Ouroboros Spine Here where memories reside
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
It was both painful and freeing when Ajei stepped into her mother's den. She breathed deep. Her mother's scent fading, but still there. She looked around with gentle delight and then slowly began to pull furs from innards and laying them in the sun.

She sneezed a few times, and blinked. She swung her tail and began to slowly clean the dust. Her whole body bowing into the work. A soft hummed working song.
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Can be a cameo if someone else wants to pop in.

Arrluk remained quiet and at a distance. He sun bathed while laying on his belly, chewing at his front claws. White rimmed ears flickering as he listened to Ajei's humming. She moved in and out of the den. Tidying it up after such a long while of no use. He would keep back and simply enjoy the time to relax, lest Ajei call for him to help with her work. He knew that likely so, hard memories would turn up with the dust and felt she needed to do this task at her own pace and privacy.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei stopped and took a moment to just breathe. Though the air was brisk and cold. Her own pelt felt a little warm and she panted. She would need to remember to take a bath. Perhaps it was time to dig out a different wrap for her shoulders. She traced a paw over some of the furs that had been Shikobas. 

She caught a glimpse of dark and white and trotted towards it. Hi Arrluk. She settled beside him. He didn't need to get up, she was only taking a small break anyway.
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The little ember came trotting up near him, stirred from her work and into his path. Firekissed. He grins into her direction. Good to be back, isn't it?
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She settled comfortably and panted a moment longer. Allowing herself to catch up with the moment and her breath. She smiled sadly but sweetly.

It is, it is also slightly painful, but it is happiness tinged with it. I did miss moonglow. Oh.

She tilted her face into the sun closing her eyes for a moment as slivers of sunlight peeked from behind clouds and ghosted across her face.

She spoke quietly eyes still closed. Are you glad to be home?
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Streams of sunlight danced through the golden and red leaves of the autumn Grove, pouring onto her red face. The vibrance of her upper half and bright pale of her underside... Her pelt was like the burning sun shining down on a fresh morning snow. 

He couldn't help but to stare. I am. He said only, finally bringing himself to turn away and out into the grove. It was an open forestry, with plenty of clearing to bask out in the sun as they did now. At the other end, the forest met the waters of the lake. Here in this forest, spirits of their ancestors whispered through the trees.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei opened her eyes surprised. Arrluk had always been a quiet soul, but lately he seemed more quiet than usual. it was not usual for him to not hold a lengthy conversation with her, even despite his silence. She frowned in thought. She didn't think she had done anything to upset him. And she was pretty conscious about making sure she hadn't.

Was he upset about the things happening around them again? There were many new changes going on. And she supposed perhaps he could still grieve a little. It was possible. After all, she still grieved her mom. Even on a good day.

She followed his gaze. A frown still etched between her wolfish brows. But she nodded. Will you hunt or fish more now that we are home in Moonglow? I Know you like fishing, but you did hunt in the spear.

She stretched out her forelegs. I have to ask Moonwoman about some of the furs in the den. They are animals I do not recognize, but their softness is lovely.
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
I think I will stick to fishing, at most times. And probably after his border patrol. He would pick up tracing the paths his father had made once more now that he was back in Moonglow. He would also trace the steps of Kivaluk, as a secondary watcher to their First Hunter. ...Who was First Hunter, now? Was it still @Valiant?

I'll always join the hunt of the deer when needed, but other then this, I fish. Arrluk did not show any kind of interest in hunting fowl or hunting for rodents like hares and weasel. There was beaver and otter, badger and snake. One day he would like to hunt seal and sea lion, yet obviously this would not be common for him either. He knew his trades now and had found them early in life and planned to master them. 

Arrluk knew that Ajei provided in the manner of fishing as well, though wondered what else she might have taken interest in that his mother had shown her other then making pelts. He thought also of the Stavenger Bay his sister once called home. The forest there and clearings, the rivers and lakes and waterfalls, the sea... Every type of water one might hope for. Imagine, a fishing village there...

Not rabbit, or minx? Arrluk dragged himself upwards and into a sit, curious of the pelts she had spoke of, if she'd like to show them.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei laughed then. I don't blame you. I find fishing easier, more fun and way more relaxing than a hunt. And frankly often get hurt when I hunt. I really no idea how mama did it.

Ajei found solace in the gathering of things. The caring for others. Pupsitting, gathering the items needed to heal, not healing herself. But she had no qualms about finding what she could offer. 

I watched a deer herd with your father one time. They are beautiful and yet frightening.

She shook her head. I don't believe so. They are a dark color soft, but thick and medium sized rather than small like minx or otter.
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It is very dangerous work. He agreed when she mentioned scouting out the herds before with his father. They are incredibly powerful. More stubborn then any wolf I've known and those antlers...! Not to mention their pounding hooves and though wolves had very sharp and powerful jaws, Arrluk felt that a bite from one of them wouldnt feel too good either. An advantage however, was the thickness of their coats compared to that of the deer. 

Arrluk tried to think than of the pelting. Larger then what he might have thought. Dark, thick... Hmm... Arrluk shrugged, though roused himself into movement and towards the den. He wouldnt go inside. Not yet. Not until Ajei had her time with it privately with the memories of her mother before he filled it with new memories of their own. I can help you carry them to her? 

can close around here if you'd like.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
613 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded her head. They were dangerous. But also beautiful in their infinite danger. It was intoxicating sometimes to watch them. Not chase them. Simply watch she enjoyed watching.  She didn't like to be too close that they could possibly hurt her.

She motioned at the pelts nearby unsure exactly what they were. wondering if they were fishers or perhaps something that was not around here anymore. That happened sometimes she knew. Creatures moved.

She lifted one into her maw and then smiled at him, green eyes alight and waited for him to lead the way.