Heron Lake Plateau i.x : who was only a stranger at home
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
{dogs}{part one, episode ten}

After departing the boy's company, Maegi had spent several days traveling through the bogs of this part of the world, rolling in mud and subsisting on frogs (she thought of Ghost fondly as she did so). By the time she saw something that vaguely resembled a plateau, her normally pristine pale pelt was tangled with dried muck and leaves, and she reeked. A swamp creature, brought to life.

What helped her more was the growing scent of wolves around, and as she approached the border, she caught a smell that brought the red woman instantly to mind. This must be it, then. . .the home of the Redhawks. Blackfeather's enemy--the killer of her uncle, Miraak, and her father, too. Yearners for Mou's head on a pike.

Maegi swallowed as she stared death in the face. Sithis was near. She felt him by her side, cold against her ribs. Was the Void this cold?

She had to do it, or she could never live with herself.

Māzigon, Peryite, she whispered, summoning strength and the daedra, all at once. Māzigon, Sithis, Malacath, Jyggalag, Sheogorath, Mephala. . .Peryite. Māzigon. Blood pounded in her ears like a war drum.

The Melonii tipped her head to the sky and howled softly, plaintively, seeking an audience in the wake of grief.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
With the pack filling up before winter, Niamh felt surprisingly comfortable with the fact that they would get by fine, without having to worry about food conflicts. If they hunted collectively as a group, they would be able to fend off other hunters, and expand their hunting grounds by sheer force. True, they had a large amount of youngsters, but they were adult sized or near it, so they too could pitch in. She'd been anxious about the winter- and she still did not like the snow or the cold- but at least having more members in the pack meant more security and that was something that made her quite happy. They were thriving; not all packs could say that, she supposed. 

She was surprised to hear yet another summon from the borders- they'd taken in six wolves in the past week or so, and she hadn't really expected for many others to wander by...But sure, she thought- it couldn't be a bad thing. The more wolves they had in their pack, the less there would be joining the other fledgeling packs in the Hinterlands that gave Niamh an unfounded feeling of contempt. She tilted her head back and howled in response, alerting the stranger that she was on her way, and took off at a trot, edging her way along the border territories until she could smell the loner...And the stench that greeted her was foul.

The wolf who had howled with a voice tinged with sorrow, unfortunately, was also a sorry sight. Niamh's ears flicked somewhat nervously as she looked the female over, taking note most predominantly of her flaws which made her hackles prickle slightly. The unkempt and dirty pelt, accompanied by the reek of a wolf who had recently travelled through swamplands could be undone- but it did show that she didn't care how she was perceived by whoever met her at the borders....It was the same as showing up for a job interview in torn and tattered jeans and an old t-shirt, and smacked of a certain lack of respect. 

There was something incredibly unnerving about the macabre grin that marked the orange-eyed side of her face. The disfigurement gave her the look of a wolf who hungered and Niamh couldn't help but perceive the inadvertant show of her teeth with jarring suspicion. She also noticed the way one of her sooty forelegs bent at an unnatural angle; as far as Niamh could tell, this female had likely been through torture- she'd healed, it appeared, but Niamh's eyes remained narrowed and judgemental as she sized up the spectacle before her. Some might have been able to overlook the female's disfigurements, but Niamh was quicker to judge, and more willing to reject what she perceived as being weakness. 

She came to a halt and huffed, her beath forming a small, hazy cloud on the air before it disappeared. She abruptly gave her chin a jerk, gesturing to the woman as one might do to catch a stranger's attention...The motion was not friendly or welcoming, as a nod might have been, and might have seemed mildly accusational. "What do you want?" Niamh asked, ears pricking. Part of her just wanted to tell the dishevelled, disfigured creature to get lost and chase her out- the same way she would chase a coyote...But that might be frowned upon by those more inclined to show mercy, so she tempered her ire for the moment. 
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The gilded woman who greeted her was not friendly in the least, although Maegi couldn't blame her for that. A dirty, twisted girl on her doorstep? She would be wary, too, if she wasn't so fond of the damned. The Melonii shifted her paws, faux grief bubbling up in her throat like the bile from the other day. Just say it. . .

