Set before dawn of 8/26/2023, Mai gave permission in PM for light PP with @Ensio so please lmk if I need to change anything Mai! This RO takes place firstly on Hibernation Point, then moves to Hideaway Strath!
The journey was one that continually made a knife twist in Sovereign's gut.
Going home...
It gave her so much anxiety...what would she find?
Her answer lie upon the Point, her mother's body was bones now, picked clean by predator and scavenger alike...
Sov felt tears brimming at her eyes, and she forced them away as much as possible as she began picking up the remains of her mother with her companion, moving her great bones down to the Strath, to the cavern system within that little mountain towards the edges...
Within the hours before daylight, the job was complete.
Sovereign had voiced the place where her mom's bones would rest, in the cavern room once used for medicines and healing, underneath that big tree in the middle of the water...
Sovereign dug as the first tiny traces of daylight came, she dug until she thought the hole was deep enough to be undisturbed, about four feet deep over the course of the early dawn..
And finally she laid the bones of her mom within.
She hesitated upon the skull, looking into those empty sockets...
She swore she heard her mother's voice murmuring from it-
ANs so the yearling decided she could not fully part with her mother, even now, and eased the skull of her mother onto her head...
it was a perfect fit...too perfect.
The yearling kicked and pawed the dirt over her mom's bones until the hole was filled completely, and then...
"We can go now..." Sov muttered to Ensio, tears dripping from her cheeks as she turned to walk away, wearing Nyra's skull over her head.
She knew he would follow, and so she only turned to assure herself of it once before she stepped out of the strath into a brand new day.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
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