Redsand Canyon Gotta Raise A Little Hell
This is my art, and it is dangerous
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Ooc — Liv
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Set 1 week after this thread tagging @Arlette but ALL WELCOME!

The Grandmaster had limped and stumbled back to the Canyon, leaving a trail of blood from the borders of Rivenwood and most of the way towards the mountains. 
By now her wounds had dried and were trying to set in with infection. Most of the way into the canyon, closer to where everyone denned, Nyra sent up a strained howl for help and continued to stumble for the communal site, hoping someone would come to her call and at least help her get to their medic.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — MAR
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Arlette heard the call from the female, and the urgency behind it. The female rushed to the sound. When she found Nyra she was covered in dried blood and infection was clear to set in. God damn, this woman! Couldn't she sit still? Luckily Arlette had some things close by. She rushed to get some poppy seeds. Moss and water were hard to come by, which sucked. The female placed some Burdock Root by her feet, something with pups and little wounds, she didn't mind to have that close and let them bite and play with it. Now it came in handy. "Eat it," she instructed while she was starting to lick her wounds, also to reopen them so the infection could bleed out.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra was relieved to see Arlette, but knit her brows with concern at what she perceived as irritation from the Medic.
Slanting her ears back as 'Lette fetched some herbs and came back with a command to eat the plant at her feet, Nyra nodded once with compliance and swiped the Burdock Root into her jaws with her tongue, chewing and forcing past the taste of the herb as Arlette reopened the Grandmasters wounds to bleed out any infection that was setting into them.

Sheepishly, the Grandmaster explained "I traveled further than I planned, found a pup from Rivenwood and walked her home. Ended up fighting a cougar at their borders. It's uh...I killed the cat." She sighed, expecting a verbal lashing from Arlette and therefore slanting her ears back further. She knew Lette cared deeply about her, and the feeling was mutual. 
"When Kynareth was still here, I went with him to Rivenwood. Made a bad impression there, so...their leader Mahler didn't let me stick around this time either once all was said and done." Nyra hung her head some. Such was the price of the life path she'd chosen so far.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,154 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette stilled instantly with her work when Nyra talked. The pale woman would have gotten as white as a piece of paper if she had the ability to do so. She looked at Nyra and her wounds and had already assumed that these were no wolf marks. She had seen battle scars and these were different. Different like... hers.

Arlette's red eyes looked into Nyra's yellow ones. Before she had been so embarrassed about the scars she had but the Saints taught her to be proud of the scars she had. She wasn't ugly because of them. She was a survivor and Nyra was too. "Cougars are vile creatures. I'm glad you got to kill it," she spoke. "Not sure if you know but my scars are also from a cougar. I lost my first mate and first pups because of a cat," she growled. She looked at Nyra with more respect now. At least she hadn't been fighting with another pack.

"They will remember you saved their child, Nyra," she told her. Arlette then continued with cleaning the pale female, especially around the wound, before grazing her teeth over it to make it bleed again, as painful as that would be for the female it would be needed. She was glad that she stayed. Nyra needed her, the Saints needed her.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra watched Arlette freeze a bit at the mentioning of the cougar, and the recognition in the Medic's face at the wounds she now bore that would become scars once healed fully. 
The Medic told her tale, one the Grandmaster wasn't certain she'd heard before. The tale of her first mate and first kids being taken at the claws of a mountain cat. 
The hurt, Nyra could see and hear it in Arlette as the medic spoke. 

Back to cleaning her reckless Alpha up, Nyra mulled over Arlette's words. Would Rivenwood remember Nyra's act of selflessness? The alpha doubted it in her heart. 
But in this moment in time, it mattered little. 
Distantly, Nyra recalled Dove and the healing oasis the ex-priestess had set up. But with the tossing around of moving location again...
It would be worth it, at least briefly. 

"I just remembered...Our first medic, Dove, had set up some sort of medical oasis before we moved territory the first time. I wonder if it's still there. You could use it, now that she's gone." The Grandmaster suggested softly, looking back to Arlette's face to see her response.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
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Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette stopped with cleaning the would for a moment when the other spoke. She mentioned Dove's stash. She nodded. "I've tried to find it but no luck," she admitted. "Plus she probably knows different things than I do, so I might not know the usage,' she admitted to the other. Maybe she would try and look for it again. It also might be another animal took it. Or another wolf, while they weren't here.

"I hope I'm early enough that infection won't set in," she spoke. "I will try and get more of that root for you," she spoke. It will take some time if she needed to get a lot more.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra looked at the other with eyes glinting something adventurous despite her dire state.
Slowly, her tail began to wag and a small grin started creeping up her muzzle. 
"I think we should find it. Besides, it's a better place to talk while you fix me up, if we succeed." The Grandmaster urged with excitement barely contained. 

Steadily, Nyra began to limp in the direction of Paradise Falls, the last sub territory she remembered the Healer Den being in. 

we could start a new thread if you'd like? for Arlette's counselor threads!
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,154 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette wanted to protest. "Nyra you shouldn't move so much," she commented but the female was already on her way. The wound was bleeding again but that was good. Maybe she could take her to the steam while they were walking anyway. Hopefully that would flush out the infection.

Plus Arlette was eager to find this stash of the other female. Maybe it was something that could help Nyra with healing, and beat this infection.

yes please!! Can you start?