Profile of Silvertongue: Quick Facts
Qeya River Vice*
Mate to Wren
Played By: ebony
Basic Info
Full Name: Silvertongue Aquilanera (formerly Belen Torres)
Subspecies: mexican wolf
Size: Small, Thin
Sex: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 2 (june 3 2020)
Birthplace: bosque del los diablos
NPC Guidelines
staying out in the qeya, exploring, teaching, never far from her wife or their children
At a Glance
Profile of Silvertongue: Details

silvertongue is a large personality in a petite figure; watchers are warned not to underestimate her. recently missing her left hind leg after aquillius maimed her. shades of silver and ash-grey form her backdrop and pelt, and her eyes are a striking glass blue.
once a fellahin of akashingo, silvertongue (then called belen) was traded as payment for a debt. after a time of service to the pharaoh and shabti, she was sent as an emissary and gift to the islands of blackwater. but when that pack disbanded, she headed inland. ending up at mereo completely by accident, it was there she found crowfeather of whom she had been quite fond in the palace. they forged a bond, and left their pasts to forge a new future in riverclan.

it was a time of companionable bliss. she took lovers in gunnar of kvarsheim, arric and akavir of swiftcurrent creek. when silvertongue came into her season, she sought crowfeather for the comfort of his body. she was determined not to be a mother. pregnancy came with attempts to end that path, but her children were born all the same. she at last accepted the truth of her prince's inability to return her love, and tried to settle. her children do not know her as mother, only as their aunt silver; they were raised in a maternal way by ash paw.

wren entered silvertongue's life in a time of flux. they became affable, passionate lovers. their bliss was ruined by the return of germanicus and his admission to wren and akavir about how he had been the one to sell silvertongue in akashingo.

it came to a head with a confrontation. akavir ended his relationship with silvertongue. wounded, loathing germanicus, she now retreats from all love and all comfort.

after a chaotic, violent conflict with germanicus and his children, silvertongue was brought home to riverclan, where she recovered under the attention of ash paw and love of wren, who later married silvertongue. at the beginning of 2024, the two conceived twin litters meant to be raised together, choosing also the same men to father them.

mate: wren
companion: crowfeather
children: shadowpup , stormpup , sparrowpup , phoebeigh , bryony , & rowyn
father: neizan torres
mother: zaira baztán-torres

Pack History




(by cas <3)
Profile of Silvertongue: Additional Information
Registered on December 16, 2021, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
av & all profile art by twin <3
Player Notes
av: twin!
banner img: peakpx
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