Redhawk Caldera i’ll digest you one kiss at a time
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
All Welcome 
This is backdated to the morning after the thur/finley thread (also thur/towhee and thur/children). I’m pretty sure I tagged everyone. Please let me know if I missed someone! This will be a short thread but please cameo.

They had one more night together and as much as she wanted to be curled up next to @Wildfire’s side, she let @Artaax and @Blixen instead. Thuringwethil remained at the entrance where she can see them, blocking the way in (or out) until she needed to move. If it’s the closet she can be before they go, she’ll take it, and look forward to when she gets to home.

When morning comes, she does take a few minutes to herself to spend with her mate, even if she is unresponsive. The woman nudges her cheek and whines a little, trying to encourage her awake before she goes and when it still proves fruitless, she resigns and ultimately slips from the den, searching for @Hux and giving him a few words of warning encouragement. He is to take care of Wildfire’s needs and the Redhawk wolves while he stays here. She may prefer a different wolf to stay but she can not afford any of the others in the party.

As the sun brightens the crisp fall morning, she finds @Dio, @Portia, and @Étoillee not too far from where they are and then @Eljay not too far off. A soft woof in his direction is all she gives him to round up before she readdresses the group.

”As you know, Wildfire will be staying behind and Hux will too. It is not wise to try and take her back when she is like this. I don’t like it but it is the best thing for all of us,” she says, glancing back. It pains her to go, afraid she’ll wake the moment they step too far to return. Come on...

As she gets approval they are ready, she turns, and lifts her nose to call for @Finley and @Elwood to say they final goodbye.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay listened as the Heda said what they were going to do and a worried frown flashed across his face. They were leaving Wildfire behind and someone else that he didn't know was staying, too. "Wait," said Eljay, though it came out squeaky and weird-sounding. He scraped his throat as he looked at the Heda with an almost pleading expression. "Is... C-could I stay here a bit longer too, and... And go home when Wildfire does?" He glanced at the pups, knowing he had his duties, and if he wasn't missable through the journey because he needed to care for the pups then he would do it, but he felt his heart hoping he could stay just a tiny bit longer so that he could help care for Wildfire, learn some more from Raven and spend time with his parents... He felt his heart thud in his chest as he waited for the answer, hoping he'd be allowed, even though he knew it would only further tear his heart apart with the knowledge he had to leave again at some point.
280 Posts
Ooc — e
Étoille has not done much during their stay within the Caldera's borders. He has not wished to impose, so he has busied himself with some small hunting - but otherwise he is mainly tired. That they were able to take a few days of rest is an opportunity he is glad for. He sleeps a bit, thinks of his Mirabelle, gives the family and healers space to tend to Wildfire.

The decision to leave Wildfire behind seemed, to Étoille, perfectly suitable. He had no doubts he could have carried the woman - perhaps with Hux and heda's help - but the journey is long and the risks are high. The man nods in response to heda's words and remains quiet, though he watches the soft-voiced Eljay with some measure of curiousity after his outburst. 

But really, all the titan wants is to return home.
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian

 blix is still mad, still raw, but her anger is not at nomi so much as it is at the situation as a whole, or - hell - at her mother for not just waking up, how selfish (how selfish of her, to feel that way, but she can't help it and it doesn't help bring her down). nomi's words make her angrier again, but she stays silent, knowing it's futile, knowing deep down nomi's right. 

 then eljay speaks and her eyes widen in surprise, catching his glance with no small measure of hurt. irrational hurt - these wolves were eljay's family, and she knows that, but - but eljay is theirs and if she can't stay then why should he be able to? it feels like a betrayal. but still she stays silent, not too keen on making things worse for herself (again) by running her mouth off. instead she moves her gaze from eljay to nomi, expression still clearly stung.
and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Elwood was awake long before Thuringwethil's call, in anticipation of Drageda's departure. Although it had been odd hosting such a large group of wolves who did not belong to their pack, he was glad that things had turned out the way they did. It was fateful that Wildfire had found her way to Redhawk Caldera at almost the same time as her pack; and, while he knew Thuringwethil wasn't eager to leave her, he assumed she felt some degree of reassurance knowing Wildfire would be with her family while she healed.

He made his way towards Tailfeather Creek to say goodbye to the commander and her wolves and see them off. When he arrived, he found them gathered, listening to final instructions from Thuringwethil. Eljay's question reached Elwood's ears as he came to a halt a few feet from the crowd, and he shifted his gaze first to look at his son and then to the commander. He didn't expect that she would allow Eljay to stay, but there was a part of him that wished it could be the case.

For now, he didn't say anything, but waited with bated breath for Thuringwethil's verdict.
[time & tide]
479 Posts
Ooc — -
To the beckons of the commander, he split his jaws in a great yawn then pressed his muzzle against his mate's shoulder and began to move closer to their little gathering with her. He knew what was coming, saw the necessity of it, and of course liked the idea of abandoning their Redhawk campsite, but knowing it had to be without some of their own was far from his ideal. It could not be helped, however, and they had to return to the cliffs soon before Eske could begin to worry for them.

