Violet watched the big dark male with a curious expression. He looked like her father but he was also nothing like him. Mom and Dad had told them to listen to this 'Uncle Akavir' while they were away. First of all, it was strange they were going away. What was that about? Usually at least one of them was around or watching them. Why did they both have to go? Second, why did they have to listen to this uncle? What if he had bad ideas? She had seen this male before when the pack gathered. He was not a stranger and his scent was definitely not a stranger.
Vi looked at her two brothers. To her disappointment she had not outgrown her brother Buckthorn maybe in a few weeks then.... She did seem to be a little bigger than her sister @Juniper. She nudged her softly.
We could do hide and seek, look if he can find us?she whispered to her. She found it was a good idea. Vi's russet brown eyes glanced up at her brothers before she looked at her uncle.
HIDE AND SEEK!!!!,she called out.
UNCLE AKAVIR COUNTS!!With that the red girl, and hopefully her siblings, dashed into the undergrowth. She loved this game, and if all siblings would play along then it would be extra fun!
November 12, 2024, 12:24 PM
buckthorn hadn't thought too hard about why his parents were dumping him and his siblings off with this uncle of theirs, but that's primarily because buckthorn didn't think too hard about anything.
he was contently gnawing on a stick he'd found when he noticed his sisters whispering something to one another off in the distance. his eyes narrowed on the two girls as he placed a paw over the stick to try and figure out what they were up to. whatever it was, it smelled like trouble.
and sure enough, that's exactly what it was. buckthorn grabbed his stick, spun around, and bolted off in the opposite direction of wherever violet was heading.
he was contently gnawing on a stick he'd found when he noticed his sisters whispering something to one another off in the distance. his eyes narrowed on the two girls as he placed a paw over the stick to try and figure out what they were up to. whatever it was, it smelled like trouble.
and sure enough, that's exactly what it was. buckthorn grabbed his stick, spun around, and bolted off in the opposite direction of wherever violet was heading.
November 16, 2024, 07:23 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Language.
If he had thought he’d need to convince Arric and Arlette some quality time with their kids he was sorely mistaken—the pair were eager to seek out some much needed and warranted alone time, it seemed. It seemed a now or never kind of moment—the Creek seemed to be on the precipice of battle, war or doom and gloom.
Just another Sunday, really. It was easy to forget to steal the little moments in life like this—and he was content his friends had found such with one another.
No sooner did he say his goodbyes to the two parents did he turn to study his new charges, pressing down a certain level of anxiety as he studied the size and weight of them. This seemed to be about the age Mae had gone from baby curse words and ankle biting terrorizing to full blown running away from home and all across the valley in an angry ball of hate against him.
Maybe it was amazing the Betas did trust him enough to leave him in charge of the four most important souls in their life.
Before he could even begin with anything—conspiring girls called the shots with a full blown game of hide and seek and before he could blink, they scattered to the wind.
“This is fine,” he muttered to himself, trying to ignore the raw rush of PTSD anxiety washing over him as he didn’t straight up give chase. Turning to a tree, he exhaled, lifting a paw to bury his eyes and humoring the littles: “1, 2, 3….” He spoke loudly—but his ears twitched, trying to gather which direction they might be running.
He had one job today: and that was to ensure the mini-Arric’s didn’t get hurt, lost, or worse.
It would be fine.
November 17, 2024, 03:17 PM
At the ripe age of five months and after getting his first permanent teeth, Burdock had begun to rebel against the conformity. Truth to be told he had never been a very obedient puppy to begin with and together with his siblings, any small trouble or mischief he could have caused, was multiplied by ten. When it came to parents, his very loud "No, no, no!" to any of their suggestions was followed by a quick and appease-ful (if there is such a word) "okay, okay", because he still relied on them for food and he had not yet figured out, how to get around this problem. So - he began to do exactly the opposite to anything his siblings suggested, pretending to be too cool for their boring stuff.
This time was no different. Instead of running to the bushes to hide, he sat right behind Akavir, mimicked his actions and repeated every word his said. Like a tiny, annoying echo, he began with a squeaky and cheerful "This is fine!" and followed with a dutiful "1, 2, 3..." after each number he named. This game was so much more fun than hiding.
This time was no different. Instead of running to the bushes to hide, he sat right behind Akavir, mimicked his actions and repeated every word his said. Like a tiny, annoying echo, he began with a squeaky and cheerful "This is fine!" and followed with a dutiful "1, 2, 3..." after each number he named. This game was so much more fun than hiding.
November 18, 2024, 10:33 AM
Vi was completely enthralled by this game. She was quick to go to the bushes and hide somewhere. She knew it was important to be quiet. The girl was still very playful for her age, she loved to play. Perhaps it was also because she had all these other siblings that she was indulged a lot by games. Her father especially seemed to be open to play games. Momma sometimes as well, but Pappa was definitely the one to go to.
She could hear him count down. EXCITING!!!! She felt her tail wag behind her. But it also made the bushes rustle. She also heard another voice... Her brother? It seemed to be the case. He wasn't even hiding!!! She almost wanted to scold him but that meant that her position was revealed. She decided to crawl very quietly to another set of bushes, just in case, while keeping her hearing towards the man being the seeker.
She could hear him count down. EXCITING!!!! She felt her tail wag behind her. But it also made the bushes rustle. She also heard another voice... Her brother? It seemed to be the case. He wasn't even hiding!!! She almost wanted to scold him but that meant that her position was revealed. She decided to crawl very quietly to another set of bushes, just in case, while keeping her hearing towards the man being the seeker.
December 09, 2024, 11:14 AM
unlike his sister, buckthorn wasn't overly enthused by the idea of this game. what he did appreciate though was the excuse to get out of his guardian's eyesight. he'd grabbed his stick, and he'd ran. he'd jogged off a decent ways so that not even the counting of those doing the seeking could be heard.
alone and without any company, buckthorn wedged himself in a hollow log and began to once again gnaw upon his stick. and that's exactly where he'd remain until either someone found him, or until he'd devoured enough potential splinters to become a tree himself.
alone and without any company, buckthorn wedged himself in a hollow log and began to once again gnaw upon his stick. and that's exactly where he'd remain until either someone found him, or until he'd devoured enough potential splinters to become a tree himself.
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