Profile of Otter: Quick Facts
Played By: twin
Basic Info
Full Name: Otter Sveijarn-Corten
Subspecies: north american gray wolf cross
Size: Medium, Muscular
Sex: Female
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 0.5 (02.29.2024)
Birthplace: sun mote copse, tuktu hinterlands, teekon wilds
NPC Guidelines
hanging out with towhee, playing with seal, doesn't typically stray far from company
Profile of Otter: Details
[Image: otter-ref-mid-2024.png]

a girl bathed in chestnut brown agouti, now growing into her own feet. rather nondescript and easy to overlook aside from the fiery red tail which has begun to develop. sapphire blue eyes like her da. lightly accented voice.

da: njord
mum: meerkat
littermate: skipjack
siblings: stingray, swordfish, vixen, narwhal, orca II, seal
half-siblings: sobo and loko (via erzulie)
Pack History
Profile of Otter: Additional Information
Registered on October 09, 2022, last visited August 14, 2024, 01:23 PM
rehomed 7/20/2024 <3
Art Credits
avatar by jaclyn <3
other profile artwork by twin
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