Dragoncrest Cliffs [m] salt settling
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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for @Pepper! set before the raid, maybe Feb 3?

after leaving tousaint, chani searched a couple territories outside sapphique for sobeille once more, even dropping down to ankyra as she knew her cousin has favored that place.
but there was nothing to find. determined not to drag dismality back to her seacliff, chani returned with a decently sized fish and a greater appreciation for how the waves lashed against the sea cliffs.
her time had come and gone, but the pleasure of it still simmered in her blood. she felt the fragrances remained as well. a scientist in this hour, chani found the trail of the unrelated sandstone and trotted along it, her eyes warming to a heated pierce when she found him.
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He’d carved up a new routine, one that kept him active. And he decided to stick with it, even on the days he would rather sleep in. On the days the cold cut straight to his bones. Like today. 

Sand-covered paws retraced the steps he’d left not an hour earlier, some of the path swallowed up by the breathing sea. It gave him time to think. And he’d been thinking about how maybe he should consider less time to think, as it rarely left him in an uplifted mood. 

But today was different. Despite the rough start. The sun was out, fresh morning heat gracing his pelt. It felt nice, and the whole way back he was planning a sunny nap. Even picked the perfect spot. In the evening, he wanted to eat with others. To break the silence that, lately so often covered Sapphique. 

After some time, a figure drew nearer.. he recognized her, after some of the distance closed, and his tail flagged behind him. He knew she’d set off a few days ago to seek companionship. He was happy to see her back. Upon drawing even closer, her scent became prevalent..strong, and not unpleasant. Though his nose did wrinkle briefly. 

“Mornin’, Chani!” He spoke over the droning waves, uncharacteristic enthusiasm present in his words.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
flush off her fleshly victories, returned home to the place she did not mean to leave again for a long while, chani was brazen. her experiences beyond sapphique had been shocking and pleasant, and she beaned her full favor over pepper as he came close.
"it be a beautiful morning,'" she agreed, though her curiously intense gaze did not leave his features. a broken tooth, his smile ivoried. grizzled fur, a step that limped sometimes.
his eyes were the color of inner mahogany bark, and he welcomed her with a genuine warmth.
perhaps it was new eyes, or perhaps chani realized she was just now seeing him. erzulie and aningan. mireille and val. now maybe a new man might be taken into the confidences of sapphique. she tested a step and then another, seeing no reason not to be direct as she had been; she tried to see if he would react. "what have you been up to while i was away?"
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
The wolf had seen the look before. She stepped forward, and the happy-go-lucky grin faded from his face. 

Her scent was heavy now, so close, and even in his age, worked against his will and better judgement. He knew better than this. He was better than this.. 

He stepped back. 

He was. Better. Knew better. 

He was old enough to be her grandfather..why was she.. and so soon after Phobos..

What would Mireille think? Val? Phobos.. he needed her to leave. 

”Chani..” he managed, voice no more sure than his body, piloted by a rapidly diminishing forethought.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
there was some part of chani which knew her potential progeny would be safer if a man of her shores put investment in them. but nature was only a portion of her internal decree, and when pepper raised his voice with halting resistance, she flashed him a quick and knowing smile.
"you be sandstone," chani declared, lifting her face to his. "loyal. committed. why not?" and her laughter swirled around them both.
allowing pepper ease with a backward step, she smirked at his discomfort, searching beneath that code of ethics for the masculine desire she had enjoyed far from home. was it the same at such an age? what were its differences? he hesitated, but he did not flee, and the sensation of power was wonderful to chani.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He knew well the rank permitted.. she was just..so much younger, and it was so shortly after his mate’s passing. That sensation was his to provide. Not hers. It was betrayal to even consider it, right? 


Then he’d already betrayed him. Maybe his mind hadn’t, but his body most definitely had. Familiar warmth flooded his underside. He wanted to be sickened by it. He wanted a lot of things right now. 

But he stood still this time, unable to bring himself to leave. He should leave. 

A cautious glance swept the area, then returned to her, widened eyes growing soft as he took in her appearance.

He told her no. He wished he’d told her no. But his greying muzzle only uttered ”Not here..” 

He wanted so badly to regret it, but it felt like his mind was full. The smell. Her. Like there was no room for regret. Only the dwindling, sorry excuse for a conscience, of which he’d willingly—or unwillingly, let die off.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
not here, and her belly leapt into hot shoals of leaping fish. chani tugged at the fur of his shoulder once, then with simmering gaze she moved off toward corsair beach, where saltmarsh presented its tangle of junglevines and twisted branches.
among such a place was a tiny clearing, and she wended her way through the marshground until she and pepper were alone. chani was a thing of impulse and moment; she did not think of anything else than turning to press close again.
her heart raced; her limbs trembled, as much for nerves as it was for want. softly she preened at his ears, his cheekbone, wanting to rouse him as the others had been; chani flexing an arm of control and demanding that had not existed before she went out.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
The hesitation..the step back.. none of it remained. He followed her dutifully, though his ears remained cautious of onlookers, and his eyes—as little as he could manage to pull them away from her—darted nervously. 

