The Sunspire Moosecraft
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Pack Activity 
Pack hunt! @Rannoch , @Liffey , @Terance , @Nara , @Treason , @Olive , @Seabreeze , @Goldy , @Bronte , @Coelho , @Maia , @Hyacinth.
Participation is optional, though - the more we are, the more likely are the chances that they will down the moose. 

Will consist of 3 - 4 rounds:
1. Assembly of the pack wolves (probably 2 - 4 days time depending of the activity, though arriving later is also an option);
2. - 4. ACTION! Dicerolling the outcome for every action is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory.  Keep in mind - moose is standing in a pool of water at the moment, it is injured and therefore has a nasty temper. PPCs are tagged for visibility.

It was a lovely spring evening and we found Wraen in company of @Bernard near the waterfalls, where she tried to master fishing much to amusement of herself and her wolf-dog friend. She was dripping wet and laughing at her own mistakes and lack of skill. In the near vicinity there was @Witchbaby and the dark-pelted daughter of Olive @Cassiopea - either mousing or having other important business. And the rest of the pack was scattered accross the vast territories of Sunspire. All in all the atmosphere was very calm and relaxed - it had been a very long day and it was heading towards an uneventful night. 

However things changed in a matter of minutes, in which they first heard heavy footsteps, then caught the unmistakeable scent of a moose male and finally they saw the regal animal itself emerge from the cover of trees and bushes. It gave each of the assembled canids a dark look, snorted angrily, stomped it's hooved feet and charged straight at the pool of water, where Wraen was standing presently. She was no coward in general, but even she froze in fear and watched with wide eyes the approaching animal. That is - until a nudge from Bernard reminded her that this would probably be a good time to get out and away. 

She did and that was, when she noticed that not everything was quite alright with the animal. There was a rancid smell intertwined with the moose's natural odour and his rather ill-tempered manner, even now, when she and her friends were out of his way, just proved that her theory was right - he was not well (it would later turn out to be a festering wound in it's hind leg, but the viewer in question could not see it from that angle). Wraen thought for a little while and then seemed to have reached a decision - she caught the other two wolves with her glance and then turned to Bernard as well, telling them quietly: "Get the others!"

She watched them go, staying herself behind to wait and observe. She hoped that they would be able to assemble as many of their numbers as possible. They could not afford to miss this opportunity.
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Not in her den today, Hyacinth was already wandering toward the waterfalls for a drink. The scent trails of her packmates made her even more eager to arrive and so she picked up her pace, arriving on scene. The first thing she noticed was the smell of sickness, it made her nose wrinkle back as she scanned for the cause. She spotted the moose and her eyes widened at the size of the beast, having never seen one before. It looked like a deer but much much bigger and darker in color with a rack of antlers big enough to cause some serious harm. Then she spotted the darker furred female standing nearby, talking to some others. Cin walked toward them with a curious look on her face, tail swaying behind her "Hello! Never seen a creature that big before. Are we going to go after it?" she asked curiously. Her nerves fluttered as she gave the beast a nervous look, licking her lips as her tail stilled. She could barely hunt for herself going after a rabbit, how the hell would she manage to not kill herself doing this?
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
149 Posts
Ooc — Khalysa
Nara was enjoying the last of her self rewarded day off. Although it was already evening, the air was still warm and she had picked out a nice and quiet spot in the grass beneath a small tree. She closed her eyes and let out a content sigh. She opened them just in time to see a copper blur bolt past her. Witchbaby? Alarmed by this, Nara jumped up and ran in the direction that her packmate had come from.

When she arrived at the waterfalls, she could see Wraen and Hyacinth and not much further a fat deer with giant antlers was standing in the water, panting. Nara had never seen such a creature before. That thing looks scary she said to Wraen and gave her friend a little nudge. From a distance, she carefully inspected the giant animal. It looked quite impressive, but also quite angry. They were going to need a lot more teeth to get this thing down. 
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bernard found Maia quickly enough and hastily gave her the news before moving on.  She knew him in passing as one of Wraen's friends (which made him awesome, generally speaking, in her mind as well) and she was giddy at the news he gave.  A pack hunt!?!?  Oh gosh.  She'd left home before her mom and dad had let her do too much participating, and so her experience with large prey hunts in practice was... lacking.  But they'd taught her as much as they could, and her size at least was suited.  This was gonna be a blast!

