Bearclaw Valley Well. No turning back now.
A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner
707 Posts
Ooc — Sonia
All Welcome 
 tags for references :3

Stark parted from his wife with a volley of kisses along her jawline with the promise he'd be back before the day was done. He'd left @Rhodes at the borders after refreshing some of their markers and had run down a smaller doe with @Banner. After depositing a large portion in a cache he'd started near the Alpha den under the expectations Val would need it soon he brought half of the kill, partially dragging it stiff-leggedly to their neighbor's borders. The valley itself was particularly unique and Stark was disappointed he'd never explored it while it was left unclaimed. He'd managed to explore the Stone Circle before anyone had considered taking it as a home and yet he had skipped right over the secluded Valley. 

Stark let the remainder of the doe fall to the ground - glazed eyes staring up at the skies ubseeingly - before he lifted his head to call out. He was specifically hoping to find @Xan but not interrupt - his mission, without informing his wife, was introductions to the other part of her family. He maybe should have run it by @Valette first but when the idea struck him he'd been so excited he had just gone for it. If things went well, maybe he'd even get a brief tour of the valley - maybe see what the kids might explore someday if they visited their uncle. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
[Image: gamekeeper.gif] 3/5
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
Indra had not been far when a call pierced the wild, entreating her leader's presence. Considering her agitated state over Laurel as of late, Indra felt pressed to investigate the summon.

The figure that appeared was not a wolf she knew, and she studied him carefully with her posture held in a protective manner for this was her home and he was encroaching upon it. He was a rather imposing figure, cut of a dark brown and grey cloth, and Indra noticed the hunk of meat supplanted at his feet. "What do you want?" She queried, her tone and mien held back and somewhat dull.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
i r good guardians

she had been at work, clearing out the fresh dusting of snow from the entrance of her whelping den.  she had kept it immaculate and intended on keeping it that way — until a call rung through the air and interrupted her.

she quickly made her way through the valley and to the borders, noticing that the redleaf girl had already beaten her here.  that is not to say that she minded — it was better for them to be quick than unprepared.

reigi's stance shifted into something more leadership worthy, still leaving room for xan to come in and assert that he was the most-most-important.  that's how that worked, right?

assertively, she scented the air but was quickly put at ease as she recognized the pack-smell as the ones next door who had been really nice and brought them that bison skin.  her tail gave one soft wag as she decided to at least pretend she knew what to do.


A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner
707 Posts
Ooc — Sonia
Ooc: will format later! 

The beta didn't have to wait long before he was approached, by scent alone he expected this wasn't one of the leaders he'd called for. Her scent was heavy on the brief border but not the most dominant - it made him think of the Keep and its fortress. He was almost wistful but he had business to attend to. He gave a nod before jerking his snout towards the portion of doe. He was about to explain himself when the heavily pregnant female approached and Stark couldn't help the way his gaze softened fondly. "I came on behalf of Easthollow to see Xan." it seemed appropriate to meet the inlaws after all.

"My name is Stark, Beta of Easthollow. My mate is Valette - Xan's sister." Why not cut to the chase? Maybe one of the women - he assumed by breeding rites the gravid one - would best know his whereabouts. "Figured I'd bring lunch, say hi to the inlaws, do the proper family thing." He joked with a grin.
i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
[Image: gamekeeper.gif] 3/5
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra remained on guard, her posture indicating well the protectiveness she felt for bearclaw's realm. her gaze trailed stark's body in an inoffensive manner, though it was clear she was studying him for any change in demeanor. as reigi arrived behind her she made no move to acknowledge her presence nor did she adjust her posture --  if anything, one could surmise from the way indra insistenty held herself that she was no inferior to the heavily pregnant woman. she offered a pained smile directed towards the male and spoke.

