Verdigris Ravine when i cut a belly open to find what climb out
105 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
I wouldn't! Not without permission, and obviously you want your pups!

He thought he had an easy meal when he'd first caught sight of her. When the chase began, she gained distance that Drusk was certain he could devour with his long legs and strong body. He had not counted on the sand being so difficult, given that he was not accustomed to running on so much sand at one time. He had not thought the fat body of the creature could be agile at all, but she held the advantage of knowing the land—and then she went for the rocks.

Surely she would slip, he thought. She signed her own death warrant by seeking out the exposed stone of the rising mesa! With one wrong step she would stumble and roll, and he would be there at the bottom ready to catch her—mouth open, drooling and hungry. Of course, the boy was wrong.

He got a mouthful of rocks as his target scrambled up, up, up, and the pieces that fell away beneath her frenzied steps were kicked back. Some smacked him in the face; a few hit him in the eye and Drusk could not help but wince away from the debris. Much of it smacked his snaggleteeth and he was left with a mouthful of limestone shards.

As he pulled back and spat them out, the dark creature got farther and farther away.

He stood there panting and coughing, and then groomed at the fur of his foreleg to dry and clean the dust from his tongue. After a few seconds of stillness, as the creature was too far from him to chase now or to catch, he turned his attention to the riverbed—and then turned around, seeking out the discarded hare's leg.

It was as if the chase had not even occurred. He grappled witht he hare's leg, mulling over his options for a few seconds as he chewed on it; then, keeping it as his sole prize, he began to stalk his way along the riverbed again. He had burned a lot of calories in that desperate attempt for fresh meat.

Better now to leave, and at the very least put the difficulties of the true desert behind him.
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RE: when i cut a belly open to find what climb out - by Drusk - April 03, 2024, 03:17 PM