Sleepy Fox Hollow extrusive ii
Wild Fauna
119 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
pawing ice at the edge of a waterway, selenia listened to the crash of the falls above.

silverbirch dozed in the remnants of a poppyfield, now weathered by frost and winter's breath. fancy would not be far, the buckskin decided, soaking dirt from her ankles in the frigid pool for a moment as she simply tried to relax.
17 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
he follows the horse, because the horse shits a lot.
bringing winged bugs and swift-flying swampdarners -
an entire ecosystem springing to life from a single ball of shit

he stalks the reeds behind her and picks off a few victims.
a mouse impaled by his beak, down the gullet.
once or twice a snake - his favorite meal besides seafare;
and presently, as she sinks her fat ankles into mud,
blue mist stabs a rutting bullfrog
tilts back his lethal face
and swallows that fat fuck whole.
Wild Fauna
119 Posts
Ooc — ebony
once more the bird.

he was comforting this time, a wild presence that posed no threat to selenia or her unborn. through the lawmaking of ruminants she should not try to even attempt communication.

but she was lonely.

"do you know my words, feathered thing?" selenia whickered, dark eyes curious.
17 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
the frog squirms down his throat.
they dont put up much a fight 
once stomach acid reaches them.

blue mist wades the stems of old summer grass,
his spear of a head lifting
as the horse whickers and speaks.

now he folds his wings
and stares
black china doll eyes resting on the endless liquid of her own.

did she truly just ask that question?
Wild Fauna
119 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"it's rude to stare, heron," selenia pretended to scold.

the mare whisked her tail to flick a nagging fly and bit the tops of several grasses. "we could be of help to one another."

alliances with others was not quite an equine thing to do, but selenia had been helped by elk and by bison now. why should a bird be different?
17 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
was it rude to stare?
he blinks and tucks his beak under his wing
preening a stray tertrial.

staring was a bird custom;
how many customs did horses have
without involving farting or squealing?

all feathers put neatly back in place,
blue mist elongates his graceful neck.
go on, then.
Wild Fauna
119 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he did understand! selenia peered with new eyes at the heron.

a well-placed kick knocked another chunky bullfrog half conscious, arcing neatly through the air toward this bird who meant to eat it.

"you stay with us. i can dig things for you and break the ice when the rivers freeze. in return, you fly. find horses for our band and watch for wolves."
17 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
what! his eyes widen
as a bullfrog arcs the air
landing only once 

before his head tilts
and he swallows that thing whole;
did she mean this, then?

he regards the mare
in a new glittering light
one beak clack in ‘yes’

now lunging forwards
in a flurry of feathers 
heaving him skyward.
Wild Fauna
119 Posts
Ooc — ebony
settled, then.

she watched him go, wryly congratulating herself on the grasp of ecology she had deliberately amassed. a horse's place was with other horses, but she would never discount the help she had received.

moving on, she ate in silence, a peace stealing newly over her relaxing form.