Bearclaw Valley greensprout
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
blargh, take this!

she had held onto the starving boy, ensuring that he actually followed her to the borders of her home.  although she technically had the authority to allow wolves into their ranks, she preferred that @Xan took care of all the formal garbage.  she didn't really know what he expected from newcomers (he had taken her in, after all).

she moved alongside her new companion and casting him a tentative glance, urged @Issun to call for leadership.

638 Posts
Ooc — ares
issun kept close to the female as they neared the borders of bearclaw. the distinct scent of wolves sent excitement and unease through him. it was strange just being near a pack again.

he instinctively bowed his head when the border’s smell became more prominent. he glanced towards reigi, than lifted his head and called for their leader.
common | japanese
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro

The moment a howl rang through the valley Alexander began at a steady trot towards the entrance. With the voice unfamiliar and not accompanied by one that he did recognise, the male was not as quick with his arrival as usual; he meandered along, feeling not the least bit rushed, even as he made his way up the path—until he spotted his wife, at which point his pace picked up so that he was soon standing before them, a swing of his muzzle urging her to his side. At the same time, his tail rose along with his chin, queer gaze turning upon the other male. He looked him over whilst his nose drew in the scents that clung to his coat, seeing the thinness of his frame and finding no traces of a pack. Glancing sideways at his wife—assuming she’d come to stand at his side—his eyes betrayed his curiosity: where’d you find this one?

Returning his attention to the gaunt wolf, he asked, “What do you want?”
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

as always, she gave into alexander's command and moved to his side, but due to the stranger's starved form and the fact that he didn't try to kill her while they were alone served enough for her posturing to remain fairly inoffensive.

briefly, she touched xan's cheek with her nose to let him know she would be there in case anything happened, but she did not wish to get in the way.

638 Posts
Ooc — ares
he lowered his head once he finished his call and awaited an arrival patiently. he kept his gaze fixed on the entrance, studying all that was visable to his eye.

a few moments passed before a white wolf came to answer the call. not wanting to show signs of disrespect, his body fell into a submissive stance. he watched reigi move to the male’s side.

issun greeted him with a nod of the head. “i wish to join your ranks,” he stated simply.

common | japanese
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
There was a moment during which his gaze softened as he leaned, unconsciously, into his wife’s touch; that someone could make him feel so strange was still a new concept to him—perhaps it always would be. It lingered for no longer than a second as his expression hardened and he straightened back out, queer gaze locked on the stranger. He was there to join, though Xan couldn’t help but be skeptical, given his physical state. There were two women carrying his children, whelps soon to be born that he would need to push resources towards—he could not so easily grant access to someone that he suspected might take and give nothing in return.

“What can you bring to the pack?” he asked, setting aside his suspicions for now.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

post to get this moving, sorry for the wait!

she knew her husband would scrutinize this unloved creature, and for issun's sake, reigi hoped he had something to offer.  he was nice, and for her that would be good enough... but it took more than making friends to win xan over in every case but her own admission to the valley.

she stood properly at the border as a Good Wife should, but her gaze was softed and hopeful as it fixed on issun.

638 Posts
Ooc — ares
he looked worse for wear that was for sure. he assumed his skills had to outweigh his appearance if he was to sway the alpha and he can only hope they would.

i’m a warrior,” he started. issun always had a knack for combat. he was born with a larger body fit for fighting. “i’m also a scout,” he added, “i can bring materials and info to and fro if the time arises.

common | japanese
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The status as a warrior was claimed, a remark at which Xan nearly smirked. He could not picture the male, as scrawny as he currently was, as being of any use to him in battle, lest he was tossed to the wolves as a mere distraction. His gaze slid towards his wife, searching her expression for her reaction to the comment, but finding that the way she looked at the stranger did not match him—this was a curious development, and he wondered for what reason she might have to not be as skeptical as the albino was. Was it the outsider’s lack of hostility, his standings making him anything but a threat? This he could not figure out, nor did he take the time to actually ask, turning his attention back to Issun instead.

“Are you used to travelling far distances?” he asked, deciding to focus on his role as a scout, rather than as a warrior; although Xan could not think of any reasons for why the pack might need a scout around, he didn’t cast the trade aside entirely.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
638 Posts
Ooc — ares
skipping Annasiak with permission!

he nodded. “i am,” he stated, “i’ve grown accustomed to it.” a nervousness grew in his chest, though he hid it well. were his skills enough? he prayed they were. running without a purpose was tiring, physically and emotionally. this was a big chance to turn his life around and he didn’t want to screw it all up.

common | japanese
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Ayyye, you get my 800th post

The skill was not one that he so easily saw a purpose for but, after a moment of consideration, found that perhaps it could be useful; if the male was used to travelling, then maybe he could send him to Easthollow every now and again, rather than making the trip himself. Although he didn’t mind seeing his sisters, he found himself wanting to stick to his own home more often than not—having a scout, he could maintain a connection with his family members without having to leave his home.

Lazy, maybe, but he neither realised nor cared.

“You can join,” he decided. “Put on some weight and be ready at all times, just in case I need to send you somewhere.” Although his decision was a selfish one, he would at least let the guy better himself before being sent away—he wasn’t entirely unreasonable, usually.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”