Blackfeather Woods This is what it sounds like, when doves cry
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Hallo. Aries is back... if you'll let him back. Specifically for either/both @Maegi and @Tundra, but AW <3 (Also only just getting back into writing after a bit of a break, so excuse any mistakes and/or if this post isn't the best haha)

He was no longer Silencer of the Melonii Clan.

There was a plethora of unforeseen convolutions that had sprung to guide him away from those borders, and, being reticent as he was, had not spoken a word of his departure to any within the territory; perhaps they would bitterly label him a traitor, even his adoptive-mother, but he did not feel the need to explain himself or his motives to any. Arrogant, or simply taciturn? Regardless of his respect for Nyx, and in turn, for Damien, the cursed starborn had been raised within the woods of Blackfeather. This is where they were meant to be, and departing had been a grave mistake - he knew this, with perspicuous certainty, the moment he began to slither as a serpent from the tenebrosity to line his lean body with the borders.

It felt good to be home. A taste upon the air that he would savour.

A reptilian tongue swiped across poisonous lips, glacial gaze tracing the familiar lining of hunched trees, the cracked, swooping branches, and noting the omnipresence of the ravens, who never ceased to guard the woods from their treetop roosts. Aries was a man who hungered, it was true, and when he hungered, there was little to provide impediments in his path; he took what he wanted, when he wanted it... but in this case, the fate of his return was not an occurance he could prognosticate. He could not truly predict, either, who had merged to re-construct the bloody pack from the umbra of the night. He would wait.

With one last, stoic brush of hiemal eyes across his old home, the soldier tipped his head to the charcoal sky in summoning of those in power. With any luck, he would cross paths with those who recalled him, the ones who had fought alongside him, and who could vouch for his abilities - while his loyalty was a difficult feat to earn, Aries was willing to pass it to those he deemed worthy of it. Blackfeather was worthy, as it always had been.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
tag for reference only
The pups were restless so she let them run around freely as long as they stuck together. She knew @Rowan would watch over his siblings; he seemed to always do so. Now that they were weaned she could finally get back to hunting and doing patrols.

Which was what she was doing now and a wolf at the borders caught her eye. As she approached his  silhouette became clear and she recognized him. Although last she heard he was with the melonii so she remained vigilant. “May I ask why your here?” She didn’t know if she sounded rude, she hadn’t meant to if so.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
I feel like i've literally forgotten how to write oml haha

Just his luck, it seemed - somewhere deep in the veil of the penumbra there came the sound of an approach; and, to his pleased discovery, it was none other than Moonshadow, the woman he had sparred with a myriad of times in the past. A wrily grin began to dance upon his lips before it settled into stoicism, frosted beryl glistening in his eyes as he peered toward her, revelling in this sudden appearance (how perfect her timing had been) as a greeting poured from his tongue. "Moonshadow," he uttered, glancing back at the gloom behind her.

"I have returned to seek acceptance back into the ranks. My dealings with the Melonii Clan are over, and I no longer associate myself with them, in favour of returning to my old home, if you and your packmates will allow me." Pleasantries were far from his favourite, but in order to gain what it was he desired, Aries was required to deal his cards correctly; he held few squalms with this particular woman, and cared not to spark irritance up the curves of her spine, however the thought may have amused his ravenous spirit. Ever the esurient king. His visage remained a stony carving of silver, interrupted only by the luminescence of his eyes.

What would be her speculation of his words?
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
first of all shh no your writing is always beautiful n' it's great to have you back!<3
secondly i had a huge post typed up but my stupid laptop froze and i lost it all and since my tundra muse isn't doing too good already this is going to be short n baad.

"Perhaps one day I will return to blackfeather."

those were the last words he'd spoken to her and the first to echo back to her mind the moment that call went up. deep, demanding and unmistakably him. she could almost swear the whispering of the trees grew more intense in the moment whilst the crows overhead let out a few curious albeit dozy caws from their perches high above. her muscles have tensed of their own accord and her jaw is grit when bertók leaves his own spot with his kind to drift down to his four legged companion. a soft exhale escapes her as he perches on her shoulder and she tilts back her head, blinking gratefully at the feathered creature. somehow he always knew, she couldn't tell you why or how but he knew, always. despite their lack of words because well, it's not like they'd be able to understand each other anyway- his mere presence is a reassurance in itself.

