Sleeping Dragon If you trust your rebel heart, ride it into battle
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
"Good on you," she responded heartily, meaning it.  She might not judge wolves for sticking close to home, but she did have a bias towards the wanderer's road.  A little culture and experience never hurt anyone, and there were so many experiences to be had.

"How'd I end up here? That's a bit of a tale."  What the hell.  Maybe she'd even jazz it up a bit; she always did have a bit of flair for the dramatic.  "I met this wolf, odd bugger and a couple sticks short of a bundle.  Called me Standards, even, seeing as I wouldn't let his rabbit play in my burrow.  If you get my drift."  She smirked at the recollection.

"Anyway, he was putting together a pack near the sea, and since he had a weird sort of charm, I went along.  Girls gotta eat.  Turns out the pack had this queen, though, real nasty sort.  No sense of humor.  We didn't hit it off so well."  That was mostly her doing, of course, but this was her story and she could imply what she wanted.

"Long story short; I got Vlad to assist and challenged her.  Too bad she had backup.  Few nasty blokes, big guys with a real nasty bite to them."  More like a few scrawny packmates.  "We barely got away.  Can you believe before that she ordered him to kill me instead? The nerve of some wolves when power gets at their head."  She shook her head, then focused back in on Wildfire.
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RE: If you trust your rebel heart, ride it into battle - by Rosalyn - October 07, 2016, 12:12 AM