Emberwood seven skulls
645 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
SO sorry the tag didnt work/got eaten, please accept my humble offer of this thread to suffice! <3 @Meleeys

"nil'adae," sun eater murmured quietly.

saatsine had eaten again. their clan had collected three skins; this would have been red leaf's work as a sharadoii woman, but sun eater had not cultivated such skills.

nevertheless he had scraped them and stretched them, draping the pelts over a low branch to dry and curl, and now he turned toward his sibling. "do you think i should take a wife in the spring?"

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44 Posts
Ooc — Vami
apology accepted! ;)

kaskae. Meleys barked back in sharp Lanzadoii words after spitting out a piece of hide. She had thought to make a skin herself to help, but ended up tearing it not once, but thrice and then ended up ripping it to shreds in anger. It would still make good for a den bedding - IF SHE HAD A NEED FOR A DEN. 

I do. She immediately gave her thoughts when asked. She had never met the Sharadoii woman. Didn't want to. Whatever tales she had heard between the traveling paths and by her brother had been enough, pup murderer or not. 

New herd. New clan. New name. She nodded with a snort. New wife.
[Image: 90506919_CmucwQJUZL8YNV9.png]
Meleys has a heavy accent. When words are in italic, she is speaking in Lanzadoii.
645 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chuckling a little at his sister's lack of patience with the hides, sun eater leant his darkstone shoulder against the tree's bark.

meleys was right. it would be expected of him, but there was such a reluctance in his heart to being disappointed a third time.

"i married lanzadoii. i married sharadoii." leaves twirled in slow dance around his head. "i am considering an outsider. but you should know, meleys. a cousin has come to us. a lanzadoii woman."

sun eater looked toward the caribou threading along the treeline. "tsaani said my marriage to red leaf was foolish, with no oversight. no elders consulted. and he was right. so i must rely on you in this, sister." he must do better. "there is time to choose. grey man must marry into the saatsine now too."

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44 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Is she of close blood? Meleys questions, when he speaks of a new Lanzadoii woman who had come to join their new clan. Was she truly cousin or was this more of a loose term he used due to her being Lanzadoii? Unknowingly, at least yet, @Suliya was of Muradoii blood. Her brother would have been bound to all three clans if he were to marry her. 

If she was not to be a choice of his, it was still good to have her among them. She could help the others learn their ways. Meleys didn't take herself to be much of a teacher herself. Though she had birthed four years now, all pups had perished before she had been able to begin to teach them properly. The phantom far more enjoyed enforcing their customs instead of teaching them. 

Meleys tongue clicked at the roof of her mouth at the mentioning of their father. Of his foolishness with Red Leaf. She would not put salt on an open would. At least not to her little brother, but the agreement was there in her eyes. He had learned, at least. The ways of their people had not been written without reason. 

I do hope your not suggesting me? She was twice his age! Surely Grey Man had no intention to wed an old witch as herself.
[Image: 90506919_CmucwQJUZL8YNV9.png]
Meleys has a heavy accent. When words are in italic, she is speaking in Lanzadoii.
645 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i do not know her blood." there were several routes here, all of which sun eater would silently peruse at his own leisure in his own time.

he too did not know of the muradoii blood; it would not have changed her beauty, only tempered his interest. but he had no possession of this knowledge and thus was free to consider.

at his sister's scoff, sun eater laughed. "grey man is a father already with two sons and no wife. do you think he would choose better?" he teased of @Anselm. "i had wanted @Sulukinak to have her own interest in the hunter, but ah —" he could not see that any such had been cultivated between them.

"think of it, meleys," he said softly. "and please come to know suliya. i have months to make a choice. but i do not want to wait so long." he was impatient, awakened to hungers his anger had tamped down; he did not want to spend the winter unwarmed and unadored.

but then again, should he not wait?

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44 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Two sons, you say? Her Lanzadoii words speak further on @Anselm. Maybe I shall come to know them. See if he breeds strong pups. After all, through the four seasons she had birthed, yet all did not have the strength to keep pace on their migrations. Her husband's seed had been weak. 

Alas, she had no intention particularly marry, but if it meant strengthening and lengthening the Lanzadoii, she would swallow her spite and pride and wed again. 

Fine. She finally states then and rouses herself up to shake out her coat. It seems I've work cut out for me. And so she would begin, now.
[Image: 90506919_CmucwQJUZL8YNV9.png]
Meleys has a heavy accent. When words are in italic, she is speaking in Lanzadoii.
645 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"thank you, my sister. the next caribou declaws we take, they are for you." raised to respect his elder sister, raised with little in the way of touch, sun eater did not attempt to offer an embrace.

but meleys was high in his esteem. all saw. all knew. her word was power, and whatever she desired was for her brother to ensure she had.

two sons. he grinned at her sudden shift in interest. "also they resemble him. grey man will be a strong mate to a lanzadoii woman."

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