Sun Mote Copse Song d'un nuit de sabbat.
Sun Mote Copse
5,037 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All Welcome 
Towhee woke with a start, a grunt of pain escaping her as she righted herself and blinked blearily at her surroundings. She was wildly disoriented for several heartbeats before a few snatches of her reckless climb over the rock wall came back to her. A pinch gasped escaped her as she shakily rose to her feet, wondering how much time had passed. Where was she? How had she gotten here? Had someone helped her?

Slowly, her brain cells came online and it dawned on her that she was at the edge of Sun Mote Copse. She had no memory of how she got here, though her aching thigh reminded her that she hadn't escaped unscathed. Towhee turned her head to look at the wound, which was crusted with blackened blood and smelled a little odd. Her whole body hurt and she knew she needed medical attention.

But just as importantly, her trapped pack mates needed help. Mustering up her remaining energy, Towhee sent up a short, shaky howl.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen returned to Asterism Grove in her thoughts daily, but in more than three weeks that had passed since rockslide, she had come up with no possible solutions on, how to help anyone, who may have been trapped inside, or how to even find out, who had been left there. So, she lived day by day, hoping that one morning everything would miraculously be fine. Stupid thing to do - true - but, what else other than hope did the Sovereign had to hold on to?

Imagine her surprise that one morning during a patrol along the borders, she heard a tired howl and soon saw the instigator of it. "Towhee!" she exclaimed, rushing at the leader of the Asterism grove. "How - how did you get here? What -how? You're hurt!" she sought for words, as she looked the injured she-wolf up and down and still could not believe her eyes that, what she saw was true.
Sun Mote Copse
5,037 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It was none other than the pack's Sovereign who came to her call. Towhee sagged as Wraen paced closer, questions on her lips. The Kilonova managed to read most of the words, though she found the edges of her vision sort of blurry and gray. That wasn't a good sign.

"I climbed over," she panted, "and now we have to figure out how to get the rest of them out." As the words left her mouth, a strong sense of vertigo overcame her. Towhee swayed, striking out a foreleg and planting a paw as if to brace herself, only for her hind legs to wobble, then buckle. She fell into a hard sit.

Luckily, she didn't pass out completely. Towhee hung her head low between her shoulder blades, no longer looking at Wraen as she muttered, "I think I need a medic."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Like Wraen, Elwood was worried about his family trapped by the landslide, but feared that there wasn't anything they could physically do to help them. Not knowing how they were or how to assist ate at him daily on top of the other concerning things like the continued lack of large game in the area. His mind was constantly in motion, even though his body felt incapable.

Towhee's voice was immediately recognizable, even as weak as it was. Luckily, he hadn't been too far away, otherwise he might have missed it entirely. He hurried in that direction, finding his goddaughter bloodied and weak, swaying on her feet as Wraen approached her. "I think I need a medic," he heard her say as he neared, and even as he came to a halt he threw his head back and called for @Eljay.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
There was "the rest", which gave Wraen a wild hope that all of the wolves, who had been trapped inside Asterism Grove, were fine. They just needed rescuing. Simple as that. And for now she put that thought aside, to arrange all that was necessary to take proper care of Towhee. She looked positively miserable.

Elwood had arrived at the right time too, the Sovereign felt grateful for his reassuring presence. "Don't worry, we will figure something out," Wraen told, forgetting that, while her cousin could not see her face, she could not read her voice. "We need to get her to the Nest," she told Elwood. "Towhee," this time she reached out to touch the other leader's cheek lightly, urging her to look up. "Can you walk? We will guide you somewhere, where you can take rest and Eljay can take care of you."
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Something inside Niamh was missing, and for a reason she couldn't explain, she felt homesick. She wasn't sure where she longed to live- but part of her was demanding that she simply go and find what it was she was missing...But she couldn't, in good conscience, leave Bronco. Not when his father had died and his sister had disappeared. She couldn't let him grow up feeling like everyone who cared about him left...She told herself that daily. Several times a day. And she tried to believe it- but it was the only thing that kept her from disappearing, herself. 

