Dawnlark Plains i hope the roof flies off and i get blown out into space
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lots of tags for visibility, this is completely aw! i will most likely be posting with river once someone has joined :)
Somehow, he'd managed to convince @Zamael to cover for him with @Delightit'll just be a day trip, he'd assured his brother, meaning every word of it. Whatever had possessed him to agree after Alarian's last disappearing act, he was grateful for it, and had made no secret of how much he appreciated the favor. He definitely owed him; he was pretty sure if Delight found out it would be the end of them, the end of him, or both.
Morningside was his destination, but not for @Aditya or @Dawn this time. Actually, he was hoping to catch @Sebastian; recent events had made him realize a few things. First, he didn't know as much as he should about herbs. Second, they definitely needed someone else with more medicinal knowledge; Zamael was the best they had aside from himself. Third, he was a horrible teacher and could hardly be expected to adequately pass on knowledge. But these things could be remedied with guidance— so, off he went.
Of all the things he'd expected to find along the way, a pup had not been one of them. He ran into the boy near the river— a friendly kid, all silver and grey except for his eyes. "River— or Winterbourne— but everyone calls me River 'cause it's shorter, even though Winterbourne is way cooler," he'd introduced himself, and Alarian was immediately charmed. He'd always loved children.
The kid smelled of Morningside, and somehow Alarian had talked him into walking back with him; it had taken some coaxing and name-dropping, but he was relieved when it ultimately worked. God forbid he show up and say "Hey I found one of your kids wandering but I just kind of let him do his thing."
As they approached the borders, he glanced to the silver boy and couldn't help but ask: So where are your parents at, anyway?
"My dad's dead and my mom is sad," The kid told him bluntly, watching the borders with eyes far too hawkish for one so young.
Alarian tried not to wince. I'm sorry. So you uhh— do that a lot? Wander off? All he received was a nod, so he decided to shut up and call for someone— reluctantly, leadership, but he also called for Sebastian.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
goddamn it. the call rang out over the plains, and aditya's stomach clenched, knowing that he would have to be the one to answer it.

hoping that either dawn or sebastian, the other intended recipients of the call, had shown up already, adi took measured steps across the territory, face set in a grimace. this expression grew further pained as he realized three things, in quick succession: one, that no one else had yet heeded the howl; two, that alarian was more battered than he had been last time; and three, river stood by the governor's side, behind the border.

"fuck," aditya growled, trotting down to meet the pair, his eyes dark. his gaze snapped to river, jerking his chin for the boy to come to him. "come on, mithra," he said, struggling to keep his voice level. he would have to have yet another discussion with him, later. kasatka and her brother were doing an excellent job at testing his patience.

he looked, then, at alarian, his visage suffused with reluctant gratitude. "thanks," he offered, as a sort of all-encompassing sentiment. his mouth quirked, his paws shuffling awkwardly. "what brings you down to morningside, besides. . .him?" adi gestured to river, ears perked in query.
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Ooc — xynien
When Aditya approached, both River and his new friend tensed; a new wave of fondness rose within him for the sense of camaraderie, though he had no clue what troubled Alarian about him. The barely-contained words caused his ears to flatten, and he scrambled back to press against the strange, slim man who'd found him wandering (completely ignoring the discomfort he caused by pressing into his shoulder wound).
"Ow— uhh, I'm hoping to catch Sebastian. Is he around?" The raw nerves and barely-suppressed sorrow lurking under the words didn't escape River, who opted not to say a word. He did realize, then, that he was hurting his new friend, and reluctantly detached himself to settle by his side— still decidedly on the other side of the borders. He ignored the glance from Alarian that said 'please get your ass over there.'
Because, well, you aren't my dad either, and you kind of look like a girl, too, so.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
was this fatherhood? had he been this ornery, as a child? aditya fixed a gimlet stare on river, face brooking no opposition. he did not make a move, yet, to remove the boy from alarian's side, choosing to focus on the governor's words, instead. he nodded at mention of @Sebastian, turning his head to look over the plains, hoping that the man was on his way.

"he should be coming," adi said, returning his gaze to alarian. "you could also talk to pema, though you'd have to come to the rendezvous. she's nursing, and. . . well, probably best to wait until her pups are weaned. she's very protective," he added, a note of pride for his friend, the new mother, in his voice. doubtful she would let anyone besides her inner circle near the quartet, much less a wolf from another pack.

speaking of protective. . . "where'd you find him?" he asked alarian, dipping his muzzle in query toward river. he wondered how far the boy had gone this time. perhaps if two-thirds of grayday's second litter hadn't gone missing, he wouldn't worry as much. as it was, he felt it his responsibility to keep the late leader's legacy alive--which included keeping the trio of delinquent juveniles safe. at least for now, when they were still young.
The Gentleman
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Ooc — Mar
Sebastian had heard the howl. He had been with Aviana and Faye. It was not much of a surprise as he was a very devoted uncle, at least he liked to think so. The male got to his feet as he was lucky enough that Aviana was with him so she could stay with Faye. Sebastian's shoulder was healed and scarred over, but that didn't mean his limp had gone away. His charcoal colored fur wouldn't grow over the pink scar, which was a good indicator of why he had a limp in the first place. He hoped that over time his shoulder would heal further internally but it might not be the case. The male made it over to the border as soon as he could but as he approached it came to his attention that he was not the first to arrive.

The male noticed his leader and that he was quite tense. The grey tank then noticed that he knew the visitor. Oh no. He hoped that there wasn't a dispute. He made some more haste and tried to assess the situation. He noticed that one of Grayday's children was with Alarian. Sebastian was panting when he reached the group, clearly, there had been an effort to reach the border as quickly as he could. "Aditya," he greeted. "This is Alarian. I can vouch for him," the male spoke, unaware that the two might know each other as well.

Sebastian's eye fell on the grey child and tried to understand where the leader's tension came from. The large male sat down, his pale eyes falling on Alarian. There was a curious glint in them as he wondered what Alarian needed him for. Perhaps it was just to say hi. "Nice to see you again, Alarian. How have you been fairing?," he wondered. Sebastian wasn't going to question what the deal was with River, perhaps it wasn't his business to know? Unless the child was injured? He didn't look injured.