"indra redleaf." she answered, smoothly supplying with her expression a look of feigned embarassment; "we don't know her name." [/b]indra motioned towards the tawny woman with a shrug, which told plainly the indifference she felt on the matter. "xan should probably be here shortly." indra added in afterthought, hoping he would arrive soon so she could quit their company and resume her patrol for hares along the border.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Behind the waterfall there was a cave, the entrance hidden by the steady fall of water from above. He could not remember whether or not he’d been in there before, only that he knew of its existence; the information was likely given to him by his father, or perhaps he’d heard about it as a child by eavesdropping—he couldn’t remember, nor did it matter or affect his interest. He’d managed to get in there and was inspecting the interior when a howl reached his ears, a sound he knew he could not ignore, given the unfamiliarity and close proximity of it. Heaving a sigh, Alexander made to leave—yet, as he was moving across the rock formations that had originally granted him access, he slipped and fell right into the deep pool. Panic set in, briefly, whilst he flailed his limbs in order to pull himself away from the descending water and towards the edges of the liquid’s collection point; his attempts were successful and he was eventually back on dry land, sopping wet and mildly annoyed.

The jog-turned-sprint-turned-back-to-jog that was his journey to the borders dried his fur out a bit, but not enough. He was still noticeably soaked as he stopped at the end of the path, standing near to Reigi, but not enough for their bodies to touch. He offered both women a nod—his wife’s promotion was still so new, even to him, that Indra’s lack of submission to her didn’t quite register in his head—before turning his attention to the male; he carried the same scent as his sister and her children had, but his face and individual scent were unknown. Straightening out his posture, the assumption that something might have happened to his family members was easily made—why else would a stranger be sent to his valley?—and he asked, “Why are you here?” with vague traces of concern in his voice.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
Edit on 5/19/18: since this thread has carried on so long, please powerplay annasiak as it progresses as I likely will not be posting again.  thank you!

indra's pitiful attempt to pretend that all was well in the valley sailed easily over reigi's head.  the matriarch also did not mind how indra's posture did not offer deference to her; to bearclaw's alpha female, all her position meant was that she would be allowed to assert herself if necessary.

she studied the exchange between the visitor and the redleaf girl with an exhausted and uninterested eye, watching as they passed names and finally logging the redleaf girl's in her mind — indra.

the mention of her husband draws forth interest, and she tilts her head.  xan?  my xan?  her words are clipped and garbled as they come out.  she motioned to herself, and then offered, an-nnnasiak.  sii-a.  it was the name he had given her, and although she coveted it she also desired to be able to use it.

xan showed up, drenched to the bone, and she pressed her nose into his saturated fur with concern (although she was grateful to not have to talk anymore).

A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner
707 Posts
Ooc — Sonia

Whatever dynamic between the two women it was clear from the red one's face that it was awkward. Stark wasn't interested in their drama, he'd come with a purpose and it wasn't to muddy the waters, so to say. Names were offered and thankfully he didn't need to repeat them. Indra and Annasiak - a name he'd probably butcher if he tried to say it without hearing it a couple more times. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." It wasn't too far fetched of an idea to assume that she might be getting the benefits of the deer that he'd felled - considering how gravid she was. Her scent was heavy on the borders too but he couldn't tell her status. His own was probably just properly cementing on the edge of Easthollow. Life went on, and on, changes were inevitable. Knowing the history of the Beta's of Easthollow he planned on changing the game a bit. 

The sopping male that greeted him cut a different figure than what Stark expected; months of living with Valette and Nanook had prepared him for something else. Alexander cut a significant'y paler figure than Stark could have imagined, but, then, he and Banner and Captain all looked very different too.. .so in all actuality he shouldn't judge. Stark offered the male a polite nod of the head, posture still neutral enough. "I brought lunch," He said as he nodded towards the half of a deer he'd let fall to the ground. "I'm Stark, Easthollow's Beta Male - and Valette's mate." It felt like dropping the hammer in a way without an preamble, his tail giving a couple brief wags without being able to help himself. Ah the honeymoon stage. 

i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
indra cast an ear behind her as the tawny woman spoke haltingly, the way one might speak with a heavy speech impediment. indra had long since denounced all ideas of intelligence in the gravid female and so, simply ignored the nonsensical contribution. she offered a grave smile in rejoinder to the male's pleasantries, happily handling the mantle to the drenched xan as he approached. as xan inquired after the nature of the male's visit, indra thought about answering -- however, stark seemed wholly capable of speaking himself and she fell silent and stepped back to flank the alpha male. she had nothing left to contribute -- she had done her duty by intercepting the stranger at their borders. now, she simply waited.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.