Until they were safe, hidden.. and she turned back to him. His gaze followed her close. Her scent, close. His tail shuffled two and fro behind him. Nerves melted away, as the familiarity with the act rekindled. 

He let her play, tease at his face for a moment before an open muzzle found gentle, though dangerous residence on the base of her neck, above the shoulder. A hushed growl emanated from deep within his chest, and his eyes met hers. Hungry. 

The heat he’d felt on the shore never left, her teasing only solidified his decision.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she liked the growl, the possessiveness it implied. but only she could accept it, and only she said when it ended. that too held a wondrous strength. smoothly she stepped to move into him, responding to his sound with one of her own, half hummed, half rumbled.
he felt — safe. she tried not to compare the situations in mind's eye, for here she was home and his caress remained a fire. a flame flared to life in companionable surroundings might burn its brightest.
his hunger whet his own; chani went on with her teasings, her little wordless urgings, her hips in a slow dance, neck tilted beneath his teeth. not quite submission, not quite its lack.
in repose she would be serene; in this moment she sought their join for the glissade of queenlike sensation she anticipated might bloom for her again.
the difference came in her realization of self-surrender; it was not something to give to those untrusted. pepper's stalwart nature brought foundational faith, and chani gave herself over to abandon, to him, in delightful surprise.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
A prey's cry of pain was no different in sound to the humming of the wolf between his jaws, and their dance mimicked that of a fox and mouse. The sweet feel of fur between his muzzle ignited a drive within him that rarely came to surface, a gentle giant turned rogue with a feast before him. 

The grip he held on her strengthened, bordering unpleasant, as he pushed her down, heavy winded breaths playing deep beneath her matting coat. His paw was placed on the ground beside her contorted back, the heavy man now straddling her. He loosened his bite, entire body heaving with deep breaths before his muzzle found the side of hers, and teeth, once again gentle, played against her lips. A curious tongue prodded playfully against her, the hunter seeking the flavor of the downed prey. 

Fiery narrowed eyes met hers, all but devoid of the kindness one might expect to recognize within. Only hunger and lust remained.

Here, now, there was no room for shame or question, no consideration for repercussion. This was natural. Right. And there was no shame in nature.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
this time, this scent, it transformed a man. the biddable and kind pepper became something more, his grasp hard, his kiss an excursion that sent chani's heart into a simmering pound.
teeth in her saltstained scruff provoked a moan of pleasure and surprise; chani bent with smooth grace beneath him, turning her cheek against the marshland to meet his tasting with her own rampant press of mouth.
tail rose to tease him, plume flicked aside and then back; she tugged at what fur she could reach, spurring pepper with little growls even as she found herself completely and wonderfully at the mercy of his strength.
she would not have enjoyed this burn of hunger so close were it another man; here she was free to enjoy the seawolf's possessiveness, even urge it on for her own pleasure.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Russet hips lurched with her teasing, the gentle tickle of her tail an unexpected, welcome friend. The prodding of his kiss replaced by focused panting. Her flavor lingered in his mouth, standing his scruff’s thick fur on end. He let her intrude his own muzzle, feeling her softness against his own, the tingle of her fur against his bared lips. 

Prey fighting back, aimless bites, a plea for freedom. She’d find none here. 

The gentle drone of a rumbling growl in the wolf’s chest emerged fully as a sharp snarl, a retaliation to her bite. Sharp teeth guided an attack aimed at the soft flesh of her neck, intended only to frighten, not harm. He just needed to see it again. The familiar expression of finality. The shock, terror.. the desperation.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chani was poised for splendor while their interlude reminded her counterpart of a place far darker. she was growing impatient, and when his teeth grabbed in shocking seize at her flesh, chani gasped in a brief fear.
an eager growl followed on burbling throat, imperious. why did he hesitate? what fascinated his dominance? chani felt as if she were setting him free in a way, a man allowed to frenzy in the embrace of amazons.
observant, trembling; a lustful scientist in compromise about to be swallowed by uncanny valley of a flared pupil which regarded her almost as —
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Teeth were once more embedded in the thick of her fur, touching her skin, but only just. Brown eyes searched hers for the familiar expression. Brief widening of eyes, a sharp gasp.. trembling. 