Is this Redhawks territory? she asked, her voice tiny and timid and empty. Her mismatched gaze was plaintive as she stared at the guardian. I have some news for them. She swallowed, glancing away. She hurt as if it had truly happened.

But he had been dead to her, since failing to protect the forest from the intruder. 

That didn't mean, though, that Maegi would fail to protect him from himself. 

Dead, but she loved him anyway.

Scree is dead, Maegi whispered, giving the name he'd slurred before.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
The timid female seemed to know where it was she’d come but still asked. Niamh gave a look left and right, as though to say what other plateaus do you see around here? before she nodded, silently. She had news, but Niamh didn’t figure she’d have anything important to say, really. She was lightly surprised, then, to hear a name and a claim that went along with it. 

”Screech?” She asked, as the female hadn’t pronounced the name quite right. The female looked truly sad, which ended up prompting Niamh to snort. No one would be sad if Screech was dead. She moved forward, closing the distance between them so that if she chose to run, she wouldn’t get far. ”Yeah right. Prove it. Ya can’t kill Screech.” She responded tiredly. Her gaze sharpened though, as she drew closer to the pale female, starting straight at her pretty blue eye.  ”The only wolf who would know that would belong to Blackfeather,” She said, readying herself to pounce if she needed to chase after the girl who could very easily lose nerve and try to run away...But Niamh had a much better plan for her...To give Blackfeather a taste of their own medicine. 

”Which means you have more information for me, regarding one of our own members,” She said with a growl, implying that she meant to hear what she wanted- or she’d make the stranger before her regret it.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The woman looked confused for a moment, which made Maegi think she had fudged the name. But it seemed, soon enough, like it made sense in some fashion. The girl winced slightly when she mentioned Blackfeather, though was determined to hold her gaze. And then she spoke of another--and Maegi wasn't clear about what she meant, exactly, but she meant to sort this out.

She would try, at least.

Screech, she said softly, shaking her head. I knew him as Mou. She sucked in a deep breath through her nostrils, wondering where--how--to begin.

Blackfeather, yeah, Maegi said tiredly. Mou--Screech--ended up in the forest somehow. I knew him from elsewhere. The whole thing with your packmate. . .that was an accident. He fucked up. But we helped her escape. She got out, but I don't know where she went. Is she not here, now?

Without waiting for the response, she went on quickly, almost tripping over the words as she did so. Anyway, I haven't seen him in a while. But then the other day, I-- Maegi swallowed, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as the fabrication bloomed in her mind. Just as horrible as if it were real. . . I caught his scent on the wind, with blood. A cougar had gotten to him. I f-followed its trail, I tried to help, but by the time I got there. . .

Maegi shuddered, shaking her head and letting the tears spill down her cheeks. I couldn't save him. The cougar wouldn't let me near. And I know you all wanted to get to him, but he's gone. It's too late. Her breath was ragged and shallow, her heartbeat pounding erratically in her chest and up her throat. There's nothing left. Oh, gods, I loved him so much--

I know you think Blackfeather is terrible, she broke off her sobbing, looking mournfully at the border guard. But it's not like it used to be. What Mou did didn't involve us. And I guess fate found a way to punish him for all of it.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
WARNING: Bad language...Niamh has a potty-mouth.

Niamh irritably snorted when the female gave her yet another name for Screech. Sure, he had enough names- Titmouse, Screech, and now Mou- as though he was a fugitive trying to escape from his own wrongdoings. The tone of her voice implied that she cared for him, something that Niamh would've chastized, but she held her tongue. She needed this information from her, and she didn't want the girl to bolt, either. She was still mentally trying to sort out exactly how the pack would feel about taking in a hostage of their own...Perhaps they could trade this one for Screech, if he was still there. She suspected that he was, but she felt that they might have a way of finding that out. Probably not the best plan, but if she played her cards right, it would work. 

Maegi seemed to know some information about Fire, but seemed surprised that she hadn't come back yet. Niamh curled her lips and growled, assuming that she was lying about that...Though according to Tegan, she hadn't been in the pack when he'd been there. She didn't seem to care much for talking about what Niamh had wanted though, and gave her no time to reply before she went on to natter about someone else again, who'd been allegedly kileld by a cougar- and she couldn't help but picture her brother...And the scene where he too had disappeared following a cougar attack. And if nothing else, the two situations placed side by side- even though Maegi seemed to imply she'd seen a cougar finishing off the rest of what she assumed was Screech- served to give Niamh the even firmer belief that Screech was still alive. Because to admit that Screech was dead would be to admit that Ambrose, her brother, was dead too...And she was not ready to admit that. 

