Profile of Eshe: Quick Facts
Pledged Two Rivers Isle
Mate to Argent
Played By: Chan
Basic Info
Full Name: Eshe Sandraudiga
Voice: Amanda Seyfried
Subspecies: Various
Size: Medium, Pudgy
Sex: Female
Age: 5+ (March 14th, 2019)
Birthplace: Lost Creek Hollow
Profile of Eshe: Details
  • Hazel eyes
  • Gray and white coloration
  • Freckles on the bridge of the nose
  • Dark gray streak on each cheek
[Image: tuWXx7N.png]
Reference: Phobic Art
At her best: a rational, clever, and intelligent woman with a heart of gold. Well-versed in the ways of the natural world and applies her expertise to aid others. 
At her worst: a flighty woman who is quick to sour if she doesn't get what she wants. Consumed by self-doubt, and tends to submit to these thoughts.
Pack History
Current Pack: TWO RIVERS ISLE (06/10/24 to present)
Previous Packs: LOST CREEK HOLLOW (03/14/19 to 06/07/19) · FROSTHAWKS (06/14/19 to 04/06/23) · SWIFTCURRENT CREEK (06/18/23 to 02/13/24)
Profile of Eshe: Additional Information
Registered on March 18, 2019, last visited July 24, 2024, 04:15 PM
Can be referenced as:
  • Spending time with Argent
  • Gardening
  • Fermenting fruit
  • Rolling in lavender
  • Patrolling
  • Swimming
  • Drying and preparing herbs
  • Organizing medicine
This information is considered common knowledge and may be referenced by others without my permission.
Art Credits
Attached Accounts
Player Notes
About Me: thirty-something SAHM with an affinity for Taylor Swift, spreeing, and caffeine. 

General Information:
  • She/her
  • Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Discord Username: chan.bishop
  • RPG Rating:
Roleplay Preferences:
  • Tag my characters if you reference them
  • Open to OOC plotting if it fits the IC narrative
  • Minor PP is permitted
  • Hunt and combat results are dictated by dice
  • Threads with no replies after a month will be archived
Member Options