Silverlight Terrace came across a cosmic serpent with hands woven into his hair
98 Posts
Ooc — hund
If Behemoth wasn't so exhausted, perhaps he would have held a more triumphant pose. As it stood now though, he was hunched forward panting in even rhythm to catch his breath. The boy had put up one hell of a fight.

Yellow eyes squinted softly (more form tiredness than actual frustration or aggression) as he eyed the boy who seemed to finally be giving up. Anyone teach you? He asked with a slightly raised brow. Did the boy have an actual teacher or was it all from puppy play tussles?
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
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RE: came across a cosmic serpent with hands woven into his hair - by Behemoth - September 17, 2018, 08:49 PM