Horizon Ridge steam
2 Posts
Ooc — Tala
All Welcome 
a different view might help. the journey north lifted both body and spirit - and when she had found shelter again among the trees, she cast up her chin to sing once more.
after, her hunger apparent, Rain Cloud sought out scents that might lead to a remedy. she found the trail of a raccoon which led up to the boughs of an elder tree, pacing there a while, but nothing came of it.
north, again, to the farthest edge of the ridge - but all she could smell here was salt, and she was disheartened.
6 Posts
Ooc — Anon
After her encounters with the particularly, ahem, wild fauna of the interior, Eliza made a beeline for the coast. She had enough of the games of mountains and the hostility of fishbowled land. Here, under the sprawling sky, she could breathe again, and she let the taste of home fill her mouth, her lungs, her blood, with a briny wash.

Soothed by the ocean, Eliza explored, keeping one eye turned towards the sea, even through the trees. She would not lose sight of the coast again, she decided. It had not done her any good yet. Perhaps she would settle here. Well, not here here, exactly - but near here, once she had seen more of the land.

Yes, this would be a good place.

But - oh. The silhouette of another alarmed her, even after she noted that this one - finally - was wolf, but the locals had already put such a bad taste in her mouth she wanted to turn away and forget about this one. And she almost did - but manners got the best of her.

That, and the very fact that it had been so very long since she had spoken to any wolf at all.

"Lovely view of the shore from here, isn't it?" she remarked. If this one is unfriendly, she decided, I might just leave these Wilds entirely, "doesn't the sun paint the waters in such brilliant colour? And the trees frame it so well."