But something seemed to rattle and shake the dust off a part of her heart when she heard Towhee's call. Her voice was unmistakeable, and Niamh immediately bolted along the borders, hurriedly cutting a path through the dead and dried grasses toward the area the call had come from, and the more she replayed the sound of Towhee's call in her mind, the more her concern grew. That wasn't her typical 'hey bitches, come greet me' sort of call. Worry overtook Niamh, who had heard that the pass into the Grove had been blocked off- but suddenly, here was Towhee, at their borders. She heard Elwood's voice call urgently for Eljay, and she knew, then, that something was wrong. 

Niamh didn't slow as she approached the group, breathlessly skidding to a halt at Towhee's side, deaf and blind to the others who had come to greet her more quickly. It seemed she was always a pace behind the others- but she stretched herself thin enough patrolling the borders the way she did- and she couldn't be everywhere at once. Towhee was injured, and the blood from her cuts had darkened to the shade of her fur. Niamh's lips drew back over her teeth and she very poorly tried to conceal her concern when she momentarily made eye contact with Towhee. In her mind's eye, she recognized that dark shade of blood, and the scent that accompanied it, and it caused her focus to stray for a moment. She shook her head and backed up a pace, so that she wasn't hovering immediately over her friend. "Towhee," She said softly, and sighed. But this wasn't how they worked. She couldn't let her fear take over. -At least tell me the other guy looks worse.- She said, even though her wounds weren't indicative of a fight. Still, it was all she could manage in an attempt to break some of the tension.
Sun Mote Copse
5,037 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Soon she was surrounded by familiar, concerned faces. Towhee struggled to keep herself upright and focused to receive them and explain what was happening. Surely they knew about the landslide, maybe they'd even made rescue attempts. But before she could speak a word about it, ask the questions on the tip of her tongue, she found herself slumping to the ground.

As she sank, she saw Niamh sign something at her. Although there was no humor in this situation at all, Towhee nonetheless huffed a laugh. The darkness at the corners of her vision then took over completely. She tried to fight it, because those still trapped in the grove needed her. They'll take care of me, was her last conscious thought, of us. Towhee's eyes closed as she fell unconscious.

Feel free to PP her, of course!
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay wasn't feeling all too on top of the world. He spared food out of his mouth so that the others could be fed. There were many pups and he didn't want any of them to be stunted in their growth in any way - least of all his own. He worried all the time about Elfie, hoping that his son would be alright out there with Towhee. It showed in his frame that he hadn't been eating as well as before, though Eljay himself paid it little mind. It was simply as it was, and they were all getting thinner. He just needed to hold on and hold that this, too, would pass.

Towhee's howl caught him off-guard. Eljay quickly came into motion, though mostly driven by selfish thoughts: had something happened to Elfie? Was his son alright? He made his way there as fast as he could, but it wasn't that fast, considering every step was driven by hunger and lack of energy. And winter had not even properly started yet.

Eljay arrived to find no Elfie there, and but a wounded Towhee. Instantly he worried about his son -- if Towhee was wounded, then had something happened to the rest of the pack? to Elfie? -- but he tried not to be selfish and tend to Towhee before asking any questions. What happened? Eljay asked as he arrived, unable to see Towhee's state with everyone standing around her, as he looked to the other adults for some kind of explanation.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Eljay arrived shortly after Towhee had passed out and Wraen filled the aspiring healer in on, what she had gathered: "The Hideaway strath has been blocked off after the last earthquake and Towhee climbed up and somehow got here. Does not look good at all." She looked down at the unconscious leader of the Asterism grove and assessed her wounds and state in general. The she-wolf would live, given rest and food, but Eljay probably knew best.

