Herbalists' Cache setting you free
65 Posts
Ooc — orion
set alongside this thread

Nagruk has come to heed Star Eater's call, but it is not for her cubs.

Instead, she brings @Kukuvrak and @Tikigak to hunt for Chieftain in the snowfields. A lifetime of tracking makes it easy to find his trail - not far from the snowshelter - until she spies him on a rise nearby.

She has doubts that he will turn. "@Sun Eater," she greets roughly, and though her head does not lower, her shoulders are hunched in a way that invites his audience. He will question the presence of Tikigak, an outsider, and Nagruk intends to explain herself. "I bring Tartok."
637 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when star eater was well, her mate would dispense his justice. it was a strategic move, one that protected his aims as well as her, in his mind.

the sound of paws in the snow. 

not until tartok was uttered did he turn his eye from the shelter and onto the woman, then the others. kukuvrak and a strongly built woman with a fierce look to her.

his stare lingered with warning. his glance next was for nagruk.

soft grunt was one of approval. "she stay? or only hunt?"

this character is rated R

44 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
for this he wished to paint himself wontonly with blood, but there was little time before nagruk departed from the river camp. it felt wrong to kukuvrak to be absent of it; to be clean, especially when confronting a potentially hostile individual.
three bodies was a show of strength—but three bloodied? it would have been better. he would not insist upon this. agitation carried within kukuvrak's core and then, seeing One Eye ahead, all feelings are swallowed.
the one eye traveled from warrior to warrior.
kukuvrak was ready for anything.

warning! mature character
42 Posts
Ooc — Kit
Tikigâk came to observe. 

What would be decided here? One way or the other, it would be Tartok in which saw the benefit—with him, without him. Tikigâk was a woman who found no practicality in emotions, in attachments beyond those she made to her chosen brothers and sisters. Nagruk likely was aware of the importance of that same sentiment, but it was what one did with that knowing that mattered.

Some lessons were more painful than others. Tikigâk had the emotional intelligence of a rock, and her lack of empathy was often reflected in her indifferent, dull gaze. 

Sun Eater spoke, but she did not intend to answer him. Again her gaze appraised his strength, one ear turning back toward the Tartok man that accompanied them.