Bearclaw Valley So you say I'm complicated
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee

The lone twin made her way over the mountains, backtracking just slightly. She had thought of going back, but she simply couldn't convince herself to think of anything that made the woods such an ideal place. It was dark and gloomy and she barely had any friends there - even her family was strange and twisted like Maegi's paw. Luckily, it did not take her long to find a place she found somewhat interesting. sure, it wasn't paradise, but the valley seemed promising, even if she had only barely seen the opening of it.

Mismatched eyes slid over the ridges, spotting an unfamiliar figure there. @Reigi didn't look like much of a wolf to the ignorant girl, and so she shrugged her presence off. Instead of conversing, she threw her head back into her silvered hackles and let out a summoning for whoever was the boss around this part - though she wasn't expecting much.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra normally might have taken pains to avoid any howl that rose from the borders given the constant threat beyond them, were it not for the fact she recognized the scent that fluttered through the woods. curious to see what grim tidings harbored koume's arrival into the valley, indra made for the perimeter.

once she saw the dark sprite against the backdrop of frozen muskeg and ice-blue snow, indra's suspicions that she knew the caller were confirme. her posture shifted to rightly defensive, for this was her home and she was not sure if the barbed-tongued woman came here with good intentions. no accusation rung forth from her mouth, but her posture demonstrated well her impressions. "why are you here?" she asked softly, fixing koume with a careful gaze.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

reigi, in her fat and angry state, did not like to be ignored.  it took her quite some time to heave herself down from her boulder.  she noted to herself that she was likely to have to start sitting next to it instead of on top of it.

she watches the red woman pass her and offers her nothing but, surprisingly, protection.  this was the raven's home, too.

she moved behind indra and postured defensively.  two wolves were better than one, lest anything happen.

38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Popping in! :-)

Ridge had moved on from Bearclaw Valley for a time, but found that the friendly wolf he had encountered didn't often leave his mind. He wondered about her, and since he didn't find a reason not to, flew back into the skies above the valley. Her copper hues stood out among the snow below, but so did the wolves' around her. 

He opened his beak and screeched his presence. He assumed Ingram would recognize him, but he refrained from flying lower. He didn't know the other wolves, nor how friendly they may or may not be. His golden eyes remained fixated on the trio as he circled above.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
party time lmaooo

Alexander was not near the borders when the howl echoed through his valley. He’d wandered onto the small island at the river’s center, where he easily found Arthur’s den—and was then disappointed, having found the bear to still be sleeping. He wanted to speak to him, ask him why he even slept for so long, but would have to wait—both because he was still asleep and because someone was at his borders. Abandoning the island, he made his way towards the valley’s entrance, posture bold and pristine even before he’d spotted the collection of wolves.

He looked first to his wife, unsettled by her being there, and then to Indra before settling on the stranger. Closing the distance between himself and them, he placed himself a few short paces in ahead of the girls’ locations, asserting himself as the leader whilst also making sure that he could attack first if need be. “Who are you?” he asked, oblivious to Indra’s given question; he hadn’t been there, the words having not reached his ears.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Unfortunately, the first face to show up to greet her was a familiar one. The two had not spent an enormous amount of time together, but Koume remembered her. Well, shit. This place was no good if this was her long lost Dusky-thing, or whatever Indra had called it. No way would she ever be welcome here after being so "rude" to one of their members. My own business, this time. She answered with a wry smile. She hoped she could humor the female with a callback to their meeting, perhaps to throw some sand over it. She didn't really want to seek somewhere else to stay.

The not-so-wolf-like, fat female came to "greet" her next, and Koume shot her a glance of fake offense - as if silence would ever offend her truly. It just meant someone didn't know what to say, Koume was great and powerful after all. She smiled somewhat after that, not knowing what to say herself. Surely not the familiar face nor the fat one was the leader around here. She barely took notice of the screeching, too busy with looking at whatever was behind the two females.

That was when the real leader finally showed up. She could tell by his way of carrying himself, how he silently greeted the ones below him. He reminded her of Kove a little, but perhaps that was only because they were both white of coat and male. Koume Azura, I come from the flatlands. She greeted with a gentle nod of her head, tail and body lowering a bit in submission.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
Indra remained reserved, awaiting some explanation for the female's arrival. The only indication she gave that she was aware of Reigi's presence was the backward flick of her right ear.

