Qeya River they fight like soldiers, they die like children
My heart connects with everyone on it's own. When they pull, it hurts.
382 Posts
Ooc — LordGir
This whole challenge thing was starting to get confusing. Tavi said if he wants to get better he needs to go challenge someone from Sleeping Dragon. But now he is being told that that's not going to help him. If that was true then why did Tavi suggest it? He didn't like the idea that someone was lying to him. It was frustrating since all he is trying to do was improve himself. He wanted to trust everyone but the longer he stays the more it seems that he is only being deceived again.

The Dark female suggested that phoenix may not be the right place for him. Esaro was quick to agree but he forced himself to think on it before saying something. "It may not be the right place for me but that doesn't change the fact that I was saved by them. Even if the wolf who took me in has abandoned everyone, Even if everyone might be lying to me, and even if some treat me poorly, I still can't just leave." He took a little pause before continuing. "Abandoning them would be wrong. Instead I want to help turn Phoenix into a place that, not only I, but everyone could call home. Which is why I need to learn what I should have learned long ago."

He took a deep breath. "I came here knowing that if I did fight I'd likely lose, but at the same time I would have at least learned something if I survived. If that isn't how it works then what can I do to learn how to fight?" He asked. Back then Esaro stood against fighting but now he learned that fighting is necessary. To protect everyone from danger he needs to know how to deal with them. He kind of felt like the Sleeping Dragon was the only place he could learn from right now.
Messages In This Thread
RE: they fight like soldiers, they die like children - by Esaro - March 17, 2016, 03:12 AM