Redhawk Caldera pupsicles
783 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Ranger
Liffey - if possible - was even more nervous that her mother as they travelled. But it wasn't fear for the lives of the puppies that drove her, but fear that she might fail at doing the job she had been given. The young Blackthorn did not like failure, and it became an even more terrible prospect when the stakes were so very high. So, she did her best to huddle close to her mother as they travelled. Embarrassment flooded her when her close became too close and Fin had stumbled over her, nearly dropping Mumble. But the girl swallowed the emotion and kept going, trying even harder to perform well.

She felt relieved when finally they made it. She moved to the side to get out of the way of those who were holding pups so that they could get to the back of the cave after Fin as quickly as possible. When they all had passed, Liffey trudged along behind. She was shivering just as fiercely as any of them, and so was relieved as the air grew warmer and warmer. Her eyes shifted across her packmates as she settled onto her haunches. She watched them anxiously, but her mind was away from them, replaying her stumble over and over again and wondering how stupid they all thought her now for it.
if I knew where I was going, I'd lose my way.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Small PP of Eljay since Iris is on vacation -- if that's not okay, let me know! <3

The going was slow and painful, but Elwood focused all of his attention on Towhee. He could feel the tremors of her shivering little body, and while he held her gently, his jaws began to ache with the effort after only a short while. It seemed like they had been walking forever, but at their slow pace, they covered ground exceptionally slowly. Elwood's gaze shifted periodically from Eljay to Lagan to Liffey, making sure that all of his children were doing their part to escort their cousins to the shelter.

Finally, the mouth of the cavern loomed in front of them. Elwood's muscles and joints were stiff from the cold, and he was thankful when the mass of wolves moved into the protection of the tunnel. The relief among the adults was palpable, and the Alpha male moved swiftly to place Towhee on the floor alongside her siblings. Raven and Finley were busy warming their charges with their tongues, and Elwood did the same, smiling at @Eljay as he safely deposited his puppy with the others.

"We made it," he said quietly and to no one in particular.
99 Posts
Ooc — Manda
A slight PP here, too. :O

Sassafras remained as close as she could manage throughout the slow procession, shifting herself whenever possible so that she could shield a tiny body from the frigid talons of the wind. For much of the time, her eyes continually darted between the snow directly in front of her small, yet sure-footed paws and any brief glimpse she could steal of the terrain that lay ahead. It was because of the focus she kept that she was struck by surprise and nearly bit her tongue when Finley lurched with Liffey’s falter, but she quickly regained herself and ambled on. When the remainder of their travel was without incident, and once the last of them were tucked safely within the confines of the cave, the two-year-old uttered a soft sigh of relief.

She padded to one of the side walls and paced once to lie where she stood, then realized being separated from the rest was not at all the point. She splayed her ears a little sheepishly, hoping no one would notice, then spied the uncertain-looking Liffey watching the others. The dark DeMonte-Sairensu fluidly crossed the distance between them, went round the small Blackthorn and nuzzled deeply into the ruff at her shoulder before hunkering down close. They had all made it. Together.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She didn't stop caterwauling until darkness enveloped them and the wind stopped slicing through her tiny body. Shivering like mad, Towhee's voice died down into a series of rolling whimpers that persisted long after she was placed on the cold cave floor alongside her siblings. She didn't take any notice of or interest in their new surroundings. She wedged her little body up against her godfather's, quaking until the collective warmth of the pack finally began to thaw the frigid air.

Although she had been carried the entire way, Towhee felt exhausted for the experience. As soon as the shivering died down, her body's response to the mild trauma was to shut down. The small puppy drifted to sleep, giving a little shudder every now and then as if the memories of the terrible cold haunted her even in sleep.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
no problem kim <3

The trek was long and difficult, but luckily his pup wasn't too difficult for the moment. With a sigh of relief, Eljay sat down the pup when they reached their destination, glad that they had all made it in one piece. He looked to see how everybody else was, Liffey in particular, but she seemed to have made it too.

"Good job," he said to Liffey and he nosed her cheek lovingly before turning to look at the rest of their family. He let out a breath of relief to see all the faces that they had started out with, even if it hurt to not see Uncle P and Aunt Fox in there.
813 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Gannet had stuck close to Elwood during the walk and hadn't even noticed the others' stumble, he was so intent on keeping his own charge out of the wind and the worst of the cold.  As soon as he arrived he joined the puppy cuddle pile, offering his warmth and assistance in making sure they warmed up and could nap comfortably.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
I'm gonna smoosh an ending here! Thanks everyone for participating :D

The others entered one right after the other. Those with puppies deposited the little wolves into the care of their mother-like figures before huddling close to them to help warm their frozen little buddies up. Fin ran her tongue along Mumble until at long last, the boy settled into his usual calm stupor. Only then did she take a breath - or that's how it felt at least. Lifting her gaze, she saw the pack surrounding her. Even those who weren't huddled in the pile stood near to each other, supporting one another. Fin, who had trouble taking seriously pretty much everything in her life besides the well-being of her children, felt herself unspeakably moved by what she saw. The love. The support. Peregrine and Fox somewhere were beside themselves with pride over this pack. She knew it without a doubt.

But, far be in from Finley to be able to communicate these feelings. Though her heart exploded with pride and joy, the alpha could do little more than smile around at them all. "Thank you," she murmured before leaning down again to tuck Oriole into a more comfortable position in her arms, sighing happily as he slipped off to sleep.