Hushed Willows Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?
Party City
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Ooc — xynien
Reverie was startled; her hackles rose all over again, but she didn't flinch from the stranger. She recognized this — this anger, this lashing out. You don't seem alright, She bit back, a little frustrated in spite of herself. There was a part of her that saw Tauris in this stranger. Yet another part of her whispered why not just chase her out?

Because that's not who I am.

This is my home, so I'm not going anywhere. You're welcome to leave if you like, Reverie paused only long enough to draw in a quick breath. But if you want to stay for a little while, I can give you some food and a warm place to sleep. Or just some company, if you want. She knew, after all, what it felt like to look at the world and think that she would be better off alone. She knew how lonely it could be.
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