As the woman answered Indra's query the high call of a bird sounded overhead and Indra looked up in time to see Ridge's dark form unfurled against a bright blue sky. She had no time to hail him before Xan arrived: her ears and body language shifted downwards in Xan's presence. Silently she affirmed Koume's answer with a nod, but said nothing further -- and she resolved to seek Ridge out once the small gathering was over.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
here's some garbage to keep this post moving

so first, she acted like reigi wasn't even there and now she's fucking upset?

a blatantly offended look settled over reigi's features, her lip curling up in distaste.  this girl offered no submission and although rank and its intricacies were unclear to reigi, it had always been obvious that a pack wolf is better than a lone wolf, period.

maybe it was the hormones.  her eyes rested on indra, trying to cast her a 'do u see this binch too?' look before realizing it might not be taken the best way and averting her gaze from indra, too.

better let xan handle this one she thinks as she bristles.

38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Quickie post since he is just stalking! ^_^

More wolves gathered, all ignoring him. Except for Indra. He didn't miss her glance upward towards him, but it was the only indication he got that he heard her. Maybe the situation they were in was more serious that he first thought. So, he kept quiet as he circled above the group of wolves. 

He did notice that it seemed to be one against the others, and he found himself curious as to what was being said. He flew lower towards the group, though not low enough to really be able to hear anything, and it probably wouldn't draw much attention.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
i was told she likely still smells a bit of bfw, so rollin’ with that !!

That she corrected her posture only for him had the male flashing his incisors, briefly, issuing the most obvious of warnings; these wolves were members of his pack, superior to those that had no home to call their own, and he felt that simple fact should be respected. He might have gone so far as to comment verbally on the issue if not for her response—he was given a name, yet that was not what stood out to him. The second he heard flatlands, the male strode forward and drew in a long, deep breath, the fine traces of the woods invading his nostrils. Alexander’s entire body stiffened immediately and his tail stood up straight, perpendicular to his back. His lips curled back to reveal the canines shielded behind them, his previous warning morphing into a threat as he growled out the location of where his life was both saved and then taken—


Whilst there came a voice from the depths of his mind insisting that he attack, the albino held his ground instead, staring the girl down through narrowed eyes; it was not mercy that held him back but that the woods themselves were not necessarily to blame, but a man within them. He did not blame the pack as a whole—how could he when his own father lived there?—for the crime committed against him, but he was rightfully cautious and suspicious of those that hailed from the shadows. “Why are you here?” he asked, voice low and lilted with a snarl. “Answer carefully.” Was this girl sent by Cicero—did her being there mean that the beast was near? Alexander did not doubt his ability to end the patchwork male, did not believe he would ever fall victim to him again, but that did not mean facing him would be any easier.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Koume respected no one truly, she just knew how to kinda act like it. Blackfeather had taught her anyone could and would be turned cruel or twisted given the circumstances, perhaps she had crumbled under the same curse of the shadows but had not noticed it yet, so why respect anyone? He was the leader. If she wanted to join his pack, than the only one she would respect was him. Clearly he thought otherwise, and Koume lowered her lightened ears apologetically. She really couldn't care less, she just wanted a home. Now.

But fate had different plans. Fuck, that horrid smell was still on her? She backed off just a step, lowering herself even more. She didn't want a fight, especially because she had no idea what connection this guy had to her former "home". I left the woods days ago to find a more peaceful existence. I know the pack I hail from lies, but I certainly do not. I am simply seeking a home. She answered ever so fucking carefully.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
out of the corner of her eyes she watched the arched wings of her friend, careful to not take her gaze entirely from the dark wolf at the borders. with xan now present indra had very little to offer -- while she had no love for blackfeather or its wretched inhabitants  (save ramsay, who she tragically knew only by shape and not name) indra kept her reservations to herself.

unless she was spoken to directly, she would remain silent - though she flitted her gaze to Ridge every now and then to follow his progress.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian


no fear-scent wafted from the stranger, who by all acounts should have been terrified.  two of bearclaw's most ferocious warriors (she could not attest to indra's fighting skills, but surely she could hold her own as well) stood in front of her, and her husband did not look like he was here to play nice.

bearclaw's matriarch was not content.  she took one single step forward, addressing xan's snarl with a ripping one of her own.  although she was a blimp that did not mean she meant any less business, even if it just meant being a worthwhile distraction while these two ended the loner.

