Hoshor Plains gentlelady
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
with @Kirain, lestan left behind the creek and went out across the mountains. it was easy going for a time until spring storms began to drench the sunspire. a dismal lack of light and fleeing prey might have slowed them.
but at last out into the buttery light of a spring moon they came to the flatlands, to a gilded field studded with the broad dark shapes of bison.
the cornflower eyes turned toward kirain now. what had she made of their trek?
100 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
Admittedly, Kirain was surprised at how eagerly he had left home to search for Wake with her. And yet, here he stood by her side. Through every challenge, the Mayfair had remained steadfast, his determination unwavering even as the journey grew more difficult. His resilience was encouraging, a steady force beside her as they pressed forward through the mountains.

Now, with the peaks behind them, she couldn’t help but smile. Spring had always carried its own beauty, despite the hardships it brought. As she gazed over the vast field before them, a quiet relief unfurled in her chest. The open space felt liberating, a welcome contrast to the confining cliffs and narrow trails.

Bison moved lazily across the grasslands, their hulking forms at ease. The sight was peaceful, a rare moment of unburdened life. She turned to her companion, eyes alight with excitement and hope.

What do you think, Lestan? Her voice was soft, careful not to disturb the thriving world around them.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i th-think those will be t-too hard to take," lestan mused, smiling easily, "and i am thinking that w-we should choose a b-base camp. f-for now, while we l-look." appealing as this sprawl of flatland was, there beneath the moon, it would not do for two wolves alone.
kirain had been ceaseless and uncomplaining, a ranger whose quiet observations were of natural soothing to lestan. 
he rolled his shoulders; he took a step, and another, faster; he turned a grin over his shoulder and invited kirain right into a run!
100 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
I love Lestan so much <3 T-T

She hummed happily in agreement. I'm sure we'll find something suitable. There's so much to explore.

His grin was infectious, as were his playful antics. The moment he took off running, she was right behind him. Small as she was, Kirain was fast, and she relished every burst of speed that kept her at his side. Running felt liberating, a rush of wind against her fur, a heartbeat in sync with the rhythm of her steps. It carried her back to the carefree days of her childhood, a time of boundless joy. And now, with Lestan beside her, that joy felt even more complete.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
<33 its fun they're adventuring! shes adorable :D

they ran! they glided over moonlit swathes of grass, leapt soft rises hidden therein; they scattered nightflower petals to the warming wind and he found himself panting, watching the bison move away with indignant snorts.
when he had caught his breath, the creekwolf swayed a wondering tail. "i h-have to say, kirain, that this adventure would be f-far less pleasant were it something i h-had to do alone." his smile was genuine. "th-thank you."
100 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
The crisp night air filled her lungs, sharp and invigorating. Each stretch of muscle, each demanding breath, it was exhilarating, a sensation she relished as they moved together. As they slowed, she let herself catch her breath, her gaze sweeping across the horizon, drinking in the vast expanse of the starlit sky. Then, she turned to him, her silver eyes softening, her tail swaying in quiet gratitude.

I should be the one thanking you, she murmured, her voice warm with sincerity. You have far more to lose than I. Thank you, Lestan. For giving me courage, and for being my friend.

Her smile was brilliant, untouched by doubt, a reflection of the growing bond they shared.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"it is no trouble to be your friend," lestan assured, and in a rush the fractured memories came to him; of white feathers and golden lakes, of a stag lifting its head, of a voice —
he struggled for breath, feeling consciousness darken, and grasped for kirain's presence with his own. "j-just a little lightheaded," lestan tried to explain away, though somewhere far distant his talisman was pulsating again, surging with the light to compel its master.
he could not! he would not! find himself mad before kirain.
never! never!
to the south, a huge lake dominated their scene, glittering even now with silvering trails of moonlight. west, the flatlands continued to spread, indicated by sprawling berry-bushes and dipping trails. to the east marched onward the sunspire mountains. north was led off by a river, and curious clouds of white steam struck the air in this direction as well.
an expert tracker even amidst his anxieties, lestan determined that west would serve their purpose while north would take them farther for adventure's sake. a glance granted his companion, the mayfair in silence while he waited for kirain's observation as well.
100 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
The shift was so sudden it nearly startled her, Mayfair’s grin replaced by something far more desperate. Concern surged through her, and she stepped closer, pressing her nose lightly to his shoulder.

Are you alright, Lestan?

The world around them faded as her focus locked onto him. Her silver eyes traced his form, scanning for any sign of injury or an explanation for the sudden change. Lowering her head, she sniffed at him, searching for an unseen cause, but all she found was the scent of raw anxiety.

A frown settled over her face, her brow knitting with worry. Slowly, she began to circle him, observing every detail. Had their trek been more exhausting than she’d realized? Had she been so careless as to overlook his struggles?

The thought twisted in her chest, guilt pressing down like a heavy weight. Had he been suffering in silence all this time?
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"y-yes, quite," he half-lied, lids fluttering with the impact of his sidestep. "i have — i get ill, f-from time to time. it's been a y-year or so. arlette has been t-treating me," he declared, having never forgotten that he meant to bring her lavender.
"chamomile will put me r-right. we just need to f-find some." underneath her observational, worried gaze, lestan did not think he could continue fibbing for long. none of it was a lie! just the omission that he went stark raving mad at times.
"i'll l-let you choose our d-direction. if we're going to look for wake, we sh-should stay in the flatlands for a time."
100 Posts
Ooc — Lucky
100 posts! <3

Kirain wasn’t entirely convinced, but she didn’t feel the need to press him further. With a quiet sigh, she nodded in understanding.

Chamomile… that shouldn’t be too difficult to find.

Only then did she take a proper look at their surroundings. Her eyes weren’t as sharp as her companion’s, but she could still gauge the general lay of the land. Every direction told a different story, a different possibility.

We should head deeper into the flatlands, not just for Wake, but for the chamomile as well. If we don’t find what we’re looking for, we’ll have time to adjust.

Turning to him, her gaze softened. What do you think? she asked gently.
Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.
Swiftcurrent Creek
808 Posts
Ooc — ebony
woohoo! congrats!

"it's a v-very pretty plant," lestan murmured, "little, white wh-white flowers and yellow in the m-middle." his tail swished, and he turned west without protest. "i sh-should tell you: my tracking expertise only extends to th-the taiga and part of the coast. it w-will be new for me too."
his talisman was screaming, crying out.
he needed it!
"i f-figure we can j-just go until — well. until we feel compelled to stop," suggested the mayfair, picking his way through the field of golden grass.