He withdrew once more, then spoke in a hushed whisper. ”Get up,” he demanded, then moved aside, hungry eyes studying her shrunken form.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
up she sprang, now annoyed; he had seemed so pleased upon the beachhead, and now he had acted as if this had been his idea. "do it," she demanded with a lash of her tail. his greater bulk and further strength did not sunder her desire, but he had annoyed her and now the young woman's own irritation mingled with the intrigue for this game they played.
something about his eyes held chani in thrall, and they tested one another on equal ground now, her claws gripped tight into the earth as she waited for his teeth to glint again, unsheathing her own in response.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He approached her flank, a response to her command, which he fully intended on carrying out. His head pounded with want, his senses heightened by thrill. His vision grew obstructed, darkened with each heartbeat. The feast. 

Eager paws attempted to lift his heavy torso from the ground a time or two before success was found, the old man’s youthful desire only halted by his dilapidated body. He weighed heavy upon her, front paws hugging her form. His hips moved into her, more reactionary jabs than anything calculated or controlled until he found purchase. The wolf moved like the ocean, waves crashing forward before receding, rhythmic and ceaseless.

He let his mouth find her scruff, clamping down with minor pressure to gain some stability, muffling the excited high-pitched whines that mingled with each exhale.

I am.. NO GOOD at being poetic, so I really hope this is all ok :’) also sorry he’s..like he is lmfao
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
what a twist! i have enjoyed seeing what he will do next :o

there he was then, answering her command; chani's breath was driven from her chest into audible desire, and her head tilt back in accordance with his jaws locked once more to salted nape.
she found his rhythm and threw it aside for her own; she allowed pepper to regain their narrative, let teeth and his hardwound arms to proclaim his possession.
she urged them both to a final rush, though inexperience broke her own challenge; chani sailed over the proverbial edge with a bewildered cry, unsure of what power he had over her but responding so keenly that her senses darkened for a quick moment.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pain grew like spreading fire in his joints, fatigue and exhaustion crept beneath the surface of his skin, but he paid them no mind under her order. 

The crashing and receding grew faster in pace to match her demands and Pepper felt a flush of sensation engulf the entirety of his lower half, back legs buckling with intensity as he scrambled to push into her. 

A growl matched her cry as attempts to pull free were met by a tight hold. The wolf was left with no option but to push further, instinct outright forcing him as the sensation begged to be felt, to be coaxed out fully. 

Several more heavy, finalizing bucks left the wolf to fill the Emerald ocean, and he gripped hard into her nape with dull teeth as a reaction to the flood of feeling—only for a moment, though, before it wavered and the mask of adrenaline fell away. His heightened heart rate played violently in his ears, old muscles bathed in searing hot exhaustion. He practically fell limp upon her back as he released her from his grasp, head resting into her fur, wet and matted with his own drool. 

His body had mostly given in, though they remained joined, a convulsing, uncontrolled but rhythmic sputtering to be swallowed by her form.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
pepper was admirable in his rise to chani's pleasure; for her did the sweet swelling come twice more in his plunging ministrations and she was jellied beneath his weight, unable to do more than keen in delight as he found his own end.
the young woman thought then of the other men, the gentle, swift creature of the mountains, the rough pirate with hard teeth, and now pepper, more trusted but with a dark want simmering inside his spirit.
would it be the same when this had ended? would he be as he has been before?
she pranced beneath him, using some fel trick to meet him where he stood in splendid throb, but as soon as they could be parted she was aside, collapsed in the thin grass here.
her oxide eyes reached for his own, and she was languid in recline, stretching with open delight and pride in her choice of pepper that day.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
They remained there, wordless for a beat—the large wolf emptying, winded, but blissful. He nuzzled into her nape, taking in her familiar scent of her, taking in the unfamiliar scent of wolves he’d not met. 

And then they parted, bitter cold striking his manhood in an uncomfortable surprise for only a moment before retreating to safety. 

Four legs once more stood on the ground, although their sturdiness could be debated. The wolf had worn himself down. 

He met her eyes when she did his. His own had since turned friendly once more, and he offered her a smile—one without bared teeth, no hidden malice. 

There..were of course, considerations, but he opted to linger in the moment. What was done had been done, and right now, he had other priorities. 

He knew his style was..eccentric. But he really meant nothing by it. He hoped she understood that. 

Careful paws padded toward the pack’s daughter, and standing over her, the wolf leaned down, pressing a chilled nose to her forehead and offering a gentle kiss. A peace offering, maybe. 