"You're full of shit. You and your shitfucked pack," She snarled, "You're lying; and you're shit at it. Screech is still alive and you're trying to protect him. They send you? Or you trying to take down some war on your own?" She asked, but like Maegi had done before- she didn't leave time for an answer. "Ain't gonna work. YOU took one of ours hostage and no, she ain't back; so now I wanna see how much you like it." She said, and lunged toward the snowy wolf with snapping, snarling jaws. She doubted the others might be on board to take in a hostage...But if they weren't, then there was alaways the simple option of killing her and burying her somewhere, Niamh thought. For now, she wanted to force the female to submit and allow herself to be escorted so that she could see what Quixote and Towhee might want to do with her. 
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
It was going great so far, right? The woman stood and listened, not even interjecting once. Maegi thought, absurdly, that she might be able to get away with this. And then the words began. 

She flinched at every curse flown her way, every accusation. She shook her head at the queries but knew it didn't matter; she wasn't changing any minds today. She thought to flee, and then the woman pounced, and she fell headlong into a memory. . .

Molag Bal.

hanging on the edge of the Void

May Sithis strike me dead, then.

burning on her face 

The Melonii crumbled, seeing not the Redhawk but Molag Bal , jaws agape. And Sithis, hovering nearby, his skeletal visage-- Peryite's oozing-- Cicero--

I j-just came to bring a message, Maegi whimpered, beginning to hyperventilate. No one ssssent me. . .I came on my own. . .I'm not a spy, I'm not a spy, I'm not a rogue--

Just a child. A stupid, idealistic girl.

Please don't--Molag Bal--I saw it--I SAW IT! she shrieked, and she no longer knew what she said.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Just as Niamh had hoped, the female- only smaller than Niamh in height more than anything- crumpled and tucked herself low rather than trying to run. She'd made the right judgement- Niamh loved to chase, and with the paw the stranger had, she probably wouldn't have been able to outrun the spider-legged blonde. Niamh stood over the female as she protested, but she didn't much care for the excuses she was being given- and she still didn't believe it was the truth. Niamh didn't care that Screech was potentially dead, nor did she believe it for a moment. Not because the female hadn't been convincing- as her grief had been as honest as any that Niamh had ever seen- but unfortunately for Maegi, Niamh was in denial, not over Screech, but over the loss of her own brother to a cougar. Her own grief had clouded her vision, and it was all she could see. All she wanted to hear now was not excuses- but what she hoped dearly was the truth. 

"You didn't see it," She hissed, not understanding the strange words Maegi spoke, and assuming that she was yet again referencing Screech's death. Niamh had a one-track mind, and had streamed herself directly into tunnel-vision. "He's not dead, you're lying. ADMIT IT!" She barked loudly, lowering her mouth and baring her teeth above the female's nape, snapping her jaws together as a threat. "Admit it now, damnit!" She seethed as a final warning, but unexpectedly, she suddenly got the chilling feeling that what Maegi had said was the truth, and though she held her position to deal with whatever Maegi said next, her own conviction had been rattled. By what, she couldn't tell. But something frigid and terrifying had crept into her, and it felt like something had just brushed along her spine, causing the fur there to stand on end. 
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
After that last shriek had left her maw, Maegi abruptly clammed up. There was nothing more to say, and besides, she was lost in a nightmare. She saw him. He was dragging Mou away, not a cougar. And then he turned to her and she saw

two eyes one indigo one fire

a twisted face

You killed him.

No, Maegi mouthed, oblivious to the growing unease in the guardian. 

He will die because of you.

snakes come out of the eyes, spiders from the mouth

there's something under her paws, sticky

Bringer of plague. Pestilent death.

I didn't, Maegi whimpered, then came back to herself again, staring blankly up at the Redhawk female. She felt like running but couldn't move, rooted to the ground in terrified paralysis. 

