Neverwinter Forest your feelings and mine are all holy
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
could it be?

her body changed in subtle ways, but she had spent every waking moment on alert for those little somethings. never before had she felt such overwhelming joy at carrying around nausea in each waking moment.

she had sat on the feeling for only a handful of days when then came a craving so great, so powerful.

it felt like sunshine breaking through rain clouds.

@Solharr! she called out with joy and whimsy, seeking to place herself into his strong arms. i have a request, eiginmaður.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: Thu Jan 23 2025
Predicted Birth: Thu Mar 27 2025

sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
sólhárr turned at the sound of her voice, the warmth in it drawing his attention immediately. she was light on her paws, moving with an energy he hadn’t seen in some time. his ear flicked, a brow raising as she closed the distance, and he opened his stance just enough to welcome her into his hold.

he steadied her with a firm grip, calloused paws curling around her frame as he huffed softly, amusement clear in the rumble of his chest. what's the matter, callyope? he asked, voice low, steady. his golden eye flickered over her, searching. she was radiant. something was different.

what is this request?
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við erum öll undir sama himni.