When she found the gathering, she was practically bouncing for the withheld anticipation.  She sidled up next to Hyacinth, peering at the moose and grinning.  "This is gonna be awesome," she exclaimed under her breath, stoked to get started but instinctively knowing that she should wait... whoever the lead for this hunt was would give a cue. Her eyes slid over to Wraen, and then at the rest, while she waited.  Likely there should have been some measure of fear in her, at the imposing sight, but she was too keyed up to hesitate.
v e r i t a s
436 Posts
Ooc — thalia

fern-green gaze settled on the moose as it moved near, having made her way near the beta and the wolf-dog when her most recent investigation into a den of some sort had ended in faded scents and empty jaws. gaze moved to the beta as she spoke, and offered little more than a blink of her verdant gaze in acknowledgement of the instruction before moving off to find more of her packmates, ultimately returning with whoever she would find.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. 
And with strange aeons even death may die.

he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
It was @Witchbaby who had found Rannoch drowsing off in the sunlight. 

"Wuh?" Rannoch replied as he lifted his mid-drift off the ground. Witchbaby went on to inform him of what she and the rest of the gang had discovered. Rannoch was still lethargic and only nodded in reply; despite his dispassionate response, he knew what the kill would mean for Sunspire. As Witchbaby excused herself, Rannoch yawned and nodded, as if to say, you're excused

A series of yoga-like stretches finally kicked his fatigue to the curb, and the slate-colored man carried himself to the waterfall on stiff legs. 

Upon arriving onto the bustle, Rannoch kept his eyes on the looming animal in the distance. After a moment, he turned towards Wraen with a nod; Rannoch's consent for her to lead was given. With his approval given, Rannoch turned his attention to the hostile animal and kept his ears open for whatever command Wraen would give them.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
Treason was also directed to the site, let's say by Cass.  It wasn't like it mattered which had found her, as Treason was curious and left her patrols to go see what all the fuss was about.  Okay, not fuss but food.  Quite a few had already gathered and so Treason joined the group that had sort of circled around the moose.  Her ears cupped forward, waiting for instruction as she analyzed the situation from her spot.  She was still young, and figured she wasn't ready to go leading any hunts for creatures of that size.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
the bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
78 Posts
Coelho had hunted many things in her life, but preferred those things be small as possible and definitely without antlers. She didn't know what to expect when she heard the rustlings of a pack activity, but as she came upon the scene of a clearly ill moose, followed by a ringlet of hungry wolves -- well, it didn't take a genius to figure out the reason for the collection.

She swallowed, ears flat to her skull as she inspected the moose. No, not moose. Monster. It dwarfed her, truly! She didn't even come up to its front knee, let alone his flank -- not even Rannoch stood that tall or fiercely. And its antlers - its jesus-christ-those-are-honking-big-fking-antlers -- they spanned twice the length of her body on one branch alone.

No, Coelho didn't like these odds. Terrified, she pressed herself into a tussock of spring grass, her ears disappearing into her rufus fur and her tail tucked tightly to her stomach. Surely at some point someone would see this was a bad idea...

“Call him Judas if you want
but he did it for reasons
much older than silver.”
558 Posts
Ooc —
Master Therapist
Fatass McGee trailed after a couple of vaguely packmate-shaped blurs, heaving her way across the mountain for — God knows what, this time.  If it was dangerous, surely someone would have loosed a howl by now or something.  

Well, it was dangerous, just not in the way she'd envisioned.  Big'ole horns and hooves made for stompin', one kick to her tummy would send all of the young parents' dreams straight to Hell... or at least, a bloody mess on the ground.  Nope, no thank you.