Nevertheless, he turned his ears towards Thuringwethil and divided his attention among the gathering to observe languidly. Long nights in a foreign pack left him wearing thin, so he had a need to conserve and rest for the voyage back home while they still had the chance. He wanted their trek back to be relatively effortless, although it was not going to be without heavy hearts as they left Wildfire behind to hopefully mend. Towards that, he was only hesitantly hopeful. In a perfect outcome, she would be recovered enough to travel and stay with them, where they could keep her safe and where their proven medics could tend to her.. but these others were her family, he had to reason, and these were the wolves that cared about her before Drageda had. They had given him absolutely no reason to doubt them at all.
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Once the call is made, it is not long before someone speaks up against her decision and she slowly turns to look at Eljay. A small part of her scoffs at the request but she keeps her expression flat as she stares hard at him. She doesn’t want to entertain the notion when he wasn’t very help from the start and where she thought he could help, he hasn’t been able to.

Before she gets a chance to answer, however, Elwood shows up in silence and she acknowledges him quietly. The position she’s put in all of a sudden causes a new sense of frustration she doesn’t want to take on. The caldera has become an ally, in a way, when Drageda does not often extend a branch out to those that are not their own. They are indebted to them for now with the care of Wildfire and though their distance is great, she’ll uphold whatever they need. If, in that moment, it is to have the measles wolf stay a few more days, she’ll grant what she can.

Part of her believes he’ll see what he’s missing and stay behind and somewhere she wonders if that will be easier on them but Blixen has grown fond of him and he’s done well keeping an eye on them in travel. When she glances at her children, tired and weary, she doesn’t suspect they’ll be much of a problem on their travel. Thuringwethil sighs, watching as Blixen falls back.

”If the children think they’ll be okay on the way back without you, you can stay,” she decides, turning the decision over to Artaax and Blixen. They are old enough not to need a baby sitter and she knows they will be fine, but the extra eyes on them when she’d been traveling on the way down had been more than helpful. The way back doesn’t seem to have the same need.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
Did someone say plants?
526 Posts
Ooc —
by the time they were leaving, portia didn't have much to bring home... in fact, it wasn't even worth wrapping. she handed it off to raven, who she assumed would appreciate it, and set off after her alpha, ready to return home to her babies... and her garden, ugh her garden. she, actually, didn't mind leaving wildfire here. it was the best option for her health, and while she of course would've loved to have her back home with them-- her health came first. besides, hux was very capable (she'd decided the past few days here) and the caldera was family to the fiery she-wolf, she saw no qualms with the plan.

she stood a few paces behind thuringwethil, her tail low but swaying calmly at her ankles. she was ready to go, to see her babies, and whatever was going on now was getting in the way of that.

portia could not relate to eljay... at all. she cared little for her mother and sisters. in fact, she could go the rest of her life without hearing from them and have no problems-- she'd done a fantastic job at that so far. but, falling into place with elwood and finley-- portia couldn't imagine having dalia and sirio torn from her grasp. she hesitated, awaiting the commanders answer, before speaking up. "they can travel with me," she offered, glancing to her niece and nephew. she could keep a close eye on them-- easy, especially since she didn't have any herbs to keep track of now. she added with a small smile, "if they'd like."
green text signifies trigedasleng.
461 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Artaax was quiet as Thuringwethil made the announcement. Though he liked it no better than he had when nomi had first decreed it, he had made his peace with it. In the coming days, he would cling to the last night he was able to spend curled at his mother's side, and hold tight to it like a prayer that he would one day soon get to experience it again. But those were thoughts he would keep to himself. Today, he put on his mask of bravery and stood silent and still as the discussion proceeded.

When the question was posed, the boy didn't even spare a glance for his sitter. Artaax's opinion of the manchild was low, and it didn't matter at all to him if he never returned to Drageda at all. His response was to merely look at Thur, then Portia, and then slowly bring his gaze to Blixen with a slight bow of his head. She was the one who cared for him, so he would leave the decision to her. It made no difference to him who came with them or who stayed - the one he had wanted to return most would not.
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian
hope its ok if i post now! just wanted to make this quick & easy, lmk if i shld delete~

 she may not like eljay's request - and she may not like that nomi agrees so easily - but she's not cruel. nomi puts the onus on her and artaax to approve, and - she looks to artaax as he defers to her. blix knows her brother's opinion of the sitter is low, so that figures.. she frowns, her own gaze searching between the adults - portia, nomi, the sort-of hopeful air of the alpha pair (his..parents?), and finally eljay. "we'll be okay," she tells him, forcing a slightly-strained smile. "but y'gotta come back to us!" the girl adds, the attempt at playfulness only slightly undercut by her general air of anger and fatigue and the very, deadly serious look in her eyes. she understands why eljay wants to stay, sure, but at the end of the day, he's drageda's, too. 

and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Today, it seemed, was the day. Finley had been on her way already when the commander called. She'd left her wildlings in the care of @Orca, much to their displeasure. Not that they didn't adore their older sister - they just wanted to come too and were heartbroken over being left behind. Heartbroken and grumpy as fuck. But, this was a matter that required her to put on her alpha face, and not be distracted by over-excited puppies. So, she approached on her own and took up a position beside Elwood, just as the little Wildfire look-alike commanded Eljay to come back to them.