inhaling deeply, the ghost starts a steady walk through the shadows and around her trees to where she knows she'll find him- trying to come home. but this is her home now, not his and she has vowed to protect it. for all she knows he could very well still be a threat, he might not even want to return in fact maybe he didn't even remember that sentence he'd uttered to her all those months ago. her steps grow even slower as the thick darkness begins to let up somewhat and the trees begin to thin. it's only when silvery slants of moonlight begin to penetrate through to the dark floor that she hears voices drift through the otherwise silent night. moonshadow. for a moment she halts, listening to the words to be passed back and forth between the two but can't remain hidden for much longer upon hearing him voice his apparent want to trade in the melonii's for the wolves of blackfeather once more.

like a phantom she emerges from her shadowed coverage, bertók having flown alongside her the whole time not leaving now and continuing to float along lazily by her side as she steps lightly forward until standing before the icy eyed man. for a moment no words leave her jaws as she merely studies him through a narrowed gaze, wariness and suspicion wringing in her gut as she glares with a coldness much icier than her usual indifference. no this glare is meant to strike. 

what if he was sent here on purpose, what if they knew he was....what? her mind seems to turn on her in one stubborn moment. know he's what? something to you? gritting her jaw ever so slightly she abandons that train of thought quickly before it can spiral, whether it has anything to do with her or not he could be here with malicious intentions. blackfeather wasn't doing good at the moment, but no lack of wolves would ever make her desperate. forgetting to even acknowledge moonshadow as her eyes as dark as the woods behind them do not leave his once she finally murmurs; "why should we trust you?her tail curls over her back, ready to protect her home at all costs as she simply leaves it at that. siding the whisper of the trees behind her all is quiet, even the ravens fall silent as they await his response as to why he should be let come home after abandoning them once before.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was just about to speak when she noticed tundra approaching and she glanced over at her pack mate and gave her the floor. In reality it was up to leadership whether he would be allowed to join back into the ranks. 

She he listened to her and then chimed in. “She has a point. The Melonii have tried taking the woods before are we to believe you came on your own; and this isn’t merely a ruse?” She didn’t mean to sound so harsh but children resided here, her children as well as others and she was not going to be blindsided by any trick.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The howl brought to mind her conversation with Tundra, and myriad feelings overcame her, first and foremost confusion. Why was he here? Was Nyx with him—or Damien? Were they here to take the woods, a second shot at reclaiming their old home?

Maegi arrived to the tune of the words "no longer", and her ears cupped forward to catch the rest. She gave a nod to her stalwart friend, Moonshadow, then cast intrigued eyes on Tundra as a question came. The Nona was wondering that herself. Why was he here—alone?

She was silent as she waited for his response, turning her gaze toward the man. He hadn't changed much since their last encounter, just aged a little. She had once respected (almost loved) him as a brother, but their relationship dynamics had totally changed. He would have to prove himself greatly to find a home here once more.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle

"Perhaps i'll see you again, Aries," 

Stygian curtains parted, words once more returned to warp around his skull - from betwixt those shadows strode a figure from memories of the past; those diaphanous shreds of intensity, the web of mystery which swathed her every breath. His own, too. It connected them from the moment she revealed herself to his boreal stare, the vehemence of their eyes, locking without resistance. Air itself seemed to tremble, shuddering like the cold rattle of dead leaves, falling to meet the unforgiving earth. As his gaze did set upon her, the wind faltered from the force of the two cursed empyrean beings, once more entertwined in company - the skeletal king, and the wintry shield-maiden. There was a distinct difference to grant enticement this time, however, in that it was clear who grasped the most power in their hands at these ticking seconds, the fragile passing of time - unlike his usual distate for such a shift in the balance, he found the corner of his lips twitching, fighting the urge to curl upward in caliginous appreciation of her achievements. Before he crushed it.

So, Tundra... we meet again.

She had been correct. Aries allowed his eyes to briefly swim over the gelid, idyllic features of the serrated pearl, but settled them only upon her own unhumerous gaze, the orbs of falsity - except here, he was witness to none of this feined warmth, only the intensity of her glacial stare; he felt it pierce his skin as a breath was drawn from his lungs, an arrow of ice, but it did nothing to unsettle him, nor did he begin to question his own presence. The soldier let it writhe beneath his pelt, and met her eyes with this matching severity but void of venom, steeped only in verglas, questioning inside his head what it was she thought of him now, in this moment, standing in sobriety at her borders. He could distinctly recall the shifting of her weight beneath the wisps of his frosted breath, in their last encounter, that resistance of something he could not name - he pondered whether it might sway to his command now, if she would fall prey to that resistance, and let the Svartell fall closer. Was she brave enough, as her posture so conveyed? Or would she turn him away, to protect herself?

His chin inclined solemnly, eyes never leaving her form, before contemplating in his unreadable silence the words she had passed across the breeze. Arcane, ruminative. Before his throat could release the giving of speech, another figure bathed themself in visibility, and he was almost not surprised to discover that Maegi was the one to lead these steps - a mirage of memories passed over his mind, but none were present upon his stony visage; he could remember her, in her early youth, shrouded in the radience of the moon. She had grown, once more, and he felt a whisker of pride swell in his iron chest before locking it away and turning back to meet the impenetrable gaze of Tundra, silvery shoulders rolling back as he considered.

"You have plenty of reason not to trust me - I am aware of this," his voice tumbled out, a concoction of ice and steel, the tempestuous rumble of thunder to shudder from between his lips into the summer air. "But perhaps it will please you to know that The Melonii are crumbling," he muttered, almost curious to gauge their reactions - surely, they would revel in this discovery, if they were so inclined as to believe his words? His truth was hardly feined, not this time, but he did not anticipate to gain their trust from a few minute snatches of information. "They will not stand for much longer." His betrayal? Well, unfortunate, he supposed, but they had grown too feeble in their isolation, and he had begun to question their motives. Blackfeather would remain his home, regardless of Nyx's fallen leadership.

One smoky brow raised in unspoken anticipation, but his chin dipped once more, locking eyes with Tundra before drizzling between the two women in charge. "Should you permit me to return, I am entirely yours to command." What an ironic turn of events, he smirked inside his skull, eternal ice steeping his tone in frost; this was a pledge in which he would hold to his chest, despite what they might have believed - he was greatly curious, in fact, to discover how his abilities might have been wielded, particularly by the winter warrior herself, the one who had weaved herself across his side, to shudder in the light of the fireflies.

He could still recall her jaws at his throat. His own, too, settled beneath the curve of her shoulderblades.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
relief wiggles deep into her gut at the arrival of maegi and although such a feeling makes no appearance on icy features, she's surprised and always so intrigued to find herself feel such a way by the mere presence of another. only now do dark orbs free themselves from his grasp to settle on the other pale woman but the nona offers no words of her own and with an understanding inhale, she turns back to aries after flashing moonshadow a look of gratitude at her input. then it's right back to him and the moment her eyes rest upon his striking pearls once more it's as if she locks into place. despite the lengths of empty air between them she feels as if she's in his grasp the moment their eyes meet. she leans into that though, fighting the urge to shy away from it because to be in one's grasp you must be connected and that, that was something she could definitely use.

standing on her own ground with wolves she trusted by her side gave her confidence and her posture made no effort to hide that- breathing much steadier than it had been on previous encounters. his fate currently rested in her own paws and she couldn't deny the fact that she relished in this sudden gift of power over him. when before they'd been so evenly matched she now held onto something he didn't, power didn't usually get to her head but with him it was different. she'd enjoy any moment because that game they'd unknowingly began at the close of the previous summer, it had yet to declare a winner and so they'd continue to play.

not a muscle twitches save a further narrowing of inky eyes as the ghost listens to what he has to say. the melonii were crumbling? it was definitely good to hear but the question was, was it true? ironically she finds herself silently chiding him for being so hard to read, otherwise if he really was being honest they could tell much easier than this. still...she finds herself beginning to consider a possibility of truth the more he goes on and when he finishes her mouth twitches at the corner with an odd and totally inappropriate urge to smile.

she tears free from his hold once more to glance at her bi-eyed company instead- choosing to address her. "i think we can trust himbut do you trust me? would the young woman trust tundra's judgement or take the decision into her own paws. running a tongue over pearly fangs thoughtfully she adds wryly; "and should i be wrong i'd be more than happy to take dealing with the consequences into my own pawsher eyes shift back to the dark man at that, confident that should the need arise; she'd be able to put him down. still, she wouldn't choose to trust him for the hell of it but she trusted her gut feeling and it had never let her down, plus she'd be fine to keep an eye on him if maegi wanted to send someone out to scout around and make sure no traps lay around. 

she'd spilled his blood before and oh how she would again.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
v e r i t a s
436 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she is not the first to arrive; though his call beckons her easily from her den she is in no rush to meet him. Cassiopeia steps smoothly besides Maegi, gaze hoovering lightly on her brother. they do not exist on good terms, nor bad, it became apparent that they lived their lives apart from one another with little thought of one another. it was best, perhaps, but the birth of her children had lent her perspective. she no longer cared what Aries chose to do or whom he chose to follow, and her interest in his activities remained somewhat detached. 

still, the look that passed from him to the icey woman was compelling, as was her response. "I think we can trust him." casual, simple, the woman made no move to describe the nature of their possible relationship. and yet the atramentous warrior was quite sure something existed between the pair, similar, perhaps, to what existed between the titan and herself. "I vouch for him." she echoed, gaze meeting her brother's for a moment. it was somewhat of a spontaneous decision, in truth, though her languid words made no indication of the fact. he alone knew what she'd done, and just how poorly she handled disappointment in family members. 

tundra spoke again, and her gaze flickered briefly towards her before coming to rest once more on Aries. she feels no need to echo the woman's sentiment but trusts he knows she will do the same willingly. her patricide was driven by rage and hurt and fear, and it is the cause she regrets but not the end result. the act has her able, now, to act again against her blood should it be required. it has been made adamantly clear to her that blood does not bind.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. 
And with strange aeons even death may die.

534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
last post from her.

She listened from the sidelines now and watched as more members showed up and Tundra spoke up. She believed that everyone deserved another chance to make things right. However instead of stating so, she remained quiet especially since the important people spoke up and said their peace.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
It did please her, greatly. She didn't let it show on her face, but there was a certain sense of schadenfreude in knowing that Damien not only couldn't wrangle the woods from her, but couldn't keep his own group together. The daedra had made their favor evident. That being said. . .

And if Damien's group becomes strong again? Maegi asked, her stare level and cool on Aries. How do we know you won't just leave us to go back to them? How should we know you're not just here to spy? She wouldn't put it past the man. He was an old friend, sure, but one that had betrayed her and this forest. And he'd been raised for deceit, here among these trees. There were a lot of question marks.

She cast her gaze toward Tundra, one ear flicking in acknowledgement of the pale woman's words. I trust your judgment, she said, unconsciously echoing her co-leader's thoughts. We do need to be careful, though; we—

And then Cassiopeia appeared on the scene, and Maegi's face went comically blank as she proceeded to vouch for Aries. Their relationship wasn't known to Maegi (so far as Miryam can remember) and so this was seemingly out of the blue. But if there was one wolf remaining here whose approval she trusted even more than Tundra's, it was Cass. This was a deal-sealer.

You will remain loyal to us, no matter what Damien plans for the future, she announced firmly, turning back toward the Svartell warrior. You will serve only these woods. If there's even the slightest hint that you have betrayed us. . .you'll be lucky to escape here alive. Do you understand?

The stakes were too high to beat around the bush.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
lil bit messy as am in a hotel with unreliable wifi o-o

The world endorsed him tonight, showering the silencer with internal pleasure, unwritten upon his steel-born visage - they were rightfully wary in their prudence, of this he was aware, but he deciphered with ease that they would not turn him away; not now, when the borders carried few scents to hold their claim, and Tundra contorted to his will so flawlessly - exactly how he had desired her to. Perhaps she fancied herself triumphant in her contribution to this game, by raising her title above the frosted king (surely she was proud), and he bathed himself in this unspoken knowledge, of her oblivious thoughts. Did she trust her own control, with the strings of his fate placed so delicately in her arms, now? And yet, had she not just wavered some of that power, by permitting him into her home, this slice of her safety? Had she, perhaps, wanted him to share this company with her?


His stare did not tear away from hers, not even when his phantom sibling poured like ink from the tenebrosity behind - only when she spoke did eyes of fathomless ice (so cold in their luminescence) turn to lock with her own; he did not anticipate her vouching, and yet, welcomed the abnormality of such a proclamation. They may not have involved themselves in one another's lives, but here they were, aligned once more. So too, was Aries aware of what had transpired - it was no secret to him, but sealed it remained, behind charcoal lips, along with whatever other enigmas their family entailed. Regardless, his chin dipped toward Cassiopeia, before shifting, at last, to Maegi.

For one, his opinion of Damien had altered - once learning of Aries' surname, with thanks to his fugitive half-sibling, the shadowed king's own view upon the ward had warped; he knew that the soldier was a son of Dakarai, and so, he had grown petty, puerile. If a man with such power as Damien could morph to sensitivity over such nugatory claims, the Svartell had a desire no longer to be ruled by him. The past was not always the present, and Aries no longer cared. "I will not return to Damien's command." he replied simply, with finality, in the smoky, sibylline baritones of his voice. While he could not promise eternal enslavement, he was perfectly content to serve under her rule, one of the few he knew was worthy of such a place - regardless of where his path led, his ties to blackfeather and those within would remain. "You have every right to be wary of me, Maegi, but I can assure you..."

"You have my word."
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she's still aware of the daggers bearing down on her as much as she tries to ignore it upon switching focus to maegi as the wood's leader spoke up. they're good questions, did he only seek asylum here because the melonii had fallen and he did not wish to roam alone? he didn't exactly seem too keen on having buddies around him at all times but some wolves just felt stronger in a pack, she wasn't exactly the type to want to surround herself with others either and yet here she was. not only being a part of but helping to lead a pack she'd grown fiercely loyal to. an urge to laugh bubbles over her once more at the simple idea of trying to convince her past, younger self that this exact moment would happen where she'd be here in this position. she would've been quicker to believe the gods that seemed to plague rather than protect this place in the end. nevertheless she keeps such musings contained and focuses back on the present as maegi addresses her. 


such a fickle thing and yet to hear it come from the nona's mouth leaves her feeling such an odd tangle of emotions she can't sort through to even begin deciphering what they fit into. likely a simple gesture to the other but it was just, trust had never been why anyone had listened to her or vice versa in the past and it felt better than she'd care to admit to hear it. she keeps her cool though, not about to fold into herself over a simple sentence and simply nods back to the other- eyes dark but softening slightly as she regards the young woman before casting sharper eyes back to him. she lets a little mm of agreement slip forth as maegi adds the need to be careful- that, she definitely had no issue with. she'd said she thought they could trust him although in reality despite believing him she didn't actually trust him. such a complicated word wasn't it. yet before she could go off on another tangent, none other than cassiopeia stepped forth from the gloom. well he certainly was causing quite the stir, here they all were bar jakoul.

a brow arches at the dark woman's words, of course having no clue about the two being related and simply being left intrigued that they must know each other too. makes sense though she supposed, cass had mentioned living here in the past and so had he. she looks back to the icy brute as he at last made his own statement; short and to the point. there didn't seem to be much else to say, his word literally meant nothing and she found the whole idea of the saying quite an odd one. everyone said it but having ones word was as pointless as anything, anyone could lie. what use was their word then? she supposed it went the same for promises too, it was an assurance more than anything. 

they'd nothing else to go by anyway and since she trusted all their abilities to make him regret it if he tried anything stupid- it would have to work. no words fall free from ivroy jaws but the smallest hints of a smirk would become evident as she'd stretch out her limbs- letting maegi be the one to officially accept him. after that happens her ghostly form would slip back into the shadows alongside @Moonshadow without a word to their newest member. she was certain that would come in due time.
i presume he'll just get accepted after this so that's my last post. also permission was granted for pp of moonshadow.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
last post since this is old AF

Very well. She had no real reason not to trust the man except his affiliation with her uncle, which had, presumably, ended. He had served the woods well before; why not give him the chance to do so again? And they needed soldiers—desperately. There was no way she could refuse.

Then consider this your home again, Aries, Maegi responded, dipping her head in a graceful nod of acceptance. It's good to have you back. I'm sure we'll see each other around soon.

Her work here was done. She withdrew from the scene, hobbling back into the forest without as much of a glance behind her. He would have to prove himself to her, that was for sure. It would be a long road to renewed trust.

But at least Damien's band was no more. That was good news, indeed.