If she was going to kill her, why didn't she do it already?

the wait's agonizing and

Sithis is insistent

So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
When the female denied something yet again, Niamh growled savagely and reached down with the intention of grabbing the female by the scruff and shaking her head, to rattle her senses and maybe make her cooperate. She couldn't commit to the torture, though, and suddenly shoved off the female, and began to circle her, gritting her teeth together. She felt the same way she did the day that Hydra had informed her and Towhee that Screech was still alive. Of course, Maegi was telling her that Screech was dead- which surely meant that he was, in fact, alive...It had to mean that. She shook her head and snarled as she eyed the female, willing her to stay in place while she considered all of the alternatives...But none of them looked great. 

The easiest thing she could do would be to kill Maegi. She was already there, pathetic, weak and disfigured. She could kill her and drag her somewhere or bury her- what did it matter what she did with the body, as long as she made sure no trace would be found? She could even eat her if she absolutely had to...She'd just have to make sure that Blackfeather had no way of finding out what had happened to her. She wondered vaguely what the other Redhawks would think- but then again, she could simply say it was a trespasser from Blackfeather and she'd killed her to defend the pack. They'd take her side- simply destroy the evidence and double up on border patrols, lest more come. It was almost perfect...But it wouldn't give Niamh what she wanted- and that was Screech. 

She could take Maegi as prisoner, but she could already see the look on Quixote's face, and on Raven's. They weren't the kind of wolves who took prisoners. It would also bring Blackfeather to their doorstep, as Blackfeather had drawn Tegan in by doing the same with Ceara. As much as she wanted to have a hostage so that they could possibly negitiate for Screech, she wasn't sure that was the solution. And she was still so paranoid about Quixote and the way she felt he looked down on her that she felt sure he would either demote her or kick her out for even thinking of taking a Blackfeather hostage. She'd be damned if she got demoted for this- he just didn't get it. He didn't care at all about what Screech had done, in her opinion- whereas she felt it was a Redhawk bucket list item to see that Screech was killed, even if she wasn't a Redhawk. 

Simply letting Maegi go was also not an option, as far as she could tell. But she came up with a better idea. In fact, she came up with two better ideas. She sniggered, licking away the spittle at the corners of her mouth that had turned to froth as she'd paced around the poor, disfigured Maegi, and gave her a wicked grin which almost mirrored the one on the left side of Maegi's face. Greusome and macabre. "You're going to show me the way back to Blackfeather," She said. "And you're gonna call for him. As soon as he shows up, he'll either have to forfeit his own life -which he owes us- or watch you die." She snarled. "Refuse, and we'll storm your pack and kill more than just him." She said. Then, she engaged the second part of her plan, as even though she spoke with every ounce of conviction she held in her being, there were still certain decisions that she needed her Person for- so she tilted her head back and called for @Towhee knowing that she wasn't the only one who rightfully had an opinion on this matter. 
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt heard Niamh's call from nearby, and shook his head, though he didn't like the tone of it.  Something was off, and likely as not, no response was coming from Towhee.  Niamh either wasn't thinking or was hoping the damn bird would intercept.

Well, Colt wasn't about to play errand boy, but he was going to go see what was going on.  

He arrived to find her with another, but looming over the girl, who seemed terrified.  Colt stopped and gave a long look, first at her, then back to Niamh.  What's going on?
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee missed the call—naturally—but X swooped out of an ironclad sky to alight on her shoulder and tug urgently at the fur on her shoulder blade. "Fuck, X, don't pinch so damn hard," the mercenary griped. In the next breath, she rumbled, "Show me." The hawk just as rapidly took to the air again, winging off toward the borders.

When she arrived, she found Niamh facing off with what appeared to be Swamp Thing. Colt was there. Towhee's eyes swept the scene slowly and carefully, taking in every detail. She didn't rush forward—it looked like her pack mates had this well under control—but she did move relatively hastily. X hadn't alerted her for no reason, after all.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Part of her wished this was a dream that she'd wake up from, but the fear was too real for that. There was no daze--this was all real, all vividly real. Too real. The woman started to speak again and her ears turned toward the sound, every cell in her body freezing over.

Him or me.