Soon after, he moved to her rump and laid down. His body rejoiced at the chance to stop for a moment. Pepper cleaned the mess he’d made, an attempt to soothe any tenderness he might’ve caused in his voracity.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his kiss was soothing, his cleansing moreso, and pleasurable besides. chani rolled for such indulgences, sensitivity heightened after their rough passions.
she watched him as he worked, after her eyes had come unblurred from delight once more; it piqued and intrigued her that so much hardness lay inside pepper's unassuming form.
now he was subdued but she had seen such sights in him that she was forever stirred.
in time chani was restored; she rolled to her paws and ran her scent in skeins along his fur, growling softly, nipping in a controlled way.
"if you ever be wantin' to meet me again, after dis has passed, i would not be opposed, pepper," she told the sandstone, wanting him now but sensing that her earlier spur had taken his all. for the present.
she preened salt from his chin as she waited for an answer, teasing him with the glitter beneath her lashes.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
PM me if u would like to privately adopt <3
391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Some time had passed, and the wolf had since stopped his cleaning, opting to rest his head beside her, each inhale replenishing his hunger for her scent. 

She stirred not long after, and Pepper lifted his head to meet her gaze. His body flinched at her playing, but his tail wagged contently behind. 

Had he not been worn with age, he’d be ready for another round, but he could already feel his muscles growing sore. A consequence he’d feel in full force the following day, undoubtedly. 

He let her at his chin, enjoying the soft sensation a moment before replying. 

In all truth, this couldn’t happen again. It shouldn’t have happened this time. But he wanted it to. The fact that his antics hadn’t sent her running, the hold she’d had on him.. he wondered how far she’d let him go. If his teeth had meant to harm, would she stay? 

”Chani… I’d ’preciate it if this whole..thing stayed between us..” he started. 

”But…anytime yer feeling up to it, you know where my den is.”

An invitation. And one he may grow to regret. But, an invitation.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"pepper," and chani reached to toy with the fur beneath his chin, "i will be pregnant." it did not matter the two others, not now; glutted on her own power, chani felt she could even will them all to belong to the sandstone, if she wished.
his age said he understood this and had coupled with her all the same; it was part of what had made their liasion so pleasurable. "am i to never claim you?" it would cement his status among them, to be so loyal as to gain the attention of the seaside woman. chacal nor mireille could not speak against it; it was a long practice to choose among the devoted.
emerald gave a nod, noting that even as she stood, he reached her chest. 
chani pulled softly at his ears. "i will be silent, pepper, if dat be what you want." her eyes found his own, tonguelick to nosebridge. "an' yes. i will come to you."
alone; alone; she imagined his eyes again darkening with violent want and shivered with amused desire. "you are certain i will not be your end?" she gave in dark tease, though it felt as though she were smitten, kissing the sandstone again to soften her own barb.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
PM me if u would like to privately adopt <3
391 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He knew that. And he fully intended to care for the litter when it happened, if he was able. 

His eyes briefly left hers to find the ground when she asked about claiming him. Posed as a question, but it felt more like a reprimand. Maybe it had been. But his nerves settled some when she agreed. He had no intention of hiding this information. He just needed to.. digest it. And he wanted to seek council with Mireille, to deliver the news himself. 

He’d done nothing wrong. At least, not that he was aware of. Taboo, maybe.. but not wrong. 

His eyes met hers once more, a pleasant smile gracing his complexion, a silent thank you. For putting up with his silly inner battle. And his tail flicked excitedly at the thought of seeing her again..in this capacity. 

He’d wondered that. If his old body should be doing anything like this. The increased heart rate, the physicality.. it seemed fine, at least, but he wondered if luck was at play. 

”If I could have it my way, I hope you will be,” he teased back, then offered a kiss of his own, one aimed less innocently at her mouth. 

He backed off. 

”Thank you. For agreein’. It’s not..gonna be permanent. I just need some time.” 

Maybe tomorrow he’d make mention of it to Mireille. And maybe tomorrow night he’d seek Chani. If all went well…although, his den might be less than ideal for something like that to take place. It was still littered with Phobos’ belongings—herbs, his pearl, fur and scent.. and he’d rather not be heard by the entirety of Sapphique in an act so private.
275 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she hummed into his mouth and then they parted, chani dazzled in spite of her best efforts to hold the conversation, to convey a sense of confidence and poise. these things she did have, but not as she considered her own words on the concept of pregnancy and what that might mean for their dynamic.
sapphique would have him for all their children. even if he was more to her own brood, it was a role also expected of him. men had fit into a more intimate place before, and she felt that he had earned it, and that she was right to give him this sort of recognition.
but she did not think on it long; in the manner of those young, she put it aside and nodded. "it be your right," chani assured, before a reluctant step backward and then another granted a necessary distance.
necessary for him, she joked to herself, for pepper was far more interesting alive, even if he was willing to give up heartbeat in a sweeter battle.
"i keep sentinel in de blackpine fores' at night."
her eyes glowed. "sometimes i cannot sleep."
and now she did turn, did lope off into a run. her mouth wore a grin! her gaze turned back lotswife for the pillar of salt she had climbed, and chani could not hide the soft, self-shocked laugh as she melted into the shadows beyond the wetlands and the dryer reach of corsair beach.
2025 chani pups will be based on interest. 1/3 is available
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