@Sivaak >: )
although she did not know where she stood now among saatsine, black hawk was not idle. her cousin's ire mattered not to her—she would stay and provide for the star-woman's cubs. that was final.
and so she kept moving. pacing, running, hunting. anything to stay active, to keep the simmering, residual anger inside of her at bay. they had not spoken since that night. and she wishes they do not speak again. she had made it clear that she was not here for cen.
she was not loyal to him, but to the women of the clan.
the hunt of a caribou always did wonders to soothe frayed nerves. she stormed upon their grazing grounds with fury unleashed; had taken an ill and old cow, brought it to its shaky knees. spilled its blood and harvested its heart. she would set it aside for now, as a gift for star-woman.
busying herself with harvesting its meat for the many mouths that had spawned, her ear flickered at the sound of snow crunching beneath feet. she did not turn from her kill, but her hackles pricked.
the scent of blood had drawn the muradoii, as it always did. her jaw was agape, a pant affixed upon her face; saliva pooling into blood-stained jowls, fur there permanently darkened by the horrors she had wrought. she could not hunt; she was far too pregnant—and it peeved her.
so she was resigned to audience. watching with hungry, eager eyes. watching, imagining herself in the paws of the woman who worked now. taking down an old cow with precision, with strength; it lit sivaak's muscles alive and she is thrilled by the mere sight of it.
when the hunt has come to a close, sivaak makes to approach. head low, swinging between two shoulders of scars and muscle, a hungry chuff upon her lips. when black hawk turned to look, she would find a feral, blood-stained, hungry and very pregnant muradoii—leering at her with crimson eyes that admire.
sivaak likes what she sees.
so she was resigned to audience. watching with hungry, eager eyes. watching, imagining herself in the paws of the woman who worked now. taking down an old cow with precision, with strength; it lit sivaak's muscles alive and she is thrilled by the mere sight of it.
when the hunt has come to a close, sivaak makes to approach. head low, swinging between two shoulders of scars and muscle, a hungry chuff upon her lips. when black hawk turned to look, she would find a feral, blood-stained, hungry and very pregnant muradoii—leering at her with crimson eyes that admire.
sivaak likes what she sees.
sivaak eat now.a growling demand.

March 07, 2025, 11:07 AM
leering eyes prick at her spine. hawk turns after ripping a strip of hide away from flesh, blood staining her maw. she is met with a force of a woman; snow-kissed and strong. her sides heavy and swelling with life that breathed within.
another expecting mother hawk would provide for. her eyes are watchful and sharp, but not unfriendly. she drops the hide to her feet, broad shoulders shifting beneath her weight.
the woman's stare is hungry. not only for the kill, but for something more. hawk steps to the side, motion to the kill with her muzzle. "you eat." polar bear woman would need her strength. she looked to be expecting the birth of her cubs any day now.
hawk lingers at her side. does not leave it, watched as the large woman tears into the kill with a ferocity that impresses her. "i am black hawk." she rumbled. "you need someone to watch over cubs?"
babysitter and brood mother were not roles she was expecting to fill, but she would. with pride.
another expecting mother hawk would provide for. her eyes are watchful and sharp, but not unfriendly. she drops the hide to her feet, broad shoulders shifting beneath her weight.
the woman's stare is hungry. not only for the kill, but for something more. hawk steps to the side, motion to the kill with her muzzle. "you eat." polar bear woman would need her strength. she looked to be expecting the birth of her cubs any day now.
hawk lingers at her side. does not leave it, watched as the large woman tears into the kill with a ferocity that impresses her. "i am black hawk." she rumbled. "you need someone to watch over cubs?"
babysitter and brood mother were not roles she was expecting to fill, but she would. with pride.
the woman relents. good. sivaak did not want to have to fight her.
she comes forward rather brutishly, not caring for whether or not she would push the woman out of the way. she lowers her head, sniffing tentatively at the meant first, before picking at a chunk black hawk had cut away. gnawing then, at the edges, tearing off piece by piece and devouring it quickly.
she could hear the vicious chanting of her children in her womb as they were sated once more. they grew more vicious by the days, cleaving at their mother's patience. the words of the woman now are faint upon her ear until she is finished eating, satisfying her spawn, and only then does sivaak turn freshly bloodied face to her.
a grin, then.
she comes forward rather brutishly, not caring for whether or not she would push the woman out of the way. she lowers her head, sniffing tentatively at the meant first, before picking at a chunk black hawk had cut away. gnawing then, at the edges, tearing off piece by piece and devouring it quickly.
she could hear the vicious chanting of her children in her womb as they were sated once more. they grew more vicious by the days, cleaving at their mother's patience. the words of the woman now are faint upon her ear until she is finished eating, satisfying her spawn, and only then does sivaak turn freshly bloodied face to her.
black hawk strong name.sivaak growls in thought. yes. sivaak enjoyed this woman. a strong hunter with a strong body and no manly intent leering upon her in those eyes. the blood-drinker shows teeth to her and comes forwards, testing her resolve, and when she does not flinch, sivaak rumbles in approval. sharing blood from her mouth to hers by rubbing her face.
sivaak take black hawk.sivaak growls.
black hawk belong to muradoii now. muradoii cow and muradoii calves.
a grin, then.
black hawk is lanzadoii. sivaak see.she looks her up, then down, trademark disgust present.
no more. sivaak teach.then, a dangerous glint in crimson eyes.
black hawk say no?