What could she do? There was no way to get back, to warn him. She was completely and utterly fucked. Mou had evidently caused so much ire that even news of his death wasn't taken at face value. It increased her rage against him, and for a long moment, she considered bringing him here herself. . .

But he's the only one in the world that truly loves you.

No matter what he had done, he possessed her heart. They had been reunited--it couldn't be for nothing. No matter how evil he was, Maegi couldn't give up on him.

But she wasn't ready to die yet, either.

Sure, if you want me to call for a dead wolf, I'll do it, Maegi said hollowly, turning a weary gaze upon Niamh. I don't know why you keep linking my family to whatever he did. I didn't even know who he was until he brought the Redhawk back. Mou's your family. She ignored that, for now.

Two others showed up, and Maegi's fear grew by increments. Two of them, well-built, a male and a female. She wondered, idly, whether the pair--or the golden woman--had been the ones to deal Cicero his mortal wound. But she supposed it didn't matter.

As a whole, they had caused just as much strife in her life as her pack had caused theirs.

Didn't that make them hypocrites?

evil doesn't exist

only necessity
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
What the female said next did give Niamh pause. That little creeping feeling of doubt was strengthened by her words, though she didn't want to believe it. She paused in her circling and eyed the swamp-laced female with contempt, though it was likely then that her doubt showed on her features. She shook her head; no, this stranger was just trying to call her bluff. Or was she trying to lure Niamh in and take her back to the Blackhawks now that their captive had escaped? This novel idea caused Niamh to wonder even more if this was a trick...Why, exactly, had this female come, then? There was no way she'd come to tell them just that Screech was dead...She even admitted that she wasn't sure what Screech meant to them, and Niamh scowled. As if the situation couldn't get any more confusing. 

She thought of explaining it...But then again, when did words ever help- and did she want to give a Blackfeather intel as to why they hated Screech? The Redhawks had left the Plateau to get away from this kind of treachery- but clearly it was still following them. She felt now, more than ever, that the only way to truly rid themselves of the constant fear of Blackfeather tyranny wasn't to move, but to annihilate. But for a wolf who had never once killed another wolf- it was much easier to imagine, having never felt the consequences of taking a life. 

Niamh was still fuming and puzzling when Colt unexpectedly showed up, concern on his features. He didn't intervene, but he did look as though he disapproved of what he saw. Niamh, clearly vexed, circling a disfigured, muddy girl on the ground. She opened her mouth, but wasn't sure what to say to him, so she growled and shook her pelt, making it stand on end even more than before. She still couldn't shake that feeling of something sharp dragging up along the ridge of her spine. "She's a Blackfeather," She replied simply, still hoping that Towhee would show up. But then again, more than perhaps any other wolf- save for Towhee- she knew that Colt would give a solid, honest opinion. "She says Screech is dead, but I know she's lying." She said confidently, and instantly felt a bit foolish. Colt likely didn't give a damn whether Screech was alive or dead. "She could b-" She started to speak, but then Towhee arrived, and while she held back for a moment, Niamh motioned her forward hastily. 

Knowing that Colt would understand at least most of what she was saying- she didn't even know how much ptero he knew, given the fact that he and Towhee weren't terribly tight- she addressed Towhee, still keeping an eye on their current captive. 

-"She's from Blackfeather...And it's fucked up."- She signed. -"She says Screech is dead....But I don't believe her. Why would she come all this way to tell us that unless she had some other motive?"- She couldn't help but allow her paranoia to show in the widened state of her eyes and the way her ears flicked forward and back nervously. She looked like an animal on the verge of snapping at the wire cage it had been put in simply because it didn't understand that it wouldn't help. -"She could be a spy, checking out where we live...I threatened to make her take me back to Blackfeather to call out Screech and do a life exchange...But maybe that's what she...no...Maybe that's what they want,"- She signed. She shook her head. -"I dunno whether to kill her, or drag her back, or keep her hostage or just let her go or what. If they lost Ceara as a hostage, maybe they sent her looking for a replacement,"- She signed with a huff. She looked to Colt, and then to Towhee, thankful that X had heard the urgency in her call. -"This is bigger than just me,"- She signed, almost reluctantly. She looked to Colt, then. Had she simply acted upon instinct and forced Maegi to lead her back to the Blackfeathers, she could have been the next one to be their hostage and go missing- and she couldn't do that to Colt. Her gaze fell back upon Towhee, her co-Beta. -"I need your help, Tow"- She signed meaningfully. Even though they were both Betas, Niamh knew in her heart that for decisions like this one- especially as it involved her brother- she couldn't make the choice without Towhee's input. This decision was one that she couldn't make alone- she needed to know Towhee's call. 
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Miracle of miracles, Towhee showed up.  Seems they'd get the lowdown together.  As Niamh went into a rushed explanation, Colt's worry grew.  He couldn't catch all of it - his ptero was passable at best - but he got the gist, and it was more her manner that hit him.  He didn't give a shit about Screech, about Blackfeather, or any of it, but even the mention had a clear effect on his mate, and he didn't much like it.

