Profile of Aditya: Quick Facts
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
Played By: mercury
Basic Info
Full Name: Aditya
Past Aliases | Govinda, Hrishikesh
Subspecies: Timber Wolf
Size: Large, Muscular
Sex: Male
Age: Deceased (03/16/14 - 12/15/24)
Birthplace: Northern California
Voice: Shah Rukh Khan
Profile of Aditya: Details
[Image: dRebuFS.png]

[Image: JCaQoXG.png]
Art: Lauren

A golden-brown agouti wolf, large and well-muscled. Scarred. Hawkish golden eyes. A black tracking collar around his throat.

a mild-mannered, jovial fellow. always seeking companionship. quick to introduce himself and slow to anger.

bruised, battered, broken — but not entirely obliterated. a family man, when he wants to be. a history of flightiness.

surya, satya, shanthi (2019 x radha)
brook, stone (2019 x dawn)
dutch, eldest (2020 x easy)
persia, jade, rosewood (2022 x easy)
waxwing, silktail (2022 x tytonidae)

rekha & petyr

[Image: raLcgbp.png]
Banner images: Dawnthieves
Profile of Aditya: Additional Information
Registered on September 09, 2017, last visited January 05, 2025, 01:53 PM
this wolf is no more. he has ceased to be. he's expired and gone to meet his maker. he's a stiff. bereft of life, he rests in peace. his metabolic processes are now history. he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible.

this is an ex-wolf.
Art Credits
Avatar: Bridger Teton NF (Public Domain)
Banner: Creative Commons
Player Notes

Addison | 02.17.17 - 03.14.19
Tumbled off the side of a glacier during a storm

Aditya | 03.16.14 - 12.15.24
Passed peacefully of old age on Wheeling Gull Isle

Avicus | 05.09.20 - 12.29.23
Fatally wounded by an elk during a pack hunt

Eurycrates | 07.12.16 - 12.16.18
Cut down by Drageda during a solo raid on their territory

Fraser | 07.8.16 - 05.09.20
Murdered by Merrick for insubordination in trying to protect pups

Lilitu | 06.14.20 - 08.05.24
Succumbed to rabies contracted from Riley

Lily | 06.04.16 - 06.02.19
Perished defending Elysium from an angry mother bear

Maegi | 10.13.17 - 07.20.22
Passed away in Blackfeather Woods after suffering from brain cancer

Megara | 07.19.11 - 07.01.19
Succumbed to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever contracted from ticks

Nashoba | 04.04.13 - 06.30.18
Killed by Redhawks for trying to hunt one of their pups

Pygmalion | 06.12.16 - 01.20.20
Ravaged by rabies contracted from Caiaphas

Shale | 01.17.13 - 08.20.18
Died in the midst of a wildfire trying to save his son

Stanislav | 01.01.13 - 12.27.18
Kicked in the head by a deer during a hunt

Tahani | 01.05.14 - 09.11.19
Died in her sleep from a chronic illness

Vercingetorix | 05.??.15 - 10.07.19
Killed while defending his children from Merrick

[Image: q5qPWM1.png]
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