Storm Watch Butte A Band of Demons Joined in and it Sounded Something Like This
14 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A cold focus remained on Herod as the elder wolf droned on. There is no indication upon his face on the information provided, only a disgruntled chuff and peak of fang beneath his lip as he was, indeed, set upon the route of courier. No further complaint was made as he followed Herod's gaze out to the sands. His nose lifted to accept the scents of the butte, ever becoming familiar to him in the passing days until something foreign pulled a low growl from his throat.

The twisting winds around the stone monument brought to him a creature rank with blight. The festering initially masked the canid scent before he discerned it. Hackles raised, Ransem rose to his paws, a golden eye keen on Herod's back. Herod himself was well-kept, in both his own appearance as well as those of his underlings. So then, this was an interloper.

There is rot below, Ransem rumbled. The one warning an eavesdropper would get directly from the russet man before he made to descend the steep sides of the butte.