Blacktail Deer Plateau backseat freestyle
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Pack Activity 
Hunting thread! First round will last until 10/5. No posting order. Roll if you want to, don't if you don't. This takes place a week or two from now, I guess. Dawn, you're still a bit ginger, I think, but Grayday will be glad to have her along. @Dawn @Pema @Moonstone @Spiritwalker @Aditya @Kieran Adrien @Sylvas Streiter. @Dauntless and @Lavender can come along, but should stay out of the way. (Pema, you're in charge of them if they show up.) @Starbelly, @Coq, and @Mirabella can also join in, if you so desire. Whew. Onto the thread.
The ranks had swelled once more, but Grayday didn't kid himself into thinking things would stay that way. The pack's numbers tended to ebb and flow like the tides, and he'd made his peace with that. As long as they had enough to eat, he tried not to concern himself with the size of the pack - he was more worried about how well they got along, these days. Winter was fast approaching, and the male didn't want to face it without someone standing by his side. The Morningsiders needed another leader, and Grayday hoped that a hunt would both strengthen their bonds and help him to weed out the sheep from the shepherds.

Of course, they also needed the meat. They'd been getting by on smaller kills thus far, but the energies they expended catching all those birds and rabbits kept from from gaining any extra fat from the meat. In the summer, this was a good thing. As the weather turned, however, it was unacceptable. Thus, when Grayday, Dawn, and a few others caught up to the little branch-off herd they'd been tracking, he threw back his head and called for the rest of the pack instead of taking it down with the assembled party, which would surely have been enough. The more wolves they had in this hunt, the less energy each individual would have to expend in it. They could get it over with quickly, and have a meal together when they were done.

The male turned to his daughter before the others arrived. "Think you're ready to lead a hunt?" he asked her, head cocking to the side.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
100 Posts
Ooc —
After her dip in the hot spring, the pain in her leg had abated enough for her to begin working.  The instant she heard Grayday's call, she began making her way towards him with an eager pace.

She had a lot to prove.  Mirabelle had always been a respectable girl, dutiful, but had lived a life of such comfort after a while that she had forgotten what it felt like to scrape the bottom of the barrel.  

It was an opportunity to not only meet the packmates she had not yet encountered (and the borders of Morningside smelled strong), but to show them that she was worth something as well.

Glaine ár gcroí. Neart ár ngéag. Beart de réir ár mbriathar.  She whispers this mantra to herself until just before she breaks into the clearing where Day and his daughter await.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it had been about a week since aditya had moved onto the plateau, and grayday's call to the pack signified what was to be his first official outing as a member of morningside. he had received ample time to rest up after the incident that had brought him to the wilds. thus, he felt great, muscles strong again and mind alert.

when he found his new leader, only a couple of others had arrived, including mirabelle, the snowy wolf aditya had encountered in the hot springs. "mirabelle melisende," he greeted jovially, giving her a playful nudge with his muzzle. "feeling better than when i last saw you?"

waiting for her response, he stood at attention in front of grayday, giving his alpha a curt nod. it looked to be some sort of pack hunt. it had been a little while since he had hunted in a band of more than three or four individuals, and he was excited to see what kind of game the plateau had to offer.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
A stiff shake of her pelt ridded her of tiredness; she had snuck away the previous night to scout the southern border, and test out her battered ribs and paw. Her scraped had healed up well, and soreness has gone from her muscles; strenuous movement still had the potential to cause her ribs to burn, and too much weight on her forepaw had her broken toe to spark painfully, though the rest of her paw had recovered well. She reclined on her haunches at her father's side, hackles pricking in excitement as she waited for the rest of the hunters to arrive. Her father's question seemed to arrive out of the blue, and her gaze widened, as she had fully expected him to lead the hunt. But she would hardly pass up such an opportunity, and with a wide grin and a lashing of her tail, she agreed vehemently. "I am. Definitely, I- yes." she said, with a grateful bob of her head. What had started out as a dignified agreement dissolving into a grateful, giddy rush of words. She straightened, confidence and excitement spreading rapidly through her form as she waited a little less than patiently.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The pack was beginning to come together again and stronger then before. Their member count had grown and even though many of them came to Morningside injured, they were now healed from their injuries and able to pull their own weight. Dawn was nealy all healed  well. Most of these injuries overcame with the assistance of Pema. A great joy came over her, knowing that she had played an important roll in strengthening the pack. With their injuries now healed, they wouldn't need her as a medic anymore, but she still wanted to feel like she played an important roll to all of them, even if they weren't her patients. 