She caught someone's glance to make sure they knew she had Done Her Job and shown up like she was supposed to, but there was absolutely No Way she was going to take part in the whole hunting-bit.  Sorry, folks.
[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Round 2 - please, have a look at these videos with wolves hunting large prey: - to get an idea and an inspiration for, what your character can and would do during the hunt. Aim for this round is to get the moose on the move - you are encouraged to diceroll, if that happens in your post. Also the animal is potentially aggressive, therefore feel free to involve kicking and antler-hits in your posts. No posting order.

While waiting for others to arrive, Wraen watched that animal, who now - that most wolves were gone from the scene - had drunk some water and then hobble over to one of the reed-covered banks and begun to eat. The hunter weighed out her options - if there were sufficient number and especially with the taller, stronger and heavier wolves - with some luck they could take the animal down. If it was just Bernard and a little army of small wolves like her, Witchbaby and the I-am-not-a-coyote Coelho, then they should not even attemt to do such a thing. 

The first to arrive a she-wolf - a recent newcomer that Wraen had not had a chance to meet yet, but had heard her name in passing. @Hyacinth - or some other flower. If she was just as a good hunter as a beautiful being (sometimes beauty did not go hand in hand with practical skills), then she would do well with the task of herding the animal in the desired direction. "Yes, we are, but let's wait for the others," Wraen replied.

@Nara - Wraen's trusted hunting companion - was next to arrive. "Something a bit bigger than a chipmunk, eh?" she replied and gave the girl an encouraging smile. They had had some mishaps, when it had come to animals larger than hares - mountain goats - for example, and this guy was definitely ten times bigger and more dangerous than the sly and swift cliff-dwellers, but with Nara by her side, Wraen felt more sure of their success.

@Maia was ready for an adventure and Wraen wondered, whether the yearling had ever taken part in a big hunt with her parents and other packmates. Because in this game her sister's size and weight was an advantage, but at the same time she did not want her to get hurt, due to lack of experience and overrating her skills. "And dangerous as well - you will have to be quick and careful, and follow the rules," she told her. 

With Maia came @Bernard and @Cassiopea as well. Wraen immediately decided that the first would do excellent, when it came to an actual attack on the animal, while the latter would be another good addition to the team of herders. @Witchbaby returned with @Rannoch - and Wraen felt relieved to see another leader figure here and, though she was given the reins of the whole situation, she knew that, if things would go south, the alpha would be there to support and help out.

@Treason showed up soon after - and recalling their first encounter, where the guardian had expressed her preference for large game, Wraen was glad that now would be a great time for the large she-wolf to show, what she had got in her. She caught a glimpse of @Coelho - who had shown up, while her best buddy Bronte had not - and, though she would never tell this to the coy-wolf, Wraen gave her some credit to actually arriving to the scene of the action, even though there would be no use of her here at the moment. Unless, of course, she wanted to either drown in the water or be trampled over by angry feet. 

And then there was @Seabreeze - who showed up, made sure that her arrival was acknowledged. Wraen waited a little longer to see, if Terance would come as well, but he did not - probably being busy elsewhere. That's, what she hoped the reason was, and not anything personal.

"It will be difficult to attack the beast in the water, therefore we have to drive it out of there and get it over there," she beckoned grassy open area right at the banks of the water pool. "Once it there - we surround it and try to get hold of it and draw it down to the ground," she now addressed the heavier people in their party. "Rannoch, Treason, Bernard and Maia - that will be your main task - and Bernard - with you being the largest in the party, I want you to aim for the beast's neck." Then she turned to the rest: "Nara, Cassiopea, Hyacinth, Witchbaby - and me as well - our task will be to herd it and keep it in place, as well as distract it, in order to help the attackers. Once the moose is pinned down, you take hold of it as well and help pinning it down."

"@Coelho and @Seabreeze - remain on the sidelines, but don't go too far. Help those, who get injured, or go and fetch help, if you need it," she told the two. 

