Blacktail Deer Plateau If just for tonight, darling, let's get lost
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Although nothing could fully allay her fears, Blue Willow did a good job of reassuring her. The Tau dipped her pale muzzle and said, "Thank-you, Blue Willow," when the Healer extended the offer of her services. "By the way, do you go by Blue or Willow or by your full name?" The question made her think of her grandmother, who insisted upon being called March Owl, not March nor Owl. Mo was okay, though, and that's how most knew her—including her own children and grandchildren.

"Well, it's late and my mate should be back by now, so I'd better head home before he starts to worry," Pied said. Home was, for now, nothing but her old hollow log. They wouldn't be staying there more than a night or two, as it was no place to raise a family. "His name is Kisu, by the way, in case you run into him. I'm not sure if I mentioned that..."

Giving the medic a last, sweet smile, the dappled two-year-old shuffled slowly away into the dark wood, heading back to the temporary den site. Mag took wing behind her, flapping almost directly overhead and roosting on the log when Pied eventually returned there.
Messages In This Thread
If just for tonight, darling, let's get lost - by Pied - March 14, 2014, 10:41 PM
RE: If just for tonight, darling, let's get lost - by Pied - March 18, 2014, 06:25 PM