38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Quickie to keep things moving

Ridge didn't know much about the body language of wolves, but seeing the one backup, and two other advance, it was obvious something was going on. He started to think the loner wasn't a friendly, and this wasn't just a gathering of the minds. 

He continued circling above, remaining a silent stalker of the group, interested to see what would happen next. He had no intention of getting involved at this point, but he also considered Indra a friend, and didn't want to see her get hurt.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Even as she spoke, claiming to be honest, he couldn’t keep from thinking how easily it’d be to get rid of her—either by running her off or ending her life. He considered it for a long moment, and how quick it’d be, but the thought was eventually cast aside. That she came from the woods was not reason enough to kill her, not when he knew that not all of them were terrible; his father was someone he looked up to, to a certain extent, and Meldresi had been a wonderful woman in his eyes. It was Cicero alone that deserved to die, as far as he was concerned, thus he humoured her claim.

“Peaceful?” he repeated. “Why were you ever there if you want peace? Are you stupid?” There it was, that sliver of his childhood self that would never die off, rearing its head. “And why here, of all the packs out there?”—her being there was suspicious, still—“What led you here?” He waited, body practically a statue, eager to hear his name: Cicero. Cicero had pointed his home out to her, he was the reason she was there, and for that, he would kill the both of them; that the patchwork male had no way of knowing where he was never crossed his mind, thoughts corrupted by a fabricated variant of reality.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Koume wasn't planning on dying today. And surely not by the paws of strangers. If she were to die, she'd do it spectacularly. In a way that would make all of their pitiful Gods shake with fear, for she'd be going to one of their Hells. Stone-faced yet submissively she stood there, determination shining brightly in her mismatched eyes.

I didn't have much of a choice. I was born a Melonii - does that name mean anything to you? Was he some sort of long lost sibling? If so, he'd probably not kill one of his own blood. Neither the child of a friend, God she hoped Potema had a good relationship with this guy. Nothing led me here. She had simply wandered, after all. I traveled over the mountains to stumble upon your borders. I could've run into so many packs. She barely knew Cicero. As far as she knew, he was either dead or missing now.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra gravely watched koume, the bright amber of her eyes studying for any change in motion, posture -- any tell-tale sign that this was all some twisted guile. she had her own reservations, having known of blackfeather -- and it appeared xan did too. however, indra might have accepted koume's subservient mien -- she had done nothing egregious yet, and seemed appropriately submissive. thus far, the only crime that koume had committed was simply having been spat forth into the world from the wrong womb.

if she found it at all ironic that reigi pressed for more submission, she didn't say it. instead, she rose -- ready for any altercation that might arise.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Permission from Stray to skip

The golden eagle continued to circle above, though he got a little lower every time. He wished that he understood wolf dynamics, but he simply hadn't spent enough time around them to really know what was going on below him. He tried to read the body language, and it looked like Indra's companions were gearing up for a fight. He wondered over what. He obviously couldn't just interrupt and ask, so he just continued to watch, intrigued by the going-ons.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Phone post. Plz excuse any issues

As the raptor drifted lower, a single ear flicked back, the sound of his wings heard but the creature itself given little recognition; his focus was required elsewhere, the antics of a bird far beyond his field of concern. Even the mere flick of his ear was soon forgotten, both pushing forward at the mention of a name: Melonii. It was not the one he’d been waiting to hear, not the one that would drive him to kill her; although Cicero held the name, too, so did several others, the late Meldresi included.

“Who are your parents?” he asked, attention honed in on that single aspect of their conversation. He could not tell by looking at her, could not pluck out any particularly distinguishing features that might be shared with another he’d known in the past; she was just there, existing, but a mystery. Either way, he held off on urging his pack mates forward—for now—and gave the girl another moment to speak, her lineage being what might decide her fate.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
The scene had grown quiet, save for the white male and herself. It didn't make her nervous. It made her think clearer, made her consider things she wouldn't normally. Could they be family? Not that that changed anything. He was still a stranger, still questioned her, and it even seemed he would never trust her fully simply because of the blackfeather stink that clung to her pelt. Damn those shadows!