Until she got to a part that stopped him in his tracks, frozen.  He went rigid, and his focus trained on Niamh, piercing.  'Ceara.... hostage....'

She said it almost as an afterthought, but after weeks thinking his sister dead, he had a hard time computing with the fact that she might have known where she was.  They had Ceara? He asked, his voice quiet, furious.  Who at? He didn't know yet.  Maybe them.  Maybe her for knowing.  Towhee, and whatever happened next, we're completely out of his concerns right now.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Her Person motioned her closer and Towhee sped up her step, closing ranks. Now that she was up close, she eyed the filthy she-wolf crouched on their borders warily. She didn't want to look away, yet Niamh began to sign, so she had no choice but to turn her head.

She saw nothing after the mention of Blackfeather. Those with the gift of hearing probably heard the creak of her neck muscles as her attention snapped back to the grimy figure. Without any pretense whatsoever, Towhee sprang, jaws aimed for the girl's throat as she went in for the kill.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She kept her eyes narrowed as the woman spoke, but when they switched to the same movements she'd seen from Mou and the red girl in the woods, her gaze widened in a mix of puzzlement and exasperation. What was this? Maegi watched closely, trying to figure it out. It had to be some sort of language; messages were being conveyed.

Gods, what were they saying?

The man looked surprised and furious, as if the captive tale wasn't known to him. She was fixated on him when there came a dark blur, in the corner of her vision, and the Melonii turned to see Molag Bal springing toward her once more.

She hadn't moved, there on the mountain. She'd let him split her mouth. But she sure as hell wasn't going to stay still like some lost pup, now.

Maegi rolled, exposing the ruined left side of her face. Presumably the blow was meant for more vital parts, but instead it grazed her temple, shredding her ear to ribbons. White-hot pain lanced through her face--again--and she continued to scrabble away, finally managing to regain her paws and stumbling back, back, back, back--

What the fuck? she yelled, ears--all 1 1/2 of them--flattened to her skull. Blood oozed slowly down her jawline, stark against the snowy white. I didn't even do anything!
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Towhee didn't wait for an explanation- nor could Niamh ever hope to stop her. It seemed, then, that the decision had been remarkably more simple than she had thought...There Niamh had been, worrying herself to the point of insanity over what to do, when the answer for a Blackfeather wolf was simply kill. Having not been a part of the war or any of the conflict leading up to it, she held impartial emotions swayed only by the perspectives that were presented to her. She'd joined the Redhawks and had gotten their side of the story- remembered very little of it because she was not a detail oriented wolf- and simply went on in her own existance with the knowledge that Blackfeather meant bad. She, unlike her mate, tended to be more of a follower than an independant thinker. 

Colt's presence jutted back into Niamh's peripherals when he spoke about Ceara, and she nodded. She gestured toward the female, and suddenly came up with the fabrication of "She and Screech are the ones who kidnapped Ceara." True, Maegi had never said that she had had any part in it- but she was Blackfeather and therefore had had a part in keeping her captive...Truth be told, Niamh had already forgotten the fact that Maegi claimed to have helped Ceara escape- it was well beyond that now. There was to much going on to keep details straight, and Towhee, once on the war-path, was unstoppable. 

