Sun Mote Copse Red and yellow, black and white
Sun Mote Copse
2,020 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
makin assumptions on recent threads? Can edit!

It seemed as soon as she was there, @Towhee was gone again.  Fennec had been looking forward to when her adoptive mom woke up, but before she could even see her, the woman had disappeared.  

She probably went back, but what Fennec couldn't sort out was why she hadn't taken her with.  Was she just supposed to stay here now? This wasn't home, and Fig needed her.  It wasn't right.

Fennec stood near the borders, gazing in a direction she felt, from some sense, to be south.  She could go.  She could find them, maybe, and get them out herself.  If Towhee had gotten out that meant there was a way, and her return meant there was probably a way back in.

But she still stood, frozen, staring blindly and listening as a quiet wind whispered by.  She was too afraid of getting lost again.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen had not been amused, when she found out that Towhee was gone so soon after her arrival. Vanished like a fart in the wind - was the first thought that had come to her mind and this vulgar phrase somewhat soothed her annoyance with her reckless cousin's actions. What did she expect to achieve? While being as injured as she was, Towhee could only hurt herself more.

She did not know, what would be the right thing to do. Should she let Towhee do her rescue mission on her own and wait to receive her here more hurt and battered than before? Or should she go to the grove and see, if there was any way she could help the woman. After all - her family was there and deep in her heart Wraen knew that she would probably do the same, if the situations were reversed.

What she had not expected to find, was Fennec. Wraen supposed that Towhee would have at least let the girl follow, but here she was and - god knows, where her mother was. "Fennec," she called the girl's name. "I am going down to the Hideaway strath to see, if Towhee needs any help," or needs someone to dig her a grave and write and obituary, she thought sourly. "Do you want to tag along?" she asked.
Sun Mote Copse
2,020 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She recognized Wraen's voice immediately, and for some reason felt as if she'd been caught doing something wrong.  Well, she had been prepping to run.  Not that she'd have worked up to it.

Yes!  She answered resoundingly, and none of the hesitation she felt made it through.  It should have been Towhee taking her; so why hadn't she?  Was there a reason she wanted her to stay?

No, that was dumb, and she was going.  Fig needed her (she needed Fig) and she missed dad too.  She could find her way in easy, she was sure of it, and would help them get out no matter what.

She started to walk, slowly, assuming Wraen would take over and lead.  Otherwise who knew where they'd end up.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Fennec agreed readily and Wraen was glad that there was something she had done to cheer the girl up. She started slowly, then paused, when she heard Niamh's urgent call and saw a flash of gold rush past in the distance and in the direction of the Hideaway strath. Wraen's first instinct was to follow Sergeant at Arms right away, but this would mean leaving the blind girl behind. So, all things considered, it was for the better. The Sovereign had full trust that, whatever she could have done for Towhee, Niamh was just as capable at executing. 

"Niamh will see to her," she assured Fennec. "Did Towhee tell you anything about, what she planned to do?" taking in consideration that the girl was as a daughter to her cousin, she assumed that she would be the first to know her mom's plans.
Sun Mote Copse
2,020 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Someone blasted by, startling Fennec, but Wraen clarifies quickly after who it was.  No, she replied, a little flatly.  I didn't really see her.  

There could be a lot of reasons for it, but Fennec was mainly thinking the worst of it.  But there was still a little hope there, too, because right now they were running towards home.  Do you think we'll get in? Or they got out?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I do not think that the rock-pile that is blocking the Hideaway Strath away from the rest of the territories disappeared magically. It is pretty high and Towhee got very much injured, while climbing over it," Wraen explained to Fennec, but did not feel sure, if she could give the whole scope of the problem.

"I also doubt that Towhee has any set plan on, how to rescue them," she admitted to her. "Her good heart got ahead of her," she added sympathetically. "But we will go and see - maybe a miracle has happened and there is some change in the situation that I do not know about," this would be the best case scenario, but Wraen had lived long enough to understand that life simply did not go as you thought it should.
Sun Mote Copse
2,020 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She hoped that Wraen was wrong and something had changed.  Why else would Towhee be going?  It couldn't be hopeless.  Besides, she had gotten out, and that meant Fig and dad definitely could have also.  Maybe they'd even be waiting for them!

Towhee knows, I'm sure of it.  She'll get them out.  Fennec's voice held conviction, though silently she still felt a small twinge of resentment.  She would, but still... she shouldn't have left alone.  Fennec deserved to help them get free too.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen was not so optimistic, but she felt moved by Fennec's iron-clad faith in Towhee's ability to conjure miracles, and therefore did not have the heart to contradict her. Most of the girl's family was there and it would be cruel to crush that desperate hope, even if it lead to more disappointment and despair later. 

She did not contribute to the conversation much, speaking only to better guide the girl through the cedar forest towards, where her home lied and where Towhee was making a reckless and dangerous attempt to do something, anything to change the sad fate of those, who were still trapped inside. 

It would not happen that day yet. 

Since the events have moved on quickly, I thought it better to fade this out.