Brecheliant Pack Summary
Brecheliant takes its name from the legendary enchanted forest of Arthurian legend, where magic and mystery abound. The blended family that lives within the fen takes inspiration from multiple sources and run in a democratic fashion, with a counsel (the corvum) who elect a leader (auspex) from among themselves.
South and west of the current map, a sprawling grassland stretches for miles before leading to the base of this extinct volcano. Its slopes are thick with greenery and lead up to an uneven ridge line. Instead of a peak, the mountain top features a sunken lake, its surface remarkably smooth. The southern rim of the crater is comprised of particularly tall, jagged crags; they are the misplaced peak, broken into pieces and blown aside during the volcano's final eruption. The terrain is beautiful but rugged. On the surface, it may not appear to be a very homey place, yet the caldera harbors many secrets below the surface.
territory description written by jaws
May 25: Welcome to Kigipigak!
Apr 27: Brecheliant has new nestlings! Happy arrival, Eagle, Crane, & Cardinal <3
Apr 20: Chickadee returns to her birthplace with her Moonglow husband, Kivaluk!
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