Northstar Vale COURT⋆FALL
wearing my dream like a diadem in some better land.
1,195 Posts
Ooc —
Master Ranger
Pack Activity 
Happy Thanksgiving and once again thank you to everyone who's helped breathe life back into this idea! This is just a one-post thread so all are accounted for in CF's official claim <3

Home, here;
half-such, yet still hearth, home—!

Refugees from something or another; immigrants, from distant lands. Like errant wisps of the celestium, they have followed her past the gnarled tombs of felled bough; strode with her o'er those prophetic and primal usherings beneath the very earth. And still they did not crack, nor crumble, long returned to seed. No! they have tread after the stricken, whose figment, birthed from unending faith, had never been hers to keep in the first means. Theirs, this;
this vale of shadow-bound sagas and mythologies untold. Theirs, all;
they have now tethered the fairylight’s soul entire to the moss and lichen; retrieved her from the awaying into the airs to settle her with a finality into her corporeal being.

The arrival of her aria;
Undómiel’s eldritch drapery down shoulders; that sanctified silence:
swore herself to all that the joining of this symphony was their choice, yes; swore, too, that she would ever guide them for all her heart’s thrumming. Low and hymnal chords, voyaging further, to @Agana, @Kukutux, @Andromaque, @Dagwood; further, for @Aiolos, @Star, @Séamuss; further yet unto @Phex, @Gracious, @Iär'e, @Tundra; inviting @Cupid and @Clementine, newest nevermind, all—!

She, a mere vessel for her faithfuls;
they, the rekindlers of hope.
539 Posts
Ooc — summer
She had spent her past few weeks in the Vale after returning from her journey eastward. Therefore, when Andraste's lovely song broke the cool morning air, Star was not far, and the sound hit her ears.

Finally, Courtfall was established. She let out her own little sigh of relief, joyful with the fact that she had a home once again within Teekon Wilds. Who knew how long it would last? But she hoped dearly, that she would find a home here worthy of her golden years, worthy enough to spend the remainder of her life in. 

Star parted her lips to release her own song to join with Andraste, their voices rising to reach the heavens with their claim. She was sure that many voices unfamiliar to her would join them, but this song with unite her with those strangers all the same.
And the world becomes a scattering of stars
288 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Phex knew it was coming.
The air all around the Vale tingled with it. Everyone was here, everyone was ready to announce themselves to the world. Well, the Teekons.

No matter she was gathering. Scraps of fluff, bones, and tufts of fur from fallen creatures littered around the sides of the Vale, those who had unexpectedly fell to their deaths. 
She made a small pile. A marker.
A sigil. Near her den, for Laroche.
She had not the time nor place to do so, but now she did. So far from her first home. Real home.
One that turned out like her birthplace; sour and corrupted.

Hopefully Courtfall would not.
A howl rung out, igniting the gasoline air. Phex tipped her head to join Andraste and all the others who would join. They were Courtfall.
| |
Reach those stars.
90 Posts
Ooc — Zorah
Their time had come, finally -- this is what Andromaque had waited so long for. The ushering of a new era, it accompanied by wolf's song, howls flowing through chilled air, drifting through evergreen trees towards dim lit sky. Familiar faces closed in 'round her as flame-touched fae drew nearer to the group. Undómiel -- Andraste, the Crowned -- began the howl and she joined with strong voice once others had begun their song as well, their claim announced to those who could hear their anthem ringing through the wilds.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The group had gathered, grew, became strong. They had spent some time here now, establishing the lands as their own. With the many scents here it was obvious enough followers were under Andraste to take claim to this land and hold it true. Finally the official call rang out over the skies. Then another, and another, and another of a woman he knew. Lifting up from his placement in the brush along of their creeks, Aiolos booming voice joined amongst the females. 

The Nereides would not be happy with him.
moonglow daddy
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan

A shiver ran through her; a feeling; an unusual feeling of belonging. Agana slided closer to Kukutux, brushing lightly onto her shoulder. This vale had not been their own for long; but now, it felt home more than ever.

The grounds shifts had stopped, a joy in her heart as she thought of it. But you never know when they might start again; still, she had high hopes for the future.

Golden gaze turned forward, not once away from the horizon; cold air filled her lungs, a strange sensation she had never felt before. And she knew, that her efforts were worthwhile; that she made it, they had made it.

Courtfall was now established.
common    romanian    valerian
— hover for transation

always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem

a shuddered exhale, a shift of numbing paws; otherwise a motionless phanthom. listless eyes resting unseeingly upon the dawning skies above as minor demons hiss restlessly from the confines of her being. she is so far from whole and it pains her so, inner conflict seeming to have finally tugged her mind to the point of tearing it at the seams. she is..spiralling, falling further and further into this tightening hell. she wishes to scream, cry- fall upon the earth and yell but not a sound reaches her jaws before its energy is diminished by the obstables it must face to roam from command to action. 

yet then, another-

fallen ears rise slowly, swivelling to catch each note of andraste's song. the group was no longer just that, courtfall was here. is she slightly regretful? does that make her cruel, evil? yet perhaps no, she wishes no intentional ill will on these wolves for despite owning her loyalty they are yet to earn her trust or care and so it is okay for guilty, wistful thoughts as long as she does not intend on acting on them..right? she simply could not help but think that if...the pack had not been successful in its formation she would've been free to...

the demons waste no oppurtunity to jeer, she'd be free to wander aimlessly till death? since that's all she'd seemed capable of doing before being saved. but..softly she attempts to fight back, she'd find maegi..or rosencrantz and...and....

more calls, each filled with such unveiled emotion and hope that her eyes sting. and with a wisftul breath, the soldier lifts her pale muzzle to the endless expanse above and lets it finally flow strong from her jaws; noise, expression. and as it rises and twists with the voices of her newfound packmates, something seems to lift slowly from her chest and perhaps...the fragile little flame of hope dares to flicker treacherously within her chest that courtfall truly would be enough to save her.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
i n n e r p e a c e
229 Posts
Ooc — H2O
Everything had tied itself beautifully into a bow of silk. Gracious was home, surrounded by new faces and a new family. Fate had a strange way of playing with destiny and tossing the world back and forth, shaking wolves and other earthly inhabitants to their cores. However, Gracious couldn't care less about it. Whatever the two little devils planned out for here seemed pleasant for now, her heart was lifted with joy. She brushes her shoulders with the others near her and offered smiles to those she hadn't exchanged words with yet, which was just about everyone.

When the time came, Gracious lifted her muzzle into the sky and let her silvery note intertwine itself with the others in a chorus of claiming. The Vale was theirs now, theirs to keep until it was theirs no more. They were home.
[Image: source.gif]
Gracious is currently traveling with Oceane; she is allowed to join all threads Gracious is in unless they are marked private 
3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
a song, flinging out with wild wordlessness from kukutux' throat. 

home. where agana would live. where she would also.

the ghost had brought them to a paradise, her young heart hoped. ukkitchuk.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
284 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Cupid looked upon the woods from his perch that kissed the clouds. A gentle sigh escapes his lips. Well, this is exactly what he wished for; shelter during the harsh winter months. A small amount of relief stirs in his heart, but a far greater feeling overshadows it. And he doesn't know what that is until a chorus drifts in the wind.

His ears slowly flatten against his crown and he turns his head to the world beyond. That world would go undiscovered by him for months to come. Something twisted in his gut. It was regret.

Cupid was silent.