The pale female began to stagger back and away from them but Niamh skirted around her nimbly, the way a collie might circle around a flock of sheep to keep them from a particular direction. She snapped at Maegi's side- not so much to injure, but to keep her in place so that Towhee could deal with her. Niamh side-stepped as needed, hoping to block the female's means of escape, while leaving the dirty work to Towhee, knowing better than to get in her way. 
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt stared a moment longer as Niamh confirmed, Towhee savagely going for the girl as he did.  Did she know before?  Or had this girl said something?


His focus snapped to Towhee, and without thinking, without hesitation, he moved to shove himself between her and the girl she sought to kill.  His mate might know better, but Colt had just learned this girl knew where his sister was, and hell if he was going to let Towhee kill her before he could get some answers.  He didn't bother trying to use words to explain - he'd just have to hope she didn't hate Blackfeather more than she liked him.

Chances were low on that one, weren't they?
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Just once in her life, Towhee would love to land a killing hit on her first try, her jaws splashed with blood as her enemy's lifeless body fell at her feet. But aside from the rules and regulations of wolf-rpg.com, there was also a Colt standing in her way of that. She did manage to make a hit, her teeth slicing through one ear (it tasted slimy) and scoring lightly against a cheekbone. But then something—or, rather, someone—ran interference.

She hadn't expected fuckin' friendly fire, man, so Colt hit her like a freight train. Towhee went down so fast and hard, her head knocked on the ground and she peed, pooped and lost consciousness simultaneously.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She cast an outraged look at the golden woman when she accused her of the crime Mou had committed. You bitch! I didn't do-- There was no chance to complete the sentence, as the dark woman came charging once more. Maegi danced as far out of the way as she could, still being herded by the other, when everything became. . .confusing?

The dark woman collided with the man, who'd abruptly stepped in front of her--why??--and promptly fell down--oh gods, was she dead? good--and then all was quiet for a brief moment. She shook her head quickly, trying to make sense of it all. The smell of blood and waste was putrid in the air.

And then she seized her chance.

I helped her escape, she called out to her would-be protector, her words coming fast and frantic. Mou took her. I helped her escape. She's free--

Maegi darted off, paws skidding clumsily against the frozen ground as she tried to get her bearing. She had no idea what direction she was going--she didn't care what direction it was beside away, she had to get away----

you've brought death little girl

death's coming to you

they'll eat you

Down into the floodlands she went.

last post unless someone catches up? i don't mind if you do btw!
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Within a split second, everything seemed to shift. While she'd felt they had the situation completely under control- Towhee was going to take care of Maegi and all she'd have to do was cut off any exit plan- her ideas crumbled apart almost as soon as they had begun, the moment that Colt stepped in. For a moment, Niamh's eyes shone with pride, seeing her mate lunge toward the Blackfeather wolf alongside Towhee, but that moment was crushed almost as soon as it had begun; Colt intervened the second after Maegi dodged to the side, and the sickening crack of bone against bone sent Niamh reeling, gagging. She knew the sound and she knew the feeling. 

Towhee dropped to the ground as though dead and Niamh stared at her in panic. She didn't hear Maegi's words or see her bolt- but she did see Colt standing where Maegi had been, a solid tawny shield. She looked up from Towhee who lay on the ground slowly dribbling excrement and something inside her snapped. Something that had been hanging by too thin a thread for too long finally plucked its way away from reason and sense and launched her into a fury. 

"Get. THE FUCK. Out of here." She commanded. The pale female had already made her escape- but that wasn't who the threat was issued to. 

She was speaking to Colt. 

She prowled forward with the stiff gait of a hunter, her hackles bristling and teeth bared. If he made one movement toward her, she would take him down in an instant. Her Person was laying on the ground and for all Niamh knew, she could have been dead...And it was at Colt's hand. He'd gone against the unspoken command to kill the Blackfeather wolf, and he'd potentially lethally harmed Towhee. 

"GET OUT!" She shouted, now standing protectively over Towhee, whose breaths still came in slow but gentle and regular puffs. She was alive- but whether she would live or not- or even be the same thereafter- all hung in a precarious balance. "Go. If you kill her- come back with proof. If you don't, then don't....EVER...come back." She hissed. It killed her, but he'd pushed her over the edge. She'd needed for someone to die, even though she didn't know it. She'd needed someone to pay for what Screech had done- and fate had intervened and had allowed him to win. She had felt relief the moment Towhee had attacked, the sort of relief that assured her that this was what she had needed- but Colt had not only denied her that need, but he had felled her co-Beta, her person. She wouldn't have him in her life if Towhee died, and she certainly couldn't have him in the pack if his loyalties weren't true. 
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt only meant to impede, but next thing he knew, his shoulder was ablaze and Towhee was on the ground like a stone.  He froze, shocked, unsure of what exactly to do.  He'd intended to only make her pause and ended up taking out his packmate, something that turned his stomache and made him immediately look helplessly at Niamh.