Fin blinked, looking at Elwood in confusion before glancing at Thuringwethil - whose name she'd finally figured out how to say correctly (though let's be real, she'll always be Betty to Fin). Her face was plainly asking wtf was going on, but still her heart was beginning to pound with anticipation. Was Eljay staying?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay's heart pounded in his chest and he was so focussed on the outcome of the question that he wasn't even paying attention at all to who else appeared -- he didn't see that mommy and daddy had come to say good bye and that they were hearing whatever would be the outcome. The Heda said that he could stay so long as the kids didn't mind.

Eljay looked hopefully at the children -- Artaax didn't seem to mind, which might've been hurtful any other day but was good now, and Blixen looked a little hurt, truthfully. Eljay, reverting back to a child himself, had forgotten a moment that Blix might mind that he didn't travel back with her right now. He waited with bated breath and could finally breathe again when she gave the relieving 'yes'.

His tail wagged and he said, "Thank you! Of course I'll come back." He didn't really want to come back but he was just happy enough that he would get to stay with mommy and daddy a bit longer.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Rather than make the decision herself, Thuringwethil allowed her children to decide Eljay's fate. It made sense, and Elwood understood the logic completely, seeing as Eljay was a trained caregiver. As Finley came to stand next to him, his gaze slid to the two youths, watching as they deliberated in different ways. The male inclined his head, nonverbally expressing his consent, while his sister offered a condition to Eljay, requiring that he ultimately return to Drageda. It was something of a reality check, hearing the possessive tone of her voice, but Elwood reminded himself gently that she was right; Eljay did belong to Drageda now.

But the happiness on Eljay's face lightened Elwood's heart and caused him to smile as well. He nodded to Thuringwethil as he stepped towards his son, ready to welcome him back with open arms. "Thank you, commander," he said earnestly, extending his grateful gaze to Artaax and Blixen as well.
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
I don't know why I thought I was waiting on someone, everyone's already replied. I am SO SORRY for the wait!!

The exchange is brief between the little group and Elwood thanks her. She nods her head once and watches Eljay make the transition from Drageda to the Redhawks. For Blixen’s safe, she hopes he returns, but she can’t help an unsettled feeling in the back of her mind he may not. Thuringwethil refocuses her attention on the Alpha pair with a short smile, her expression quickly fading to the usual stoicism.

“Thank you for taking us in,” she begins, her words softer than usual. They are not wolves of Drageda, but they are still important to them now—at least to her. “Tell Raven we appreciate all the help he gave Portia, and for continuing to look after her after we’re gone. We hope to see them home soon,” she adds with a sigh, worried with Winter this close, it may not be the case. “I know we are several days travel but if there is anything you need, we will be there.” Her eyes trail then to Finley and the discussion they had the day before, hoping they’ll discover who is behind all this in the first place.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
[time & tide]
479 Posts
Ooc — -
He remains quiet, deferring their words of thanks to their commander now that it is all settling down and falling into place with wolves deciding where to be, and so on. He would rather not leave any behind, not even Wildfire.. but, as it must be, he does want to get back to their cliffs too before the winter can come any closer. It will be a long trek back home, after all. He'll have the length of that long tedious walk to digest this, along with what it could mean for the weeks and months to come, should something come of this--whatever it was, exactly.

The wocha settled beside his mate, all ears, and keeping an eye on everyone. He would wait to see where else this could lead.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Fin felt a lump form in her throat as she witnessed the emotion on her son's face as he was - presumably - told that he would be permitted to stay. She sucked in a breath and looked at Thuringwethil as she continued, nodding along with her words. She spoke of gratitude, and though Fin knew they had done a lot for Drageda, she also knew that there were many, many more miles she would have gone to ensure Wildfire's safety and happiness.

"You're welcome, for all of it," Fin answered, taking a step forward and lifting her chin slightly - not in a challenging way, but in a way that spoke of her authority on behalf of the Caldera, "Safe travels to you. I hope that you know you can count the Caldera as a friend." She glanced at Elwood, feeling confident that he would be on board with her declaration. She looked at Thur then, her stature softening somewhat before she added a firm, but gentle promise, "We'll keep her safe."
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Things begin to fall into place and there is need to stretch them out. Both of the leaders assure her they will keep Wildfire safe. She isn’t fond that she has to leave her behind, nor two of her own wolves, but there isn’t much to do. She needs to get the rest of them home and perhaps they can return to a normal life. Thuringwethil nods her head once more, glances to Eljay with a slight smile, and turns to usher the rest of the wolves out. For a while, they simply walk and she stays close to the children, letting someone else take head of the group until they are far enough away to be on higher alert.

Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place