June 01, 2021, 12:22 PM
Character Designs
All characters must have appearances that for the most part, align with their real life species. Canid characters can come in any range of naturally occurring colors for their species. Uncommon coat patterns, colors, etc are allowed but cannot be supernatural. Coat colors, physical traits, and physical abilities must follow realistic standards. Examples of unrealistic traits would be manes or hair, wings, and retractable claws. Eye color can be any natural or unnatural color. Coat patterns may vary some, but need to be within reason for that species. Any accessory must either be naturally found in the setting, or have a plausible backstory (example of an unnatural accessory: a collar on a lost dog). Any accessory that is not manmade must have a simple, crude design and the materials must be naturally found in the game setting. Manmade accessories must be applied by human hands and include a plausible backstory for why your character has it.
Examples of permissible accessories:
- Rustic pelt pouches for transporting herbs or small objects.
- Animal fur loosely and freely draped over the back or shoulders.
- Natural objects such as feathers, shells, small bones, or flowers tucked into the fur or stuck on with sap.
- Paint or dye created by crushing plants and berries and applied as indistinct smudges on the fur.
- A collar put on by a human.
- Intricately woven or designed accessories.
- Accessories requiring fasteners, such as bracelets and necklaces.
- Accessories made from or containing metal or textiles.
- Painted markings that are detailed and distinct or paints created from hard materials requiring tools to crush.
- Piercings, tattoos, or other body modifications.
- Elaborate pelt pouches with pockets, straps, or fasteners.
All character references or images listed on a character's profile must follow our design guidelines and cannot display non-permitted traits, colors, or accessories. If your profile features an avatar or other artwork that does not adhere to this policy, your character will be deactivated and/or declined as applicable.
We do understand that “within reason” may be subjective. Never be afraid to reach out if you question whether a coat pattern is acceptable. Different CMs may have different standards, but we generally discuss and agree when we aren’t sure.
Character Size Guidelines
In sticking with semi-realism, WOLF has some size restrictions that apply to ALL canid species and canid derivatives. The size restrictions are as followed:
- Any height not to exceed 36” at the withers.
- Any weight not to exceed 200 pounds.
Wild Fauna
We do allow players to bring wild fauna characters into Wolf and play them alongside the wolves of Teekon Wilds. These wild fauna must be realistic depictions of their species and must naturally exist within the Pacific Northwest. We do not accept non-native wild fauna.
The following additional guidelines are specific to wild fauna:
- They cannot join pack ranks and/or officially count as pack members.
- You must have an approved canid character in order to play a wild fauna.
- Regardless of realism, wild fauna are subject to the same guidelines as canid characters. This includes metagaming and powerplay restrictions as well as pack trespassing policies.
Age & Breeding
Characters brought in to Wolf must be 1 year or older unless they were born in-game. Canid characters in Teekon Wilds can be played up to 15 years of age. Characters must pass away of old age or leave the game prior to their 15th birthday.
Within this range:
Characters may breed (conceive) when they are 22+ months of age (regardless of species)
These are the only restrictions characters have with regards to age. Wolves of any age may become leaders if others ICly accept them as such - we do not enforce age-related health declines or any other realistic progression. Just keep in mind that no wolf character with an age exceeding 15 years can exist within the IC setting (with the potential exception of certain Wild Fauna).
Progression & Site Longevity
Wolf is meant to be a creative outlet for adults with busy schedules, but it also is meant to be a space where characters are able to move forward. To meet this balance, we require that each character make 1 post every 2 weeks to remain active.
Falling inactive is nothing to be ashamed of and, if you communicate with your fellow players, it can often occur without consequence. That is, however, up to the PMs and players involved. There is an NPC rank that can be requested to avoid removal from your pack - but using it does not prevent your character from being marked as “inactive”.
Trades & Specialties
Character development is mostly an IC affair. Alongside this, Wolf does offer an optional system of trades and specialties to allow characters to prove their dedication and prowess in their chosen craft. Trades have no official bearing within the game, but they can optionally be used in a variety of ways. (Eg: advantage/disadvantage in combat, pack ranking, etc).
More information on Trades can be found here.
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