Who flew off the handle.

To Colt, it should have been pretty fucking obvious what he was doing.  Ceara was his sister; this girl knew where she'd gone and could potentially lead them to her, whereas killing her got them nothing.  But Niamh came at him like he'd just helped her to rip Towhee apart, and Colt immediately realized that this pack, and her own, hatred had grown to the point where reason couldn't touch.  'Kill her- come back with proof. If you don't, then don't....EVER...come back.'

He stared at her a minute, stricken, before a coldness came on him that was unfamiliar.  She was a stranger.  Screech had obviously destroyed her to the point where she would demand a life so that their mateship could continue.  Colt had killed before, and he didn't mind doing it, but not like this.  Not a girl who had done nothing but come to their borders, and not to appease an ultimatum on something that should be based on love and not this.  Apparently he'd been too blinded by love these past few months to see what Screech had truly turned her, and all of them, into.

Without a word, Colt turned, bolting off in the direction that the Blackfeather woman had taken.  He would follow her.  He would find Ceara and see that she was safe.  And then he would move on.

She shouldn't worry; she wouldn't see him again.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh told herself to keep still and stare Colt down when he turned his jaded gaze upon her. For a moment, their eyes locked and she held her conviction- but as soon as he turned, she knew he wasn't going to do what she'd asked- and that she didn't want him to. Her jaw worked but she couldn't get any words out, but she took a step forward until one of her hind feet brushed against Towhee's still form, and she turned to look at her friend, lying on the ground without any idea of what had just happened...Yet at the same time, she was the cause of one of the largest rifts that had ever occurred in Niamh's life. 

"W...Wait," She said, voice trembling. She couldn't go after him- not with Towhee as she was. She couldn't just abandon her there, but her heart began to feel as though it was being torn in two, and she felt frozen by indecision. If she went after Colt, she'd be abandoning Towhee...But if she let him go, she might never see him again. "Colt, Colt wait!" She shouted, but it was likely too late. If he heard, she couldn't tell- he was out of sight before she found her voice, and was left alone with her fallen packmate and their failed attempt to snuff out the life of a pathetic Blackfeather wolf. Sniffling slightly, and trying to comprehend what she'd just done, she settled down alongside her packmate to keep her warm, and tilted her head back to call for help. She assumed that after her first call, @Phox or @Quixote might be the closest; until then, she would wait until she had help to either find Raven or get Towhee to her. 
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Quixote had been mildly curious what the hell was going on -- first howl was weird, but he wasn't too close to it, Niamh's howl was even weirder, but he may have been biased because if he had to get Towhee, the howl was something more like "Yo bird, get your wolf" than asking for her directly, then came the third.  By then he was almost there.  He hadn't figured it was an emergency, so he took his good ol' time finishing what he was doing and moving at a leisurely pace before the third howl amped up his speed.

The scene he came upon was rather peculiar and became more peculiar as he approached and things got more vague by becoming clear.  There were scents of the stranger and Colt, both of which lead away from the pack.  Niamh was there with Towhee who... Ugh, who knew what happened but it wasn't exactly pretty.  The hell happened here?

It didn't seem like she was obviously super wounded though he could smell blood, she was just kind of... There next to Niamh.  He sniffed at her a bit as he came closer.  It was an oddly familiar scene but he'd put that stuff with Screech so far out of his mind that he hadn't quite realized it yet.  Then he realized something else and his gaze that had mostly been attached to Towhee these past thirty seconds or whatever shot over to Niamh,  Wait, why hadn't her call specifically mentioned @Raven too?  This kinda looked like her jam.  So, he added his voice, "Ray, probably need you here."  She'd be here pretty soonish, but until then he had some questions for the awake beta.