When the call for a hunt went out she was eager to join in. By this time Pema had hunted with many members of the pack, improving her skills as a hunter. She felt confident that she would be able to contribute an equal part in the efforts of taking down a deer or any prey for that matter.

When she arrived she saw Grayday and Dawn. She smiled to both of them, but gave a bigger smile to Dawn. She had healed to the point where she was now able to run and hunt, though she still felt pain from time to time. Pema was proud to see Dawn's progress over the last couple weeks. Her injuries hadn't been minor and could have been really dangerious. The path to recovery hadn't been the smoothest at the beginning with Dawn still wanting to be active, but she had adapted and for the better of her health. 

Two others were with them as well, Mirabelle and Adi. Two of the newest members. Pema had know them both before they became official member of the pack and she was happy to still see them with the pack. She only knew them so well, but knew with time that that would change.

She took a seat next to Grayday and Dawn, able to see the rest of the pack as well, "Hello everyone." she smiled to all of them. "So what's the plan?"  she looked between Dawn and Grayday ready to get this hunt started.

lights • cameraaction
144 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
To be in a pack was quite the peculiar thing! Starbelly found it exhilarating. The shadowed woman had not found any particular reason not to like it — there wasn’t an overabundance of members, their ranks felt solid enough and there was enough food to go around — so she stayed put, preened her plushy fur back to its indie-era luster, and enjoyed the emptiness of time.

When the call went up to announce a hunt, Starbelly was not too far away. The starlet made quick work of the distance between her current rendez-vous site to the call’s epicenter, suddenly quite aware of her desire to interact and converse with others! She moved in leaps and bounds that lubricated her body and energized her mind, entering onto the scene in a dancing manner the belied her inner vitality. Eyes and ears alert, Starbelly regarded each wolf in turn. Two men, three ladies. A group hunt? She would impress them all.

Starbelly’s tail wagged generously, forcing the woman to sit on the ground in order to quell its excitement. Without a word, she waited for further instruction. Indie might have taken charge, but Starbelly would receive direction with grace and gratitude.
“what a lovely day" says the butcher as she raises her arm 
30 Posts
Ooc —
When the call is made, Coq quickly moves in the general direction and follows the scents that lead him the rest of the way. A group hunt will do well to prove his worth in the midst of others while getting by on little meals here and there isn’t much. Most wolves he still does not know but he takes it in strides and glances from one side to the next as he approaches. He notes the two wolves he knows from the borders before moving on and registering each face to memory on those that are his pack mates. He isn’t quite she where he wants to put himself but he strides up next to and settles a few feet away from a dark furred, orange eyed woman to wait further instruction.
Family is not an important thing. It is everything.
223 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
He'd been strolling along the the borders as per usual when the howl caught his attention, and the brute gave one last glance at the terrain before his Large paws began to thud against the ground. Syl started off into a brisk jog as he ventured his way toward the gathered group, amber eyes observing the new members and old curiously. He was so busy guarding the borders that sometimes he felt as if he neglected his other duties. Allowing a sigh to escape him at the thought, he slowed his pace into a walk and Sylvas gradually offered a polite bow to each of those around him and quietly stood to one side. 

Sorry for the crap post.. just heading out to work
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Next round ends 10/14! Please allow @Dawn to post next, but after her, no posting order.
When it seemed as though they had enough wolves to take down a few deer, Grayday made a show of turning his attention toward Dawn. His gaze was warm and encouraging upon her - he hoped she knew that she could turn to him, if she needed help, but he doubted she'd do so either way. She might take his advice in private, but he knew she didn't want to seem anything less than independant in front of her packmates.

