, he called out to her one early evening, when the sun was just beginning to sink beneath the ocean's edge. his golden eyes, though clouded now, were tinged with a glint of fire, and the grin upon his face could rival the full moon for its brightness.

all he wanted now was time with her. with them—all of them whom he'd helped to bring into this world by some measure.
14 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Seelie had not been herself.

It seemed the only wolf who did not inspire fear in her now was her mother; she clung more fiercely to @Simbelmyne than ever. Her own siblings frightened her. The other adults frightened her. Most days she wept until she couldn't anymore, and slept when the energy was drained from her.

Even to her beloved mother, Seelie hadn't spoken a single word since her return.

When Aditya called out to her, the selkie girl crouched and bristled fearfully, but made no other response. She didn't want his attention. She just wanted her mother.
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
he saw upon approach that the girl was afraid. and why not? she had apparently been through something traumatic.

aditya flattened himself upon the ground, muzzle upon his outstretched forepaws.

seelie, he murmured. it's okay, bachchi. i'm a friend.

maybe she knew that already; maybe not. if she retreated further, he would go without another word. his wizened face was open, guileless, waiting for her reply.