Cassiopeia's View [M]anipulate the strings to get a better view
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay

a slight amount of pp here, if that's alright! if anything needs to be changed, please let me know! ^^

she could only go so far before she would turn to face him.

and that she did; soon with her rump high in an inviting way, and her expression like that of a tiny, feral feline. if he wasn't so distracted by the need to take from her the pleasure he'd been craving, he may have it all rather cute.

he doesn't stop when he comes nearer, but only slows. once within arms length, he turns on her flank, head dipping under her body to push her against her side or back. whichever his strength succeeds first. 

then he's on her, body hovering, teeth around her throat. it is the act of a predator's kill, but he doesn't bite hard. it is only to demand her submission. he will not take from a woman who fights him; but only one who is pliant and willing to recieve the honor of his attentions. for he does not offer it to many.
adopt one of the wild cards!

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RE: Manipulate the strings to get a better view - by Kalevi - May 25, 2024, 10:24 AM