Still, the father had faith in his firstborn girl, and thought she had a good chance at pulling this off. She tended to be a solo player much of the time, but he hoped she had the ability to work in a team as well. Probably, she'd do better as a team leader than any other role.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
The last of the stragglers arrived, much of the hunting party here sans Moonstone and Kieran, and all of the new members. She surveyed the group confidently, mind working, until her father turned to her warmly and she felt a touch of panic. She would lead them, alone, and would bear the responsibility if the hunt went aray, if they failed. She floundered a moment, but pushed the feeling away vehemently, recognizing it was being a toxic one. She took a quick breath to calm her nerves, before standing and addressing the wolves before her. "Pema, Grayday and I found the deer a while ago, so we knew that they frequent this area; there is a small group a little west of here" She began, growing more confident as she spoke, words beginning to flow smoother. The hills and valleys housed multiple areas that the deer liked to rest for the night, and there ought to be a herd near one of the most popular areas, near which they gathered now. "The herds seem healthy, but haven't been hunted for a while, it seems, since we've noticed a few older, weaker does among them. We'll be able to pick them out, and if we get the herd on the move, we can separate a couple  from the rest and ambush them." The plan formed clearly in her mind, now, and she was glad for the warm support of her father, a smile coming to her maw as she surveyed the wolves. She would have liked to have Kieran here; they had hunted deer together before and she knew he would have been able to head a small group well.

Her gaze fastened a moment longer on those she did not know personally, guessing at their strengths. After a moments consideration she continued, words confident, now.  "I'll lead a group - Pema, Adi, and Starbelly -to separate the weak from the herd and get them running." She has hunted with Pema before and knew her well, Aditya would make a fleet runner, she thought, and Starbelly was filled with a kind of excitable energy that caught Dawn's eye. She considers Mirabelle, but her gaze flickers to her injured limb and supposes that she ought to be better in the ambush party. "D- Grayday can lead Coq, Mirabelle and Sylvas in ambushing the doe or two after we have it cut off from the herd. My party will drive them towards them." She didn't phrase the dangers of the hunt, for everyone assembled ought to know that hooves were sharp and a buck could turn dangerous. She glanced around those assembled, making sure no one refuted her plan outright, hoping she had made the right call in their strategy. Uncertain that all would be content in her plan, she asked: "Is that alright with everyone?"  No experience in leading group hunts made her unsure, and open to what other might have to say. Should no one raise a complaint or query, she would lead them westward and break off into groups, preparing for the hunt.
lights • cameraaction
144 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Only two others came forth after she, both males and both unknown to her. One came and settled in next to her — Starbelly greeted him with a smile and a flick of the tail, but was unwilling to break the silence clouding the amassment of wolves. With this large a group, they would likely be hunting larger fare… a prospect at which the starlet was none too excited. But, the woman would persevere and the pack would like her more for it! 

Attention was turned over to the young woman, Dawn, and Starbelly soon learned that she was correct, indeed. It was a herd of deer and they were to target the old and the sick — doing the entire heard a favor before the austerity of winter set it, really. After committing her instructions to memory, the vaudevillian dipped her maw in simpering agreement. ”Got all that?” she whispered jokingly to the male at her side, not really knowing which group he was apart of, but knowing it didn’t really matter. 
“what a lovely day" says the butcher as she raises her arm 
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
though her voice carried a touch of nerves at the beginning of her speech, dawn's tone quickly changed to one of confidence as she rattled off orders to the pack. aditya watched her with interest. she was, despite her youth, a woman of strength, destined for leadership. he was eager to watch her grow further into herself.

he would be with the first batch, the runners, the group led by dawn. pema would join them: he gave a brief nod to the healer, with whom he was already acquainted. dawn gave another name as well--starbelly--though he could not put a face to it.

then she asked for their consent--no, not consent, so much as approval. with a smile, aditya gave her his gaze and a firm nod, his tail wagging in agreement. if dawn's plan worked, which he thought it very well could, morningside would eat well this week.

it could be a good start to what might be a formidable winter.
30 Posts
Ooc —
There are not many wolves that trickle in behind him and he feels a little awkward being late to the party. Regardless, Dawn steps up to explain their plan—she’s looking much better these days—and he focuses on her. He assumes the man near her is Grayday with the way he holds himself but he hadn’t yet formally met him. He’s surprised by the number of wolves he hasn’t met in his brief time here but perhaps they are an elusive bunch. 