March 10, 2025, 07:08 AM
the polar bear-woman takes her fill. it fills hawk with a newfound sense of pride, being able to provide for the woman and her cubs. and as the woman eats, hawk assesses. strong, fit, battle-scarred—she wore the stories of war on her skin.
and yet, she was not mangled in hawk's eyes. it was a grizzled beauty, but beauty all the same. when the woman turns to face her, lips curled to reveal bloodied teeth, hawk stands calm as she always does. watching, waiting.
listening, as the muradoii woman stakes her claim. she does not ask; no prettied words, no charm, no courting. the woman just takes, and it is something hawk had never seen before.
there is no disgust in her gaze, only wonder. muradoii were a distant cousin she'd met few times before, when she led her old band on their hunts and journeys. brutish kind that were always suspicious.
sivaak. the woman's name is sivaak. and she wish for hawk to belong to her. there's a hesitance—an image of star-woman and her cubs flashing before her eyes. was it guilt? even though her heart belonged to star-eater, the queen was a woman hawk could never touch or claim.
but with sivaak, all possibilities were endless. and now, after her cousin's betrayal, she had an opportunity to rise not as lanzadoii, but muradoii.
amber eyes rove the woman in thought, before she leaning forward to graze her nose along the woman's neck. "you teach, and i learn. i am lanzadoii no more." she rumbled gruffly. a silent acceptance.
and yet, she was not mangled in hawk's eyes. it was a grizzled beauty, but beauty all the same. when the woman turns to face her, lips curled to reveal bloodied teeth, hawk stands calm as she always does. watching, waiting.
listening, as the muradoii woman stakes her claim. she does not ask; no prettied words, no charm, no courting. the woman just takes, and it is something hawk had never seen before.
there is no disgust in her gaze, only wonder. muradoii were a distant cousin she'd met few times before, when she led her old band on their hunts and journeys. brutish kind that were always suspicious.
sivaak. the woman's name is sivaak. and she wish for hawk to belong to her. there's a hesitance—an image of star-woman and her cubs flashing before her eyes. was it guilt? even though her heart belonged to star-eater, the queen was a woman hawk could never touch or claim.
but with sivaak, all possibilities were endless. and now, after her cousin's betrayal, she had an opportunity to rise not as lanzadoii, but muradoii.
amber eyes rove the woman in thought, before she leaning forward to graze her nose along the woman's neck. "you teach, and i learn. i am lanzadoii no more." she rumbled gruffly. a silent acceptance.
March 10, 2025, 08:26 AM
she is pleased. this is seen in the light shown in her eyes. the way she grunts, nosing furiously at the cheek fur of black hawk, then her throat. where she seeks to touch fang to flesh, gnawing in the only way she knows she can show affection.
black hawk muradoii.she rumbles.
suliya wish be muradoii also. suliya niece.sivaak explains. then, strong grin and she puffs her chest, leaning to gorge herself some more on the fresh meat offered. making vocal noises of please as she does so. only when satisfied, the heavily pregnant muradoii begins to waddle away some ways.
sivaak due soon. kill cubs if weak. this bothers?

March 11, 2025, 07:09 PM
hawk does not shy away from her feverish touch, or the cool press of her nose. teeth follow, nipping at her throat, but not hard enough to draw blood. the woman is primal in nature—and this excites the woman who walks among caribou. a deep, low rumble of pleasure leaves her as she leans into the touch.
black hawk muradoii. there was a time once, where she would have laughed at the idea. she would have found it preposterous! she believed she was lanzadoii through and through. until she met her cousin, until she'd witnessed his pride and his corruption.
that might be what rushes through her veins, but she did not wish for it. not anymore. she would make herself a new name and a new life; one with this muradoii woman in it. one with the children inside sivaak in it.
hawk follows. brushing against the woman's side, letting her lean her heft upon her strong side if she wanted. she would support her; it was her duty now. the same promise she made to star-woman, if not greater.
the thought of watching sivaak harm cubs if they were deemed weak did stir something within her. an uneasiness. it would bother her...but perhaps, once she learns the ways of muradoii, she would not. or perhaps she would save whichever cub sivaak wished to harm.
it was no matter; her woman was strong, and so her pups would be strong, too. "do what you must. it's muradoii way." she chuffed. "but i will help raise. they are mine now, too. as are you."
black hawk muradoii. there was a time once, where she would have laughed at the idea. she would have found it preposterous! she believed she was lanzadoii through and through. until she met her cousin, until she'd witnessed his pride and his corruption.
that might be what rushes through her veins, but she did not wish for it. not anymore. she would make herself a new name and a new life; one with this muradoii woman in it. one with the children inside sivaak in it.
hawk follows. brushing against the woman's side, letting her lean her heft upon her strong side if she wanted. she would support her; it was her duty now. the same promise she made to star-woman, if not greater.
the thought of watching sivaak harm cubs if they were deemed weak did stir something within her. an uneasiness. it would bother her...but perhaps, once she learns the ways of muradoii, she would not. or perhaps she would save whichever cub sivaak wished to harm.
it was no matter; her woman was strong, and so her pups would be strong, too. "do what you must. it's muradoii way." she chuffed. "but i will help raise. they are mine now, too. as are you."
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