ass that’s so vast i could block out the sun
65 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Eirlys IS trespassing at this point, just to be clear. ^^
I rolled a ten in Discord just now, per the pack forum information.

“Hiya, ya okay there?”

That voice! Something about that voice and that accent — Eirlys froze initially, but once she turned and spotted that familiar dark face and its bright ocher eyes, she catapulted forward like a rollercoaster car without functioning brakes. “Chusi!” she yelped, forgetting entirely that she was upset and maybe even a little angry that her big sister had never come home. She was lost in the euphoria that this time was going to be different — she mistakenly believed that Chusi had recognized her immediately! — and she ran right into pack territory, crowding the taller girl’s space with desperately loving whimpers and whines. “Chusi,” she wheezed breathlessly, excitement warring with the lupine equivalent of exercise induced asthma. “How come?” Her question probably sounded inane, but she plowed on regardless: “How come you didn’t come home again? Mama — and papa — oh, Chusi, and äiti — ” Quite hysterical, she stepped a few paces away to collect herself — and unfortunately for Eirlys, “away” meant further in forbidden territory.
Messages In This Thread
ass that’s so vast i could block out the sun - by Eirlys - February 21, 2018, 12:49 PM
RE: ass that’s so vast i could block out the sun - by Eirlys - February 22, 2018, 02:50 PM