The woman he settled near to turns to him and murmurs a joke, which he offers a smile and wag of his tail. He does not fully engage, uncertain what group she falls under but he glances away to Pema whom will eventually collect with another group. His own he does not know and he waits until whomever Mirabelle and Sylvas are to follow their lead.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The rest of the group had gather and it brought a smile to Pema's muzzle, seeing how much of the pack was willing and able to come together for this hunt. She knew everyone that came forth, some better then others, but well enough to know their names and alittle bit about them at the least. Half, if not more of the group, was made up of fairly recent members. It would be a good way for everyone to come together and get to know one another, Pema thought. Sometimes people only need a reason to talk to one another before getting the chance to get to know them.

Then Dawn began to speak rather then Grayday. This had been the first time Pema had seen anyone other then Grayday take charge infront of a group, but if it were going to be anyone else she was happy to see that it was Dawn. She had hunted with the girl before and was very close with her. This wouldn't be her first time guilding someone through a hunt, like when she had lead Pema when they had hunted that fox. 

She began to talk, at first a bit uneasy but Pema remained at her side was a smile and a friendly tail wag. Showing confidence in Dawn's plan and being a freindly face incase she needed it, but after awhile her confidence and skill in the matter was the only thing showing.

Pema would be with Dawn, Adi and Starbelly as the ones to chase and seperate the herd. A very important part of the hunt when hunting deer. Their targets would be the young, old and weak that would need to be herded towards the others who would wait to ambush. She looked over and saw Adi nod to her and she returned his smile before saying to Dawn, "Sounds perfect"

Pema then caught the glance of Coq, on of the newer males of the pack. He was looking around and not really locking eyes with anyone else. It was possible that he wouldn't know who Grayday, Mirabelle or Sylvas were. She looked to him and then glanced over to Mirabell and Sylvas, then back at him. She does this a few times, trying to subtly tell him that they were the other member of his group. 

She gave him a quick friendly wink once it looked like he had firgued it out. It was possible that the newer members wouldn't know who others were and would be too shy to ask. For everything to go as planned everyone would need to be on the same page. With Pema knowing everyone she was willing to help out in anyway she thought she might be needed, at least before the groups split up. She would then follow Dawn westward towards the herd.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
New round will begin Monday the 23rd. Please allow Dawn to post next. No particular order after that.
Since Grayday knew every other wolf around by name, he was quick to discern that the sterling male beside Starbelly must be the fourth and final member of his half of the hunting party. He shot Dawn one last look of approval and encouragement before beckoning the unfamiliar male to where he and Mirabelle already stood.

"This is Mirabelle and Sylvas," he introduced, nodding toward his other companions. "And I'm Grayday. You must be Coq?"

But there was no time for much chatter after that. The group set off after Dawn's, and soon split off to lie in wait. They were far enough that their energy would not yet touch the rest of the hunters, but near enough to divine where they would soon need to position themselves, and when they might be needed.

"Has everyone here hunted deer?" he asked quietly. "Anyone have any particular strengths or weaknesses?"
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
So sorry for the wait; I'm horrible. A little bit of PP to get things moving, if anything is not alright let me know!
She led her faction south of the herd, gaze finding the two weaker does near the rear of the herd, and then the other party. Finding her father's gaze, she motioned soundlessly to the north-east, where the land rolled upward to a small thicket, the perfect place to lie in wait. Mind made up, she turned to the rest of the party, focus making her words come smoothly and bluntly. "We'll drive them north. We'll separate the does, run them eastward, to the summit of that hill." She paused briefly to offer a quick motion of her muzzle, before continuing. "There, the other group will intercept, and we should be able to take them down quickly."  Gaze roving over each of the members of her party, she offered a quick grin and turned her gaze back towards the herd. 

When it seemed that the other party was firmly in place, and her own ready, she offered a silent lash of her tail in signal and crept closer to the herd. The grass and gnarled undergrowth hid well their advance, until Dawn surged forward and the herd finally took notice. Moving swiftly towards the herd, she began the task of cutting away the does, nipping at their heels and snapping her teeth, gradually succeeding in severing them from the main body, and then herding them towards the waiting party. 
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The groups had time to introduce themselves quickly before fully seperating. Pema watched as Dawn motioned to Grayday for his party to head in a north-easter direction. There they would have enough cover while the herd was focused on the rushing party to ambush them. Correct on her assumptions Dawn relayed the same idea to the group and Pema nodded in agreement. She watched as the other half of the hunting party slinked to their possition without spooking the herd. The wind was in their favor. 

