Northstar Vale Le Beau Milieu de la Nuit
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Pack Formation 
The moon high above her proud head, Viskani walked along the edge of the creek with an uncharacteristic lack of care in her steps. For the first time in a long time she had let her mind wander, reflecting on her time within the territory so far.

Uneventful, for the most part - but that was not necessarily a negative in her case. If she was able to settle here in peace, she would not complain.

Back home something always seemed to be happening: pack members in petty arguments, a new mother taking her pup's out of the nest, hunting party's coming in and out, it was never quiet. Maybe that was why the vale felt so odd.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
the black wolf traced his mother's scent, unable to rest for some odd reason. It might've been excitement, but he couldn't pin the source. 

His paws were placed carefully, keeping the wet ground from covering them in fresh mud from the river bank and soon after, he saw her. It was rare to find her so unaware. Almost worrying. 

"Mother," he called out, careful not to startle her. He gave her a nod.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Hearing the familiar call of her son, relief washed over Viskani and she paused. Something familiar at last. Ears perked searching for him, she soon spotted the soot furred boy. "Aren't you meant to be resting?" No matter how much he grew she never seemed to stop scolding him for such things - though it was out of care, of course.

She soon turned back to join him, clearing her mind of her troubling thoughts. She saw no reason to focus on such things rather than the present, it would only put her behind.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
His ears fell to the side, now worried she would be upset with him for neglecting sleep. 

"Sleep isn't coming," he defended. "Is everything alright?"
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I'm alright - leaving some fresh markings, that's all." She attempted to reassure him, giving a lick to the top of the boy's head. She would not worry him with her personal issues - that was not for him to take care of.

"Are you alright?" She asked, returning his question. "Is something keeping you awake?"
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He would help, then. 

"Nothing that I am aware of. The moon is bright," he said. It was both an observation and possibly a reason. He couldn't expect to get rest with the world being so bright.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She frowned; tomorrow she would fix up a den for him in the trees to shield him from such light. "You can help me until you're ready to rest then, hm?" She decided, continuing on her path down the stream.

When sleep became difficult, Viskani always found that hard work was the best cure. Nothing made you want to curl up in your den more than sore legs after a day up on your paws.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"Gladly," he said, offering a wag. 

"Have you spoken to anyone who might pledge loyalty?"
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Tagging for ref!
"Yes - a young boy looking for shelter. He plans to return here soon." She reflected on the meeting with @Tousaint, snickering at the memory. "He has charisma, but lacks size. I haven't decided what role he would be suited to."

"What do you think?"

It was not often that Viskani asked for the opinion of other's; it was best to answer quickly.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He let his ears face his mother, interested in what she was saying. 

He sounded a lot like himself. A role that wouldn't challenge his own seemed suitable. 

"Brin," he said. Maybe too quickly. 

"If he's as unfit for breeding as he sounds."
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She nodded. Yes, that would suit the boy for the time being. "You're right, though I'm not sure he'll be happy to hear it." She snickered, rubbing her pelt against a tree as they passed. "He was bargaining with me for a higher rank; I think he'd like to be an Iris."

She shook her head, clearly finding the idea amusing. Such things were not given out so easily; they had to be earned through trust and dedication.

While Brin tended to be looked down upon by younger wolves there was nothing wrong with such a role. Without them the pack would likely fall apart - they were faster to move up than hunters or defenders.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He was relieved to hear she felt the same. 

"Nonsense. Do you think he'll cause a problem?" 

Not that the wolf thought he could offer any sort of punishment, but they couldn't have members becoming disobedient or problematic. Not so early on.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She would hope that the young wolf, Tousaint, would know better - so she shook her head. "I have explained our ways, and he accepted." She responded. "If he needs to be corrected, then he'll have to put up with it. Such things are a natural part of any pack."

Things were coming together well. While still small, once Chae and Chaudry arrived they would have enough to begin running things slowly but surely. A small hunting party, and a patrol.

"But what about you, Chesley? Tell me your ambitions." She smiled back at her son, curious of what he would say.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He wanted to be the pack's right hand. To rule in a high rank above all others--especially his siblings. He was the one who was here, after all. He deserved them as followers, not equals. But he refused to beg his mother for that. She'd see the value in his work and come to that conclusion on her own. 

"I would like to see the pack flourish under your rule, mother."
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She shook her head, smiling. "Is that all? I'm not going to scold you for dreaming."

"You're a son, after all. Not a daughter. You aren't competing to be my héritière." She wished that he wouldn't be so humble - that was what she assumed it to be anyways.

A daughter would be the packs héritière, but sons? They were hers. While there was necessity for her to mother a daughter she wasn't sure that she could bear letting her go once she did. A son brought no such pain.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
No, that wasn't all. He shouldn't lie to her. 

"Mother, do you really believe my siblings are just as capable as I am?" 

Maybe he should phrase it as a question, to be safe.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"You're here, but they are not." Was her answer. "I brought three of you with me, and I chose each of you because of your unique capabilities." She loved each pup she brought into the world, yet that did not guarantee them a spot.

Chesley had been chosen for a reason, however the same was to be said for Chaudry and Chae. With Chaudry it was quite clear; he had adopted their mother's muscular figure, and the large stature of the father he shared with Chesley (though he had likely grown past their sire by now), but the reasons for bringing Chae along were unclear.

The younger boy was a month behind a year old when they left; a month away from gaining his adult rank. He was small, thin, and unremarkable next to Chesley and Chaudry.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He wanted her to say he was the best of the three. It was clear she meant that, anyway. He was here, they were not. 

Maybe their capabilities were being late, or absent. 

"They have no business in the role of Iris--no more than the wolf you spoke of earlier."
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She blinked, surprised to hear such words coming from the boys mouth. She viewed it as a boost in confidence; such a thing must be positive. "They have expressed no interest in such a thing." She smiled, shaking her head.

"But even if they were to, they would need to work for it. Just as you will." There was no need for an Iris in a half-built pack. Chesley would need to prove that he deserved such a comfortable life.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Just as I have, he wanted to correct. He actually thought it had already been determined that he would get the role immediately. So, it was a surprise to hear that he hadn't. 

His ears pinned briefly, and he felt the cool night air on his teeth before realizing he'd bared them. He softened quickly, not letting his mother see. 

"Fine," he finally managed, though it was snappy. He would ensure that neither of the two dolts came anywhere close to having his role.
Montagne de Ciguë
203 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Hearing the frustration in his tone Viskani found herself disappointed. He was still young, she reminded herself, he would learn. It was normal to be competitive at this age; she had been the same way with her sisters.

"Let's finish marking and return to our dens, hm?" She said, attempting to redirect the conversation. "You can take tomorrow to rest, you've been working hard."
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.