Cassiopeia's View [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view
46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Hawk-like as he regarded her, she felt a tinge prey, but she pushed it down as her tail swished languidly, a cat-toy that, maybe, the man would want as his plaything. Or, her whole self, even. She snickered, both at her own thoughts and the words he sent her way.

“Mmm, I was told by a male—much larger than you, no doubt—not too long ago that I deserve all the good in this world. I assumed kindness was involved in that sentiment. Hmm—I did do a fine job at rocking his world.” She feigned the reminiscing of her, quite false and highly dramatized, moment of greatness, humming to herself in a wistful-like manner. It was quite comical, her internal laughter threatening to burst.
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RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - by Cynna - May 24, 2024, 06:53 PM