The Heartwood beneath the cedars all my love i gave
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27 Posts
Ooc —

there was something foriegn and intriguing about this man.  in the same way she had been ensnared by the queerness of cortland's demeanor and pelage and before him, smokestep's domain, there was something powerful lurking beneath the priest's surface.

it causes warmth to raise in her cheeks; modestly, she averts her gaze and finds another ghost.  her eyes are full of sorrow as they meet cortland's, but she did not invite him.  he waas welcome if he chose but she did not want to steal the option of privacy.

i had never been, she admitted, i was taken by it.  but it was not for me.

her shrewd, almost coquettish gaze flit up to bore into the electric blues of the other before turning back to the ground.  i was from the forest.  and there i loved.  they were taken from me, she shuddered and sighed, and i had nobody.

she pointed her nose to the moon, but her eyes were closed.  so the first pack i came to, i begged to be let in.  i was taken with their leader; a man named smokestep.  he was.. the streak of hot silver that splits the heavens before a downpour.  but tonight —

she had fallen in love with a ghost and loved her tenderly beneath the moon.

i met my lovers beneath the pink moon.

when the sun comes up we'll be nothing but dust
Messages In This Thread
beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Ava - April 28, 2018, 12:13 AM
RE: beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Phocion - April 28, 2018, 12:34 AM
RE: beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Ava - April 28, 2018, 12:40 AM
RE: beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Cortland - April 28, 2018, 12:52 AM
RE: beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Phocion - April 28, 2018, 01:00 AM
RE: beneath the cedars all my love i gave - by Ava - April 28, 2018, 01:12 AM