With this explained, she together with the rest of them got to work.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
rolled an 11!! So she's doin mediocre so far <3

Wraen was again quick to give a sobering warning, and while Maia tried to take it to heart, she itched to get going.  She wanted to run, to help her packmates take it down!!! Ooooooh boy yeah, this was definitely her first big hunt.  She was gonna do awesome and totally not look like an idiot in front of everyone.  Again.  No pressure.

Equal parts stoked and nervous, she waited and listened to her part.  So they would be the takedown!!  That was pretty much the most important part!  She inhaled, standing a little taller, and nodded before turning determined eyes to the beast.

When Wraen signaled the start, Maia was tempted to rush forward immediately, but her sister's words and her father's remembered pointers kept her back.  When you hunt with those who know, watch. So watch she did.  She stayed behind the quicker members and back a bit, snarling and adding her intimidation, but seeing how they approached the larger animal and what she should do to avoid a kick or the antlers.
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
8 out of 10 on effectiveness so i'd say she gets the moose to begin to head away.

Hyacinth swallowed thickly at the confirmation that they'd be trying to take this beast down but only gave a single nod of agreement. It was time she started doing something other than just stocking herbs and hanging about right? Even if she proved useless at hunting again at least she tried? She groaned but lifted her head and focused on Wraen as she laid out the orders for the hunt and then set off.

Quickly behind she entered the water and made for the hind limbs, her fur going heavy and making her movements awkward in the water. She lunged for the hock and began to nip and make light tears at the tendons and muscles, earning a snort and bellow from the moose before it lifted the irritated limb and aimed a kick right for her. She leaped backward but it still hit her chest, not hard enough to do much but knock her breath away at first. She wheezed a bit but gave an angry snarl, moving in again and biting it right in the ass, her teeth sinking in and causing another loud and more surprised bellow to emit from the large beast. Quickly she let go and circled away from the dangerous limbs to avoid a kick. To her satisfaction the moose seemed to get the idea that staying put was bad and started to slowly move away, head turning to keep an eye on the approaching wolves.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
149 Posts
Ooc — Khalysa
Rolled a 3 out of 10

Nara listened carefully to Wraen explaining the strategy. She turned her head to look at her packmates. She hoped they were listening closely too. Taking down this beast would be a challenge and coordination was everything - accidentally close in a packmate, and they could get seriously hurt. And since Wraen and Nara were the only ones with decent hunting experience, she would make sure to keep an eye on the rest. 

When the others started towards the pool, Nara was quick to follow them into the water. Although she was taller than Coelho, she was still quite short and she had trouble keeping her head dry. Little waves made by her packmates entering the water splashed in her face. Great, she thought. Then she saw Hyacinth approaching one of the hind legs of the animal and Nara went around her to get to the other one. She made sure to stand next to the creature and not behind it - something Hyacinth didn't do and Nara held her breath when she saw how a hoof contacted with her packmate. Luckily, Hyacinth seemed fine and even managed to get the moose on the move. 

Nara followed it for a few steps before sinking her own teeth into its flesh. But this time the creature stopped and turned around. It lowered its head, dangerously large antlers pointed in her direction. The last time something similar happened, she got knocked almost unconscious, so Nara was quick to jump out of its way.

the bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
78 Posts
Coelho's ears fell as Wraen's attention came upon her; she tucked her chin to the ground, limbs folding halfwise. She didn't know the female Wraen instructed her to stand alongside and her gaze curiously fell on the gravid creature. Unsure of what to do besides loiter, Coelho paced nervously in circles around the pale female, eyes darting from their packmates to the woman she was sidelined with.
“Call him Judas if you want
but he did it for reasons
much older than silver.”
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
At least for now, Treason wasn't going to be doing much of anything that was effective.  She stayed on the shore of the pool, pacing around as she tried to figure out where the moose would exit the water.  Stepping in to join them would have meant that she'd probably get in the way, and if that second group was supposed to be the quick wolves, they didn't need a bulky one blocking an escape route so someone could get beaned in the head.  She wanted to end up close but not too close, so that she could be ready to pounce once the moose had gotten a reasonable distance from the water -- unless someone else had a great idea about where it should go.  All she knew was it'd be kind of annoying to have to drag out a submerged and waterlogged corpse.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Wraen's plan was plausible— the smallest would herd, and the largest would strike. Rannoch was apart of the latter category, and he looked at @Bernard as they were grouped with Maia and Treason. The two men had worked well when they hunted together in the past, and he would have the chance to collude with wolfdog once more. 