Then Dawn gave the signal and they moved in. When they first came out of the clearing they herd seemed to notice by pay no mind. That was until Dawn made the first lung that began to seperate the herd. The herd began to vengure off in all kinds of directions and Pema went wide barking at the doe that were heading southward to push them north. With her vantage point she could see a majority of the herd. She looked at it as a whole rather then at each individual doe, trying to see an inconsistancy. 

As she did she thought she saw something, honing it out she found a large doe that would ocassionally skip almost as it had some sort of injury in its back right leg. She let out a bark to call the groups attention to it as she focused on making sure that one wouldn't escape. 
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the chasing quartet slipped away from the rest of the pack, a blend of grays and browns save for starbelly's, her pelt the color of night. on dawn's orders, they cut away the does and chased them away from the rest of the pack. their big black eyes panicked, the deer scattered every which way, looking for an escape from their tormentors.

then aditya heard pema's bark, and noticed she had found a deer who was not outright injured but certainly limping along slower than the rest of her counterparts. with a flick of his tail, he acknowledged her call and joined her, the two running in tandem near the weak one.

to weaken the doe now would make the waiting party's job of taking it down that much easier. using his burly size and brute strength, for all he lacked speed, he lunged at the doe and raked his foreclaws down her flank, intending to hold on but slipping off awkwardly at the last second. nevertheless, the doe bleated in pain, now bleeding and travelling a bit slower, gait choppier than before.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Grayday watched carefully, ears thrust forward atop his head. It was difficult to follow what was going on with the other hunting party, but years of experience and well-honed instincts kept him just informed enough to realize there were two deer headed their way. With a few quick, murmured words, he directed Sylvas and Mirabelle toward the more injured deer, knowing he could trust Sylvas to deal some damage and at least slow the other doe down while the rest of the hunting party caught up.

He and Coq headed off the more robust creature, attacking it in quick bursts and then allowing it to run. The forest was painted red in its wake, and soon enough - with the help of the chasers - the deer was fading fast. Sylvas and Mirabelle had also made progress. It looked like the hunt would be over, soon enough.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Pema cut away the stronger of the two does, while Dawn set about moving the other towards Mirabelle and Sylvas, confident the others could take down the stronger one. Together, they nipped and cut at the deer's limbs, until it staggered along, eyes rolled back and breath wild and shallow. Dawn raced beside it then, while the others dragged it down to the earth. Her own fangs sought the lifeblood that flowed thick in the neck of the doe, crushing the delicate windpipe with her vice-like grip. Tearing flesh and thick blood signalled the end of the hunt as the life faded from the doe's eyes, and Dawn stood, pride curling her tail above her. She peered through the trees for any signal of how the second hunt had gone, hearing the calls and the dull thud of paws on earth, but nothing more.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Current understanding by me and thalia: Pema, Adi, Day and Coq are targeting the stronger of the two weak doe. Dawn, Mirabelle and Sylvas are after the weaker of the two doe.

And just like that the chase was on. Pema had honed in on one of the weaker does with a slight limp and skip, and hearing her call Adi had joined in. Adi lunged for the doe, but couldn't get enough grib to hold on and instead clawed down its back side. Pema could see Dawn leading another doe to a few others but she didn't pay to much attention to it, making sure that her focus was invested into the doe infront of her. 

She could hear and sence others of her pack comming towards them, joining her and Adi in taking down the stronger of the two does. Like Adi, she thought to weaken the doe and allow the others to do the final take downs. She lunged for the doe's back right leg. The source of its limp, in hoped that in addition to the other's blows the doe would fall down and simplify their kill. She got a few bites into their back right leg, but didn't want to hold on for too long, fearing that it's hooves might do her some serious damage. 
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Closing this up XD Thanks, everyone!
First one deer was down - Day sensed it, even if he hadn't seen the beast fall. He was busy with the other one, coming together with his packmates to tire it out and damage it further. They chased it through the territory, biting and tearing whenever they got the chance. At first, it was only a few of them, but before long the whole hunting party had joined.

And then, abruptly, it was over. The deer fell, and the pack was victorious. The pack celebrated - some began to eat. Over their heads, Grayday met the eyes of his daughter. She'd done well, and Day was proud of her.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours