Blacktail Deer Plateau knocking on the door of my brother's house
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
tags are for reference; AW. Please let Murdock post first and then anyone else feel free to hop in. Let's date this to like tomorrow morning or so

It had been an arduous journey northward to the plateau. Not so much physically; Shale was happy for the opportunity to stretch his legs and explore this new land. No, he had spilled his emotional guts to @Murdock on the way, telling him everything but the gory details. Those he'd keep locked inside his head forever.

But they were here now, at the edge of his brother's territory. The variety of mingled scents--the sheer number of them, too--indicated that it was a strong, thriving pack, a force to be reckoned with in the valley. For this, Shale felt a surge of pride for his littermate. Grayday had always been the chosen one, the one Shale knew would lead their family eventually. When he had vanished suddenly, Shale had often wondered whether he'd carve out a legacy away from Sameth. Now he knew.

Shale turned to Mur, amber eyes bright with excitement for the first time in who knew how long. They were here. They had made it. He knew that his elder brother was probably anxious to get back to his pack--Valette and her children, and especially Steph. They would seek out Grayday, Murdock would depart, and Shale--

Well, he hadn't given much thought about what he would do next. He supposed he would take it one day at a time. It was a strategy that had worked for him the last few moons, anyway.

Tipping his silvery-gray head back, Shale let loose a howl fit to rumble the mountains. He was here. Now, where was @Grayday?
304 Posts
Ooc —
Murdock tipped his head back to howl along with Shale, as eager as the younger wolf to see their brother again. The old family had fallen - the siblings were scattered to the four winds, dead as often as they prospered. It was heartening to see some of the old blood still thriving, even if it seemed to be under a different name. There was a certain feeling to the place - a certain familiarity to the borders.

"Wait 'til you see our niece," said Murdock with a wag of his tail. "She's a doll. Reminds me a little bit of Ma, but with yours and Day's coloration. And there's another cutie, too. No relation. Her name's Pema - and I've got dibs."

His tail wagged as he waited, brown ears pressed forward atop his head. He was looking forward to seeing all three of them again, and to meeting Grayday's wife and the rest of his pack.
[Image: AIUhSFO.png?2]
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

With Grayday gone the very specific call fell on her ears instead of her husband's. Catori gave a quick answer and made for the borders, tilting her head a bit from one male to the other - a curious look on her face. "Unfortunately, Grayday is out at the moment. Something I can help you two with?" Catori wasn't sure what she could do exactly but if need be she could always call for backup. She didn't think she'd need it though. Not that she knew either male at all but it wasn't a general call for a packwolf, it was a deliberate note issued specifically for Grayday. 

She wondered what the pair wanted - and one almost looked like Grayday, if not just a bit different. It only made her more curious but why speculate when certain they'd explain themselves in just a bit? 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Before long, a woman appeared on the scene--god, she was magnificent. Creamy white pelt, a ruff of fire and gold, with striking eyes. She seemed sharp and friendly, and, more importantly, Grayday's scent clung to her strongest of all. Could this be his wife?

But what she said dampened Shale's spirits just a bit. He was not here, right now. Shale desperately hoped his brother wouldn't be away for too long. While he had free reign to go wherever, do whatever, Murdock had duties and obligations back at Easthollow. And he so wanted a full family reunion. . .

"Hello, ma'am," he said, dipping his head in respect to her. "My name is Shale, and this is Murdock." He paused, before saying, a luminous smile breaking over his face, "Grayday is my brother. My littermate." Shale looked at Murdock, then back at the she-wolf. "He's a brother, too."
304 Posts
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"Dibs," Murdock said to Shale when Catori appeared, eyes popping at her striking appearance. Each woman in Grayday's pack seemed to be even more beautiful than the last. "I wanna die here," he sighed, watching unabashed as Catori drew nearer, only stopping to shoot and irritable look at his brother. Why did Shale insist on speaking for him?

"The big brother," Murdock corrected, making a half-hearted effort not to leer. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss." Shale might say ma'am, but Murdock still held out hope that the woman was unattached, even if Grayday's scent was awfully strong on her. "Do you know when he'll return?" the male added, remembering why he'd come here in the first place.
[Image: AIUhSFO.png?2]
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When the first call went out of Day, Pema was struck with curiosity as to who could be knocking. When the howl was joined by another Pema stood up from where she had been resting. The call had sounded familiar in a way, but she couldn't place from where. Cat called out letting them know that she would be on her way and Pema decided that she too would greet them at the border. She didn't let out a call, and simply headed to the border. With Day out of the territory she thought it would be good for either her or Dawn to be at the border.

When she arrived Cat was already there talking to the two male arrivals. She arrived right as Murdock began to speak and she instantly recognized who he was. Still alittle bit away she didn't reach Cat's side till Murdock finished what it was he was saying. She let out a little cough to burst his bubble, maybe it wasn't only her that he chose to flirt with out of the blue. She just hoped that he wouldn't try to kiss Cat. That would have a much different ending then when he had done it to her. She glanced over to Cat and gave her a friendly smile before speaking. "Hello Murdock. Nice to see you again. How's your bite doing?" she asked with a slightly priggish tone.

She then looked over to the male that he was wish, she had missed his name, but she hoped it would come up again. He reminded her alot of Grayday. Where they also brother? She nodded her head to him before introducing herself, "Hello my name is Pema." she said with a smile. But to answer Murdock's question, "Grayday won't be back for another few weeks I'm afraid." she revealed. If anyone else had been at their door she wouldn't have given such specifics. But she had meet Murdock and believed that he was infact Day's brother. She looked over at Cat again giving her the expression that these two were probably cool.

1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
The call for her father had her stir, groggily, blinking the sleep from her eyes as she gave her pelt a stiff shake, already in motion as she left behind the rendezvous. She'd been hunting since the early dawn, turning up two pheasants and a hare for her efforts, before slipping into the rendezvous. She judged the time now to be mid-afternoon, perhaps, the sunlight blinking off the snow having her squint her eyes against its harsh glare as she approached. Wakefulness flowed into her as she walked, bright intensity returning to her glare and ears pressed forward, tail at a comfortable height near parallel to her back.

She caught the last of their conversation as she rounded the bend and approached, gaze tracking to Catori, than Pema, and finally Murdock and a stranger. Dipping her head in greeting to the two women, she glanced at Murdock and the other male. "he's only gone to Easthollow; you've missed him by a few days. Shouldn't be too long - we have a boy here, from your pack. Burr." Perhaps that was the reason for their coming, and the two parties had only just missed one another. She considered summoning the boy, but dismissed the idea as soon as it came.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
super duper quick cameo

the call for grayday seemed to have summoned them all, oddly enough, as aditya, following his natural curiosity, stumbled upon a whole group assembled at the border--catori, pema, dawn, and two wolves he was not familiar with. likely the strangers coming to visit.

he caught bits and pieces of the conversation being had, the main fact being that grayday was out at the moment but would be back soon. but who were these wolves?

his golden orbs scrutinized them for a long moment. one brown, one gray. they both were older than himself and seemed confident enough, for being at another pack's border. the brown one had a similar scent pattern to burr, when they had found him in the mountains. was this man a member of easthollow, too?

but the other wolf kept grabbing his attention, his gaze lingering. something about him seemed familiar. a small feeling, a suspicion, in his belly had him squint, imagining the wolf missing an eye. . . "that guy looks like your father," he muttered under his breath to dawn, his tone joking but his words serious.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

Catori was used to the roaming eyes of males, giving a slightly unimpressed look with one eyebrow arched. "Down, boys." She hummed out although it wasn't malicious - she'd certainly never seen another being that looked like her and she knew the rest of her family was prone to giving off lookers. Seelie was gorgeous after all, those silken tresses, although her half of their family looked utterly different to the way that Catori and hers did. Still, she couldn't help but offer a little grin, waiting for them to explain their business. "Well then," She breathed it out when they'd explained that they were blood relatives - brothers no less even a littermate. A pang set through her thinking of Chelan and she wished to find her brother roaming their borders looking for her. That was too unlikely though, and she wasn't going to hold her breath to see his familiar face. He was no doubt leading the Island and doing her proud. "I'm even more upset that he's gone." She said with a chuckle. "Perhaps his wife will do in the meantime?" She asked with a little wag of her tail. 