As the group dispersed to their respective duties, Rannoch slid to Bernard's side with a wagging tail and a nudge to the other man's shoulder; a silent truce was established as the two men stood side-by-side. They would work together, and with those that they were paired with, to kill the moose. 

Rannoch and Bernard stalked towards the water's edge and settled not too far from where Treason had positioned herself. Although he yearned to help his packmates in the water, Rannoch knew that he was needed later in the hunt. In the meanwhile, as he kept attention on the water-bound group, Rannoch paced along the edge of the water on stiff limbs and his tail held high. 

Bernard, on the other hand, sat nearby and observed like the good boi he was.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
558 Posts
Ooc —
Master Therapist
pp me until someone gets hurt or the hunt's over! <3

Coelho's anxious pacing combined with the relative commotion of the moose hunt made her nervous; she tucked away in the shade away from the hunt and motioned for the coyote to come if she wanted, too but please for the love of god quit twitching.
[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Round 3 - show-down! Mild PP - please, indicate, if anything needs to be edited. Dice-rolling encouraged - aim to pull the moose down and kill it, but we do not have to neccessarily succeed.

Wraen made sure for one last time that everyone was in the right position - looked over her shoulder, where Seabreeze and Coelho had taken their places, and then jumped in the water. Initially sheencountered the same difficulties that Nara did, but soon found a solid footing underneath, where the water was not so deep and could move without much difficulties alongside moose. Hyacinth proved to be quite effective herder and more daring that Wraen had given her credit for. The moose got the idea and annoyed by so many pesky wolves in his bath-tub, headed towards the bank. But not before almost hitting Nara with his set of antlers and missing Wraen by an inch too. 

Now nearer to the bank, @Witchbaby proved to be useful ally, taking the side Wraen had not got covered and with quick movements, little nips near the hooves and mock attacks they drove the wounded animal to the clearing. Once there - she told her coywolf companion to retreat - and then turned to speak to @Hyacinth , @Nara , @Cassiopea : "Position yourselves so that we encircle the beast and do not let it leave the area and follow it at a safe distance, if he moves. Once the big guys get to the action - we do to - grab and get hold of whatever part you can on the beast - in order to pull it down."

With these instructions done, she turned to the bigger specimens of their group - @Bernard, @Rannoch, @Treason and @Maia : "The field is yours - we'll help you as it is needed."
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
She was shaking by the time they got the beast to the shore, whether from adrenaline or anxiety was up for discussion. Once the beast was on land she instinctively knew to climb out and follow, one ear flicking upright as Wraen began to speak, handing out more instructions. She once again gave a nod, not trusting her voice not to shake and sound pathetic, instead she went toward the animal once again and this time, chose her place by its left flank. She didn't go close enough to get kicked and made sure she would be out of the way of horns.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
rolled a 3, yikes

Maia watched... and watched... and listened as Wraen lined up the next phase.  As she did, her eagerness and enthusiasm for the challenge grew exponentially, so that when Wraen finally signaled them to action, she could hardly wait.  It was her turn now!!

She charged in, and instinct told her to be cautious... but she was to bring it down, so that was what she was going to do!  Immediately and without a whole lot of forethought, she jumped straight in for its hindquarters.... and in a startling turn of dexterity, it wheeled, tossing its head and catching her full on with its antlers.  Fortunately for her, they were blunt, but they still had an immense amount of power behind them.  

