Qeya River they fight like soldiers, they die like children
My heart connects with everyone on it's own. When they pull, it hurts.
382 Posts
Ooc — LordGir
He believed what the dark female said "Oh." Of course Reek would give his name. He started to believe Reek did that just so Esaro would take the heat from the Sleeping Dragons too. But in way that would be a good thing. If the anger is all directed towards him then no one else would have to suffer, He could live with that maybe. This wasn't the reason why he came here in the first place. Tavi's exact words came to him. She said that if he wanted to learn to fight he needed to challenge a wolf from Sleeping Dragon.

He rose his head with determination building up. He decided to explain the very reason he was here. "I want to learn how to fight! Tavi said I have to challenge you in order to learn so here I am!" He got a little brave, only because he thought to have a chance to learn something now. Dark female did hint that she would have killed him if he was an enemy but nothing happend yet. He remembered that she told him to go home. The only problem is that he didn't want to return back to the way he was. "I can't go home to a place where no one trusts me. If I change, even just a little, I can prove to them I'm not garbage." He stood there watching, even if he had a little courage built up he was still very nervous.
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RE: they fight like soldiers, they die like children - by Esaro - March 15, 2016, 01:56 PM