Potema. I must have a father somewhere too, but I don't know him. She answered. She was being real fucking honest here, but didn't know about careful. Potema didn't seem like someone who'd pick a fight, right? God, now she wished she had spent more time with her, perhaps to hear about whoever this guy was. So now you know who I am - but who are you? She asked, Lowering herself so her belly touched the ground to show she didn't mean it offensively. She just wanted to know who the hell she was dealing with here - what ties he had to her family. If they were family.
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
skip me in future posts! kuro, you can PP indra to conclude if you want

indra didn't have anything to say -- this exchange was between xan and -- koume. had she any reservations about a blackfeather in their midst, she didn't expose it. it was simply her duty to watch, to protect -- and she kept her mouth shut.

at one point she did glance up at ridge, and cast him an almost inscrutable look -- one that might not be decipherable, but clearly conveyed something. it was the only motion the russet redleaf offered before her gaze turned back to xan and bearclaw's potential recruit.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro

The name made him pause, her face flashing—briefly—through his mind. That this was her daughter was rather odd, able to recall, still, meeting her when they were both far too young to even think of being parents—but, at the same time, it reminded him of their time spent together, so long ago. Glancing the girl over, and hearing how she knew not who her father was, however, made him certain that his coupling with her mother had not resulted in her spawning his children; the child was so dark and, surely, Potema would have mentioned him if he was related in any way to her.

“I’m Xan Apaata,” he responded, dropping his previous train of thought; it didn’t matter, he’d already decided that they were not related. “Kove’s son.” His eldest, his true firstborn—though he doubted the girl would know about him or his littermates, since another group of his father’s children resided within the woods and likely stole the attention away from the elder ones. “Has your mom ever mentioned me?” he asked then, unable to help himself. If he was going to even consider letting the kid join his pack, he needed all of the details.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
As soon as the word Apaata rolled off his tongue, she knew he had been part of the woods. Did he know his father now ruled the dark woods? Sure, he seemed a nicer man than most she had ever met and more in control than Nyx, but still. It probably wasn't a position that brought much pleasure in having. As far as she knew, the woods were hated by all who had ever met them.

Kove now rules the woods. He was okay with me leaving to find another place where I felt at home. She explained briefly, not wanting to talk too much about her mother. Sure, she loved Potema how any child would love their mother, but they weren't particularly close. Your father seems an honest man. She'd never been close to him either, but at least she had an opinion on him.

She shook her head, eyes flickering to the wolves around the Apaata. Not that I can remember. Kove hasn't either. I didn't know he even had other children besides Nyx and her siblings. At least, she was pretty sure. She usually focused more on the present and future, and she had been lost for a very long time. A proper time to bond with the Blackfeather Wolves had never been granted to her with her being lost and the whole war mess.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The news that his father was now in charge of the woods was interesting, to say the least. He felt almost safer now, knowing that the man that had raised him was in charge of a home he once loved, now so long ago. He wondered, however, if Cicero was still around—this he did not ask, the answer one that he did not desire as greatly as one might think (ignorance is bliss, after all). The words that followed were not nearly as shocking, however—Kove had not forced his own flesh and blood to stay, so why would he have done so to a girl he had no familial ties to? Although, the compliment had a glare settling back into his gaze, only to disappear likely before being noticed; he cared for his father, truly, but hearing compliments aimed towards the elder Inuk whilst growing up made him rather bored when hearing yet the same words now that he was an adult.

And with adulthood, it seemed, came the capability of being forgotten.

Alexander was not angry that his existence was unknown, not when it came to the wolves of the woods; he knew not which of them, if any, sided with the patchwork devil, and wished not to risk being discovered by his minions. “That’s not surprising,” he noted, bitterness seeping into his tone despite his best efforts being put towards the opposite. “So, you left the woods because you didn’t feel at home—do you plan to do the same thing here? Leave if things don’t go your way?” Harsh, perhaps, but Xan wasn’t exactly known for having a filter.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Listen up Maggots!
118 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
She forced herself to keep quiet, not voicing the giggly spark the other's words ignited. Koume's way wasn't really a way. It was simply doing her job, get the promotion, care for herself. Quite a simple philosophy if one asked her. If you did your assigned job well, you gained experience and respect and those things would get you better resources to care for yourself, not to mention how it pet the ego.

I don't have a way. If you give me a job I'll do it, and well too. She shrugged casually, brushing it off like it should not be a concern of his. If they treated her with the respect she deserved, there was pretty much no reason for her to leave. It was different from the woods. They had forced her into the pack from birth, even though she had wished to be part of them back then, but this place she had chosen herself. She wanted to do her best for something she chose herself.