It seemed before they'd made it too far into matters half the pack had approached. She offered Pema and Dawn smiles each when they'd come up, only to grin at Aditya too - this being the first time she'd seen the pair since they'd become official. Once Gray was back she'd pester him into a nice family dinner; maybe set something special up just for the lovebirds. Was that too much? She didn't care. She was fond of them both and even happier at the idea of them being together. "I'm Catori, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet the two of you." 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
It wasn't long before a small crowd had gathered at the border: two more females and a man, who was surveying him with interest. Trying to take all this in stride, Shale nodded to each of them as they approached, amber eyes raking over the strangers. One of the girls had the family's looks about her; he couldn't tell whether this was conjecture on his part, or if it was truly one of Grayday's daughters. . .

"Catori," he echoed with a smile, giving Murdock a sideways look. Nice try. "So happy to meet you. And you, as well, Pema," he responded to the gray female who had come forward, and who was on seemingly familiar terms with Mur.

He hunched his shoulders slightly in a half-shrug, listening as they explained the reason for Day's absence. "It's a wonder we didn't run into them," Shale said evenly. "Perhaps they went a different way."
304 Posts
Ooc —
He gave Catori a conciliatory look, though in truth, he remained unrepentant. He'd give Catori and Grayday the respect of not checking out the woman again, but he wasn't about to take the gesture back. Except, maybe when Pema arrived and proceeded to look unimpressed by this display.

"Hello, Pema," he greeted with a wild grin. And then Dawn appeared, and then another. "And Dawn! And... you!" He didn't know the other male, but perhaps there was some relation between them? Who could tell these days? "Well, we came to see him. If he'll be back in good time, do you mind if we stay until he returns? I'm sure you'll find we can pull our own weight, and it'll be good to meet all our extended family, and to catch up with those that we have met."

He winked at Pema, not sure what reaction he was going for.
[Image: AIUhSFO.png?2]
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Such a bummer that the two simply crossed paths. A very stange coincidence. Two groups leaving at the same time, heading to the opposite destination. It was almost funny with all the curcumstances considered. But they were here now and Day and the other were most likley to Easthollow by now as well. They would just have to wait eachother out. 

Pema hadn't really noticed it right away, but with Adi's comment it made her take another look at Shale. But now she saw it, the resemblance to Day. They could have been clones of one another, except for Day's now missing eye. 

Pema rolled her eyes when Murdock looked over at her and winked. But she also smiled. She didn't see why they couldn't stay. Especially if they were offering to fend for themselves if need be. Day and them went out, they could come in. They would haven enough space. "If you're willing to pull your wait I don't see why you can't stay." she said looking over at Dawn for agreement. "Let's just hope they're not over there waiting for you." she said jokingly with a smile.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Her decision was made easily, and she nodded as Pema spoke.  "if you'll help stock the caches and watch the borders while the party's away, you're welcome to stay until they return."  She glanced to Aditya, his comment not having gone unnoticed. She agreed silently, for the male did look remarkably like her father; he didn't seem very young, either. Murdock spoke of the two of them wishing to catch up with family, leading her to further her belief that the two were related, and that Shale could be another uncle. It seemed uncles and aunts were slowly beginning to become more commonplace, and she glanced at Shale curiously, resolving to ask him about it later. 

She returned her gaze to the wolves gathered, remembering courtesy. "If you'd like, Pema or I could show you the cache and the rendezvous." She neglected to add a tour or the territory, knowing the two would likely be travelworn.