"We can't leave her here, we have to move her," she told others and hoped that any of them would come up with an idea, how would that be possible to do. "Or settle a temporary outpost for her here," that was another option, but it would mean that someone would have to sleep besides Towhee out in the open all the time. And, who would be up for such a task in the dreary, cold and rainy weather of late autumn?
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Over the next few seconds, Niamh and Eljay arrived just as Towhee lost consciousness. Wraen had mentioned the urgency of getting her somewhere safe, so it looked like they would be transporting her limp body. As Eljay began to assess the situation, Wraen filled him in on what they knew -- which wasn't much, but there were enough details to piece together the story. Somehow, Towhee had managed to escape the strath by climbing over the remains of the rockslide; it seemed like it hadn't been easy.

"We can move her," Elwood agreed. It didn't appear that she had any broken bones that they would be putting at risk by shifting her. "And then Eljay can get a good look at that wound on her leg." He looked to his son. "What's the best way to carry her?" he asked, although the question was really open for anyone to answer.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Towhee laughed, but her voice was faint and more like a whisper than anything, and shortly thereafter, she was gone, unconscious and limp. Niamh growled softly, more out of anxiety than anything. She felt tense, and didn't want anyone to go anywhere near her friend, simply because this was something that had been trained into her. No matter what Towhee faced, or got into, Niamh had been there to have her back, to launch into the fight, to pull her back into safety. She felt helpless now, and still felt nervous having so many others around. No matter how much she trusted her own packmates, Niamh still felt like she should be the main protector in this case, because this was Towhee. 

"Bronco's den's nearby. He won't mind if we kick him out and let Towhee stay there until she's better," She offered. She hated admitting that her own son had already moved out and found his own den, but it was what it was, and she knew that he wouldn't mind helping Towhee out. Elwood asked about moving Towhee, and Niamh stiffened for a moment, before she moved a bit closer to her friend. Eljay would be the one who would know best how they could move Towhee- but Niamh was going to be the one to do the job.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Wraen explained and Eljay nodded, grateful for the explanation.

The best would be not to move her at all, Eljay said to his father, but he wasn't too sure if that was possible. They should bring her somewhere safe, he did suppose. But if we've gotta, we should at least make sure that the leg isn't further wounded or the wounds get dirty. We should keep it off the ground. Eljay looked at his father to make sure that was something that was possible. If we can't, something needs to be wrapped around or such.

Niamh suggested they use Bronco's den, and Eljay nodded in agreement. Yes, good thinking. Let's bring her there. Eljay glanced at his father, Niamh and Wraen, hoping that two of them could go ahead and carry Towhee, so that he could look at the leg once she got somewhere safe.

feel free to move things along to them getting there in your posts, as far as i'm concerned. :)
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Since things have moved along plot-wise, I will conclude and fade out this thread.

Wraen listened to Elwood's and Niamh's suggestions, took in Eljay's verdict and in the end decided to move Towhee. Even if it further aggravated her wounded leg, hypothermia was a more immediate risk. The late autumn nights could get very cold and she doubted that anyone could keep the leader of the Asterism Grove warm enough in the open space of the forest. 

With combined efforts of all three packmates they brought Towhee to safety and obeyed to all instructions Eljay told them.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
just going to add a last conclusion post for Eljay's part in that case.

They decided to move Towhee along to make sure she was somewhere safer and warmer than right here. Eljay went ahead and he gathered some moss that would help keep the wound clean later on, cleaned it, made sure that everything was ready at the den. When the others arrived with Towhee he instructed others to lick the wounds clean and then he made sure that the moss was applied so that they would stay clean better.

Eljay went on to gather some herbs against the pain, though it was hard to find anything that still grew now. He ended up not finding anything immediately and returned to first make sure Towhee was alright, and to make sure that she was warm enough. He'd find something against the pain later. For now, it was most important she stayed warm and her wounds were clean and healing. Hopefully she'd be alright again. The father's mind worriedly twisted towards Elfie and he hoped that he would be able to see his son soon, with all that had happened with Towhee now.