Redhawk Caldera Lost boys go to Neverland
286 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Having been set on the mission to try and track down the pup, Shrike had patrolled the borders and the lands immediately outside as much as he possibly could have, but for so small a creature, it had just been a matter of time and not crossing paths soon enough that the pup had managed to get far enough away that Shrike had not happened upon his trail nearly soon enough. When he'd begun his patrol, he'd been present with the option of starting in one direction, or the other. Something told him to go South from his current expedition- but surely Peter wouldn't have gone that far without being noticed, so he'd gone North, his conscience nagging him the whole time until he finally gave into it, turned atound in an uncharacteristic change of mind, and headed South. 

That little voice inside his head might've saved the pup had he listened to it, but fate was rarely so kind. It would only be in retrospect that Shrike would feel guilty for having not listened to that voice inside his head, but for now, he'd already forgotten about that nagging little voice. Call it foresight, or perhaps just a funny feeling, it's passed him by without being noticed much at all and heeded far too late. 

He caught Ferret's scent close by, and heard him rustling through the undergrowth, speeding away, and he thought nothing of it. Ferret was a quick, impulsive boy, and he half expected to be pounced by the young lad- but instead he seemed to simply speed off in one direction, almost as though being chased by something. It only struck him then that something was the matter, and when a high, mounrful voice reached his ears, his eyes sharpened. 

He felt shock sweep over him the moment he saw Eljay, curled up on the ground where there was a nearly indistinguishable pile of torn innards, blood, and tufts of fur and he knew at once what had happened. This was not the work of a natural cause, and he could smell the scent of a lone wolf, though said wolf would have already been long gone. He gritted his teeth and walked stiff-leggedly toward Eljay, touching his nose gently to the boy's cheek as he glanced just once more at the torn remains. The pup had been killed, parts had been eaten, and in haste, the stranger had left. The first image that flashed in his mind was that of Dingo, but the scent did not belong to that male. 

Anger boiled up inside Shrike, who could not bottle the surge of feelings any longer. A loud, vengeful howl cut through his throat like a sharp knife through leather, causing the hairs along his own spine to lift and stiffen. He strode away from Eljay then, saliva beginning to drip in foamy strands from his lips as he sniffed at the surrounding area, inhaling the scent of the female lone wolf, committing it to his memory. It fuelled his rage and he licked his lips to clear away the saliva before he turned to Eljay. 

"Gonna find her." He said hoarsely, his voice half growl. "Gonna go now." He said, and though he knew he probably should have waited for the alpha's orders, he would not let this scent trail go old. He would find Peter's killer, track her down and kill her. He shook with rage as he spoke those words, completely unaware of the reassurance the boy needed as he mourned the loss of the pup. But for now, all Shrike could do was concentrate on vengeance. He turned on his head, dropped his head, raised his tail and set off at a brisk lope as he pursued the female's trail out of the packlands, hoping his pace was faster than hers.

And that first kiss coming, let's just freeze the frame
Your eyes were closing, as mine were opening
Messages In This Thread
Lost boys go to Neverland - by Peter - June 07, 2016, 02:00 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Hedda - June 07, 2016, 02:32 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Peter - June 07, 2016, 02:39 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Hedda - June 07, 2016, 02:46 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Peter - June 07, 2016, 02:53 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Hedda - June 07, 2016, 03:00 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Peter - June 07, 2016, 03:08 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Hedda - June 07, 2016, 03:28 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Peter - June 07, 2016, 03:35 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Hedda - June 07, 2016, 03:44 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Eljay - June 09, 2016, 01:45 AM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Ferret - June 12, 2016, 02:20 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Shrike Redleaf - June 12, 2016, 06:30 PM
RE: Lost boys go to Neverland - by Eljay - June 13, 2016, 09:19 AM