She was thrown a ways away and hit the dirt hard, hard enough to knock what little sense she had out like a light, as well as most of the breath in her lungs.  She stayed down.
the bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
78 Posts
She took her job seriously, so when the rest of the hunt party was off and she was left in the reeds, Coelho frowled with a deep and worrisome intensity. Her anxiety was not without repercussions -- Seabreeze had taken note of her overzealous pacing, and had righteously retreated.

Coelho tried to shake the tension from her body by wriggling from head to tail - it only made things worse. With a whine she circled the encampment Seabreeze had made for herself, intent on keeping anything (including moose) at bay with her VERY FIERCE looks.
“Call him Judas if you want
but he did it for reasons
much older than silver.”
nomen est omen
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Master Guardian
Rolled an 11, which as I rambled in Discord, says it should totally hit according to D&D :P

Well, someone got a bit impatient.  Oh well.  It wasn't Treason's place to deal with those who got beaten up, it was her job to take advantage of the opening that it created.  As the moose sent Maia flying, Treason dove to latch on to its side, just behind its front leg, where it was much harder to be kicked or battered by antlers.  It did react, of course, flailing about trying to dislodge her.  It wasn't the best bite, but Treason was still firmly attached to the moose.  For now, at least.  If nobody else managed to get hold of it also, she was going to end up being #1 target very quickly, and she had no desire to get mashed to pudding while everyone else stayed safe.  At this second all she could do was dig in her heels and try to start yanking it down, hopefully giving everyone else a chance to join in.
Arbiter is often not a nice person and will think mean things without acting on them.
If you aren't sure whether her snarky thoughts might be readable, just ask!  IC≠OOC
he came and stole the wild
1,808 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Coach
Master Historian
Y'all know my horrible rolls.

Bernard and Rannoch both knew that bringing down the moose was a precarious situation— the result of Maia's brash actions only confirmed what instinct urged them both. 

Unlike Bernard, who observed the hunt with composure, Rannoch continued to pace along the water's edge. He knew it was their time to jump into the fray, and Rannoch beckoned for Bernard to follow as he splashed into the water.  They would hunt together, just as they always did.  

Treason was successfully fastened onto the animal, and Rannoch saw this as a window of opportunity. They both moved quickly to exploit the moose's weak spot. Rannoch charged to latch onto the leg adjacent to where the Delta had attached herself and Bernard went for the moose's chest.  The moose was proactive in defending itself from them, and it stomped in the general area where both men moved towards. Excitement had not made either of the wolves a fool. They knew better than to advance. They scrambled backward and out of reach, and attempted to scour the scene for their next opportunity.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
he came untied, solid as a stone
all is almost lost and it starts to show
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
The dice love messing up my character's quirks. Rolled a 10/10 so...massive strike by Cin!

Hyacinth gasped and turned to watch as Maia was struck hard and sent flying. Her instinct was to abandon the hunt and go tend to the girl where she lay still and fallen upon the ground, but she instead turned back to the hunt just as Rannoch and another unknown wolf went in. As the moose focused on them and stomped its hooves she eyed it's massive bulging jugular and without even really planning to, bolted forward and sprung off the ground. As her jaws parted and she neared the flesh she released a scream of what could have been fear but let's pretend it was a savage war cry. 

Striking and holding fast her teeth sank into the throat and she held tightly even as the beast bellowed and stumbled. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter and growled, clenching her jaws and beginning to thrash around as she hung from it's neck, back legs scraping the dirt for hold. The tugging of her weight seemed to cause the beast to falter more and blood began to flow steadily into her mouth.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
91 Posts
Ooc — Sparx
I'm alive!! :'^) Lmk if I need to edit anything, as I'm still pretty clueless atm.
Bernard watched as Hyacinth landed a good blow on the beast's throat, slowly making progress on bringing it down. He thought about leaping back into the fray to further assist her, but his eyes kept drifting to Maia, who still laid motionless on the ground. With concern knit in his brow, he trotted over towards her.

Are you alright, Maia? He asked. There was a soft rise and fall of her sides, which was good, but he wasn't sure how hurt she was. Anxiously, he awaited a response while he kept an eye on the moose.
PM me about sprees; I'm usually open!