Profile of Towhee: Quick Facts
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Played By: Kat
Basic Info
Full Name: Towhee Woodley Redhawk
Subspecies: Wolf, various subspecies
Size: Large, Muscular
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 8+ (January 1, 2017)
Birthplace: Redhawk Caldera, Teekon Wilds
Profile of Towhee: Details
Traditionally named for the bird she resembles, Towhee is largely black with reddish markings on her flanks that fade into white on her underside. White streaks along her shoulders, ribs and spine as well. Her eyes are a brassy orange color and her ears are ironically large. She's tall, lean and chiseled, like her father, with androgynous features (although she identifies as female, she's actually intersex). Her left hind leg is slightly atrophied and she walks with a barely noticeable limp due to paraplegia. Three scars span her spine, curving toward her right hip: claw marks given to her by a lynx.
Pack History

Redhawks (fka Redhawk Caldera): 01/2017 — 06/2019
Asterism Grove: 06/2019 — 11/2019
Redhawk Caldera (fka Firebirds): 11/2019 — 11/2021
Moonglow: 12/2021 — 01/2022
Mereo: 01/2022 — 10/2022
Epoch: 10/2022 — 04/2023
Moonspear: 05/2023 — 07/2023
Moontide: 12/2023 — 01/2023
Sun Mote Copse: 03/2024 — 10/2024

Profile of Towhee: Additional Information
Registered on December 15, 2016, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
Avatar: Wilthking
Appearance Reference: Stevie
Towhee's Signature

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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Player Notes
Please consider the following preferences when writing with me:
• I welcome casual power-play to optimize continuity and flow. Don't miss your chance to infer my character burped, sneezed, etc.
• I love referential tags, so please use them liberally. If you start a thread and tag me for participation, please allow 24-48 hours before proceeding without me. I will do the same for my tagged partners.
• Do not skip me without prior consent. I will also obtain express permission before skipping anyone else. If you want to skip or be skipped, please communicate that clearly beforehand so nobody's left behind or hanging.
• I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for a month. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested! Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply.
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